Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

So... Will you marry me? 

So... Will you marry me? 

2"Mom." I called as I saw my mother doing the laundry. "I told you to leave the laundry to the maids."      1

But she never listens.     

"Or you will end up with severe back pain in the future." I warned but all I received as an answer— was a smile.     

She ended up doing the entire laundry on her own before speaking.     

"Have you decided to take a break?" She asked, but I shook my head.     

"Not yet. I still have a little bit of work left." I answered as she washed her hand and walked towards the kitchen with me following behind.     

"So, why are you in such a rush today?" She asked which made me halt my steps and look at her.     

"Well… It's happening."      

This confused her as she looked at me with raised eyebrows.      

"Happening what?" She asked, as she took out last night's pasta from the fridge.     

You know what I am talking about." Saying that I sat on a chair with a smile plastered across my face.     

She was confused for a second but it didn't take her long to figure out my meaning.      

"You don't mean…"      

There was both shock and happiness on her face, something that made me happy.     

"Exactly what you are thinking."     

Well, she is going a bit too fast with her imagination — but she was on the right track.      

"When and where?" She rushed towards me, throwing the entire pasta plate in the sink.     

Damn it! I could have eaten that.     

"I am taking her out." I sighed. "I have booked a flight to Paris, so I won't be back for a while."      

"When are you going?" She asked, way too engrossed in the topic.     

"This afternoon so we should be there by nighttime." I answered.     

She took a seat next to me and smiled kindly. "You have grown." Her voice was soft. "I am proud of you son."      

She has said that a lot of times now… but each time it makes me proud.      

"Your father would have been proud to see your growth." Her voice grew softer and the happy smile morphed into a pained one. "He truly would."     

Father's birthday passed two days ago and I saw mother cry on that day… I haven't seen her cry in a long time so it came as a surprise to me.     

She missed him and I could understand. She loved him dearly as he was the only person that she had… before me.     

Her family died long ago and she was the happiest once she met my father, but she was left alone.      

I was the only person she had left… And I have been doing everything to keep her happy.     

But I know that there is nothing that I can do to fill the void left by my father.      

She looked at me. "Marcellus."     

She called my full name.      


She waited for a few seconds before answering. "After you return from Paris… there is something that I have to show you."     

She said, making me curious.      

"What is it?" I asked and she chuckled. "Patience. You will find out once you return."     

I was tempted to read her mind. But if it was something that would eat too much of my time or attract too much attention— I would rather deal with it after I return.      

And she must know this as well… which was the reason for her to wait till I return.     

"Then, I won't ask. But if it's something serious, you can tell me."      

She shook her head. "It's better if you first finish what you have to do."     


But I will wait.     



[[Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter]]     

S.H.I.E.L.D was launching next week and thanks to Marcel and Howard— everything was going smoothly.     

And because of Marcel making the arrangements for the launch, I was able to take a break.     

But truthfully… He is one interesting man.      

I have never seen him failing at anything. Everything that he says becomes the truth.      

At times, I feel that he is a seer but then I remember that I am an atheist.      

I waited in front of Marcel's company where we were supposed to meet. And as I looked at my watch, I realised that I was twenty minutes early.      

As I thought of the reason for coming here— a smile formed on my face.     

It was a date.     

Being a member of the National Defence while also working on S..H.I.E.L.D had left me with no time for romance.     

Now saying that I wasn't approached by others would be a lie.      

I was… and one of them was Howard. But I could never see him as anything more than a colleague. He was handsome but I didn't need my partner to be handsome. As long as the person understood me, respected me and cared for me… I would be happy.     

Howard couldn't do all of those and I had known him for the longest time... thus I could never see him as a romantic partner.     

But Marcellus…     

A sigh escaped my lips as I remember the countless times he didn't understand my feelings for him.     

Or maybe he did… but never wanted to reciprocate.     

Today was going to decide our future.      

I was going to ask him if he liked me.      

And hopefully, get a positive answer.     



After fifteen minutes, he appeared.     

"Am I late?" He asked, walking towards me.      

"Nah, I was just a little early."     

Well, over twenty minutes early…     

"Well then… Shall we get going?"     

He extended his hand.      

"Leave everything to me."      

I nodded at his request and placed my hand over his.     

He took me to the topmost floor of the building where we met his private pilot. We went to the roof where his private jet stood and Marcel guided me inside.     


The interior was magnificent, decorated in black and white with red at various places.      

It was cosy with air conditioners keeping the place cool.     

