In Love With The Fake Bride

C234 Xia Xia Had a Fever

C234 Xia Xia Had a Fever

2Good news? Bad news?    


Shen Xining and An Xin looked at each other and said at the same time, "What?"    


Wen Jinyan slowly said, "The bad news is that Hsu Lan and Old Madam Su are old acquaintances. Besides Hsu Lan, there are a total of seven judges. Three of them are Old Madam Su's people."    


An Xin was frightened and said, "Doesn't that mean that almost half of them are Old Madam Su's people? Dr. Wen, that... What's the good news?"    


After An Xin and Shen Xining heard the bad news, they became very nervous about the good news.    


Wen Jinyan continued, "The good news is that there are still three people who are Su Ci's men."    




Three of Old Madam Su's men and three of Su Ci's men were tied.    


That's not right. What about the other one?    


"The other one is, who is it?" Shen Xining asked with a frown on her face.    


"As far as I know, the charity will specially invite a master with two designs for clothing. He doesn't belong to any side. That is to say, if the two of you want to win, you must obtain the recognition of this master. But I heard that this master hasn't praised any designer until now." Wen Jinyan told the truth.    


Elegance pulled his long hair and paced back and forth in the living room anxiously. "A good competition has turned into a tug of war. Can't it be fairer?"    


"Elegance. The match is fair, but people might not be." Wen Jinyan nodded.    


Comfortable and powerless to refute.    


Shen Xining sat quietly at the side, feeling as if she was stepping into a swamp. Every step was very difficult, and there was even the possibility of being swallowed, but she no longer had a way to turn back.    


If she withdrew because of the injustice in her heart, this was probably the situation that Chu Yaruo wanted to see the most and even gave Old Madam Su an excuse to chase her away.    


Before the last moment, she could not admit defeat by herself. She touched the ring on her finger.    


Su Ci had already done this for her, so she should work harder and move forward.    


Shen Xining took a deep breath and smiled at An Xin and Wen Jinyan, "Now it is three to three. Speaking of which, it is also fair. Isn't it too early to admit defeat?"    


An Xin thought of Xiaxia crying and begging everyone to give her a chance. She looked at Shen Xining's smiling face and shrugged, "Shen is right. We are here to participate in the competition because we are not afraid of losing and admit defeat to those hypocritical people. No way!"    


Wen Jinyan looked at Shen Xining with pure eyes and the worry in his heart was swept away. He did not know why she had this kind of magic that could use her resilience to infect others. She could always smile the cleanest smile.    


"Dr. Wen? Dr. Wen?" He called out in comfort.    


"Yes, yes, what's wrong?" Wen Jinyan was too embarrassed to return to his senses. He lowered his eyes and his handsome face looked panicked.    


"I want to say it's very late. If you stay too long, I'm afraid Chu Yaruo will make use of this opportunity to make a name for herself. After all, you and Shen had a scandal before." An Xin reminded him.    


Anyway, in other people's eyes, she was a 'man' who liked men. There was no threat at all.    


When Wen Jinyan heard that, he got up and relaxed his expression. Then, he said politely, "I'll leave some medicine for Xiaxia. You guys can do it. I'll be leaving first."    


After saying that, Wen Jinyan left. He did not even dare to look at Shen Xining.    


When Shen Xining raised her hand to say goodbye, Wen Jinyan had already disappeared outside the door.    


He calmly pushed her arm and said, "Dr. Wen likes you."    


"Ah? No!" Shen Xining stopped in horror.    


" He looked at you differently. " An Xin laughed softly, "Don't worry, I won't say anything. Actually, your personalities are quite compatible. If you can really be together, you will definitely be a model husband and wife, but..."    


Shen Xining looked at An Xin doubtfully.    


An Xin touched her chin, "But it just so happens that they are too compatible, so it is calm instead, without any splashes. Sometimes, love needs contradictions, just like..."    


"Like you, you and Mr. Chi?" Shen Xining interrupted Comfortable.    


When An Xin heard Chi Lih's name, she exploded. "During the competition, don't mention Mr. Chi to me. It's inauspicious!"    


"Look, it's more contradictory." Shen Xining covered her mouth and smiled. "The more you don't want to talk about him, the more you want to talk about him. He always appears by your side."    


"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen. Wang Ba is reciting the scriptures. No, I'm sorry. I'm not talking about you, Wang Ba." As An An explained, she shook her head. It was especially unusual and she was very against Shen Xining's analysis.    


Shen Xining patted An Xin's shoulder, "An Xin, you really want to continue like this? Do you want to continue like this?"    


An Xin jumped up and refused to answer, "I'm going back to my room to sleep."    


"Good night." Shen Xining did not force An Xin to say anything.    


After returning to her room peacefully, Shen Xining took a blanket from Xiaxia's room and covered Xiaxia with it. She also went back to her room to sleep.    


But once she laid down, she closed her eyes and her mind was filled with Su Ci's face. The scenes that she should have, the scenes that she should not have, were all there. It made her so embarrassed that she could only pull the blanket to cover her face.    


In the end, she finally fell asleep under the interference of Su Ci's handsome face.    


In the end, she seemed to have just closed her eyes when she heard a sound of comfort.    


Shen Xining immediately opened her eyes. The sky outside the window was already bright. She hurriedly put on her shoes and rushed out of the room. She saw An Xin squatting by the sofa and anxiously looking for the medicine that Wen Jinyan left behind.    


"What's wrong?" Shen Xining asked anxiously.    


"Xiaxia has a fever."    


Comfortable words were unintentionally adding oil to the fire of the current situation.    


Shen Xining was stunned for a moment and quickly touched Xiaxia's forehead. It was boiling hot and her hair was wet.    


Not knowing if it was because of her touch, Xiaxia was immediately so frightened that her entire body trembled.    


"Don't come over, don't come over... Ghost, ghost..." Xiaxia shouted.    


An Xin quickly covered Xiaxia's mouth and looked out the window, "Xiaxia, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."    


Shen Xining came back to her senses and poured some water. She then took out the medicine left by Wen Jinyan from the bag and fed Xiaxia the medicine according to the dosage.    


An Xin frowned and said, "We absolutely cannot let Chu Yaruo know that Xiaxia is sick. Otherwise, Chu Yaruo will definitely let Director Xu chase Xiaxia away. At that time, the fashion designer that was sent over at the last minute will probably be their people again."    


Shen Xining nodded and got up to wring a towel to wipe Xiaxia's face.    


Now, the difficulty of her and an easy life had truly arrived.    


Who would design clothes that matched their jewelry with Xiaxia's fever?    


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