The System: Civilian Shinobi



0[B-rank??]     0

'...AGAIN!! How many people in this damn village needs their fence painted...'     

Currently, I and my team are standing in the Hokage office ready to pick up yet another mission. I glared at the notification that popped up.     

"Kurenai-sensei can't we take a C-Rank mission?"     

"...Tobi-kun, I did tell you we need to wait 3 months before taking a C-ranked mission right?"     

"But Sensei, we have been painting walls and fences and floors and roofs and...and...okay that's it for painting but taking dogs out for a walk, picking out apples, and that damn cat Tora...anyway you also said we can take a mission if we are strong enough and I think we can handle a C-rank mission..."     

Hokage-sama chuckled at my pleading look as he continued to puff his pipe and said, "...well looking at your records I can say you are ready for a C-rank mission, but for safety precautions why don't you clear the remaining 15 day period of your 3 months..."     


I hang my head at Hokage-sama's explanation and waited for Kurenai-Sensei to accept the mission. As Kurenai-sensei was about to sign the scroll to accept the mission a cute little brown pug with a Konoha headband and a blue vest ran into the room through the window…     


The atmosphere around the room changed as everyone tensed for a second at the sudden appearance before Hokage-Sama said, "What's the matter Pakkun?"     

"...Kakashi sends a mission report...He seemed a little anxious about the changes in the mission and wants you to change the ranking of the mission...He decided to continue because he believed he could complete the mission and give his team a chance to get used to the unexpected lifestyle..."     

With that statement, Pakkun gave Hokage-sama a mission scroll which he began to read…     

'...whoa so that's a summon...wonder if it will bite me if I try to pet him...'     

As I was Inching closer to the dog to try out my theory Kurenai-sensei grabbed the back of my shirt and gave me a sweet smile…     

'Abort!! Abort!!'     

I quickly back-peddle my way back behind Hinata and Shino as the awkward atmosphere around the room was released a little bit…     


"Yes, Hokage-Sama!"     

"Team 8 is hereby assigned to a reinforcement mission to help team 7 deal with complications on their C-Rank mission, according to the latest intel provided by Kakashi Hatake, the land of Waves is currently under oppression by a criminal the name of Gato, a shipping magnate and founder of Gatō Company, but according to the information obtained by Kakashi it is a cover for drugs smuggling..."     

Hikage-sama stopped before considering it a little and then nodding… "Your mission is to reinforce Kakashi and team 7 and assailants, as Tobi-kun is combat medic you are permitted to heal any injuries during the mission period, also assess the situation for any further attacks on the Gato company so that Anbu can handle the situation there...Any questions?"     

"Can we take the Intel Kakashi sent over..."     

Hokage-Sama threw the scroll to Kurenai-Sensei who started to read the intel, as soon as she closed the scroll it seemed her mind was made up as the mission notification appeared in front of me…     

[B-ranked Quest: Team 7 was duped by some false information and they are traveling to the land of waves under false pretenses...Your job is to make sure no member of the hidden leaf village dies in the attack...]     

[Rewards: 10,000 EXP and 50 SP]     

[Faliur: ???]     

'...shit just got real, at least I don't have to paint a fucking wall...'     

"Team, pack your bags according to the instructions provided and meet me at the front gate in 30 mins...this is a priority mission so make it quick..."     

After that, we each disperse towards the direction of our homes… I arrive at my room through the window…     

'Although mom gives me crap about it this is a case of emergency...speaking of mom...' I pack 5 sets of Kunai, Shuriken, my katana, and some spare clothes with some sealing scrolls filled with ration bars before flying down the stairs to the living room…     

"TOBI!! How many times have I told you not to run in the house!!!"     

"Yeah yeah, I heard you!! I need to go out of the village for an emergency mission...I'll be back in about 3 months...see ya!!"     



She suddenly hugged me tight…     

'What is up with women and their sudden bursts of emotions..'     

I patted her back as she calmed down a bit, she chuckled and wiped away a few stray tears before going back to her concerned expression, "Did you pack enough toiletries? What about clean Underwear? Do you need me to cook you some food for your journey?"     

I ignored the rest of her questions and patted her head a few times… "Will you stop embarrassing me, I am a shinobi now, I am prepared for everything, tell dad I'll miss don't give me that look you know I'll miss you too...not!" I ran away from her and out of the house…     

I went away from the view of her window as I was sure she was gazing out of it and double-backed from an alley to the rooftop and went back to my room through the window…     

'Of course, sensei will not talk about underwear, they are basic needs...stupid Tobi...'     

I went into my room and sealed up some toiletries and underwear into a sealing scroll before jumping out and rushing towards the main gate…     

As I was the first to arrive at the main gate I decided to browse through my stats and skills page while waiting for others to arrive…     

It took 12 mins of waiting for Hinata as she was the last to arrive before we all dashed out of the village at genin-level speeds following Pakkun as he led us far from Konoha…     

I look back at the fading visage of the front gates before concentrating on running…     

'If I die in my very first mission outside the life I'll die as a slob...'     

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