The System: Civilian Shinobi

[A meeting with the Hokage!]

[A meeting with the Hokage!]

3We enter the door of the building and head inside, the room was laid bare of all the furniture and just had a wall with a message written it…     

"If you lack 'Heaven', seek wisdom, be prepared, gain knowledge, and prepare yourself for the mission… If you lack 'Earth', run in the fields, seek advantages, and if you have both 'Heaven' and 'Earth'... you can succeed even in the most dangerous mission… These rules guide a ____ extreme..."     

'What is this, fill in the blanks...what are we supposed to do?'     

"We should open the scrolls, that's because the message says we both need heaven and earth..." That was Shino chiming in...     

'Meh! might as well try it...'     

I take out the Earth scroll and Shino tosses me the Heaven scroll, I open both the scrolls together… There is some kanji written in the form of a summoning seal…     

"Tobi-san throw the scrolls, why? because they are summoning scrolls..."     

I let the scrolls go and they roll out to overlap each other as I feel a familiar chakra signature summoned in the room…     

"Congratulations team 8 on passing the second exam..."     

Iruka-Sensei smiled a bright smile at seeing 3 of his students pass the second test in the chunin exams…     


"Thank god it's over..." I sit down to relax as Iruka-sensei began to explain the meaning of the message on the wall…     

'Hmmm.. Hokage-sama is quite the poet eh!'     

I stand up as Iruka-sensei said to follow him when an ANBU appeared beside him, "Tobi Shou, you have been summoned by Hokage-sama..."     

I nod as I turn toward my teammates… "Hinata, Shino rest well we still have 4 days, I'll be back in a bit..."     

The ANBU placed his hand on my shoulder to grab me before he used Shunshin…     


I stumble as we arrive at our destination… The room seemed to be the monitoring room as there were TV's connected to the camera monitoring the whole building… Hokage-sama stood in front of Sasuke who was lying on the table and Anko-san was standing beside him and Kakashi-san was standing beside Sasuke looking at the cursed seal with his Sharingan…     

"Ah! Tobi-kun you are here, Since you were the first to examine young Sasuke here can you tell us what you found..."     

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" I walk forward as he stepped back to give me some space to work around with… I place my palm over Sasuke's chest and the seal as green chakra lit upon them…     

'Mystical Palm Jutsu'     

'The condition is still deteriorating… we need to move quickly...'     

"The seal is trying to infect his chakra network and triggering some chemicals that induce rage and insecurity...The longer we wait more powerful it's hold will be on Sasuke, until he can no longer live without craving its power… The chakra pathways already infected with the seal are beginning to change...this is all a little too weird for me, but I would advise blocking this seal as soon as possible... "     

"Kakashi do the seal! I'll come to make sure everything's fine in a minute..." Kakashi-san gave a lazy nod but his actions betrayed his anxiety as he swiftly put Sasuke on his shoulders and used Shunshin to vanish from my vision…     

"Thank you for your help, Tobi-kun and I commend you to put everything else aside to help a comrade in need..."     

I did a quick bow and explain, "That is nothing but my duty Hokage-sama! if I may Hokage-sama?"     

He nodded at me to go ahead so I continued, "I flagged someone with Jounin level chakra reserves during the first test, his name was Kabuto Yakushi...Did anything happen with that..."     

"Ah! So Ibiki-kun was talking about you… yes, he is being monitored at the moment don't worry the village will take care of it… Thank you for your service once again Tobi-kun..."     

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" I did a quick bow and waited for further instructions when Hokage-sama said, "Cat, take Tobi-kun here to his team! He needs to rest for the upcoming stage… I have great expectations for you! Best of Luck!"     

I turn towards Yugao and as she placed a hand on my shoulders in order to use shunshin, I could feel another chakra signature in her belly…     

'Huh! That's interesting!'     


We arrive in front of a red door in a long hallway and I could sense the chakra signature of Hinata and Shino inside along with Naruto and Sakura in the other room…     

"Well Someone's been busy!" Yugao-san exclaimed as she rubbed my head…     

"You are talking to me!! I was gonna say the same thing to Sensei! You know I could sense the mini you in your belly right!"     


She smacked my head as I turn to glare at her…     

"Shush you! Hayate and I had something to ask you, but now you will have to wait..."     

"But Yugao..." 'And she's gone...I need to learn shunshin, or maybe grab everyone I talk to, so that at least I could get the last word...'     

I open the door and peek inside to find both Hinata and Shino waiting on their beds…     

"It's alright everything is guys wait I need to tell Naruto and Sakura that Sasuke is fine and just undergoing treatment..."     

"Can I come!" Hinata suddenly spoke up so I just sent her a nod and I walk back to the room beside us and knocked 2 times…     

I could hear scrambling as two pairs of feet tried to open the gate as soon as possible… Their excited eyes dimmed as concern flashed once again in Sakura's eyes but she still greeted me…     

"Hello, Tobi-kun, I want to thank you again for saving us back in the forest..."     

"No need for that! I just came from examining Sasuke and he is doing fine, Kakashi-san and Hokage-sama took him to get his seal blocked so you don't need to worry!"     

Hearing those words gave both of them some hope as Naruto once again got excited, "Jiji's got him we don't need to worry anymore..."     

I bid them farewell and made my way back to my room with only one thought on my mind…     

'How the hell can that Baka get away with calling Hokage-sama old man...'     

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