I sat next to him as the pilot got ready to take off.     

"I am glad that you could make it." He smiled before clapping his hand— a woman entered the cabin— no the lounge.     

"Wine?" He asked and I nodded.      

As I nodded, the woman poured us wine— which seemed very expensive. I was not a wine expert and I felt embarrassed asking about it, so I rather gulped it down instead.     

He made me promise to not talk about work during the trip so I was unsure of how to start a conversation. Using work as an excuse was the easiest way to do it— but unfortunately, I couldn't do it now.      

"I heard your mother's speech at the world assembly of fashion. It was marvellous."     

It was not work-related, right?     

He smiled. "It was. She is a great woman."     

Lady Sylvie is one of the most respected women of the current time. And I am certain that she is going to receive a Nobel Peace Prize soon.      

"So, what have you been up to recently?" He asked. "Other than work."     

A good question that had a one-word answer— Nothing.     

"Ermm… Nothing much. Haven't been able to give much time to myself."     

He didn't seem too happy about my answer.     

"I have told you that overworking would ruin your health, Margaret." He said, taking my full smile. "And forgive me for not saying this before but— you look stunning."     

He said in a matter of factly manner, surprising me.     

I had worn a red dress topped with black heels and a little bit of makeup. While he wore a simple black suit with… hair longer than usual— which surprisingly suited him.     

"Thank you." Calming myself, I smiled. "You don't look too bad either."     

He chuckled and we continued to talk about our lives. The conversation flew so naturally that it surprised me.      

The flight that should have been of a little over seven hours— ended in five.      

"We do have the fastest central approved private jet, after all."     

At least, that's what he said.     

Arriving at the airport, we were greeted by the Mayor of Paris— reminding me of how influential Marcel truly was.     

The country of France was at war but Marcel managed to gain permission to visit Paris despite that. We were guarded by multiple armed guards, however, Marcel promised that they were here till we reached our destination.     

I was worried about our safety but he had already planned everything, and I know Marcel… When he says that things are under control— they are under control.     

"Sorry about the inconvenience." He said as we reached our location and the soldiers left us alone.      

The location was protected so we were safe.      

"A war engulfed city— quite romantic." I teased which made him chuckle.     

"Indeed… there is nothing more romantic than explosions and gunshots." He said. "Well maybe other than this—"     

The city when we reached was dark, lights barely on— both because of the fear of attack and because it was a little early to light up the city.     

But as he said that, the place that we were at— lighted up.      

"Beautiful…" I mumbled, looking at the surroundings.      

The Eiffel Tower was glowing and so was the city.      

"Let's walk." He said, extending his arm… but this time, it was different.     

I locked my arm with his— which was making my heart race but I knew better than to show it on my face.     

"Why Paris?" I asked.     

"It's the City of Lights and one of the most beautiful places." He answered. "War is eternal, unless humans unite… which is very unlikely, war will always occur. And we cannot just live in fear because of war."     

I didn't say anything and rather decided to match his steps. He was a fast walker but because he was walking with me, he was very careful of his speed.     

"It's been so long since we relaxed, isn't it?"     

Yeah. I don't even remember the last time I was able to leave every worry aside and focus on myself. I am glad that he decided to bring me here.     

"We both are always focused on our work so it's a good change of pace." He smiled. "But even then, it's quite lonely to walk the streets of Paris without someone you care about."      

My heart skipped a beat as he said that, but I tried not to make that obvious.     

"That's why I am thankful that you agreed to be here with me." He paused. "There are very few people that I respect and care about, Margaret. And you are one of them."     

I was unsure of how to react, so I let him do the talking.      

"You have been the first woman that I was impressed by. It's not easy for a woman to climb up the ranks like you did… not to mention legally." He chuckled. "I believe the time we first met, you thought of me as nothing more than a cocky guy dreaming above his league."     

I… did. When we first met, I wanted him to join us solely because of his skills. I didn't care about his personality or his life.     

Now, I did.     

"Even I thought that you were just another cocky military chick."      

This surprised me. "Really?"     

"Yeah, I did."  He laughed. "But then I realised that it was just a shell that you had to appear domineering." He paused and looked straight into my eyes. "You are a kind woman, Margaret. A woman I respect and adore."     

Looking at my shocked face, he sighed.     

"We are both smart enough to realise our feelings. As we continued to work together, I realised that you were a great woman. A woman with a strong will and high dreams… something I respect."     

He continued. "I have never been good around women, whenever I talk to them— I always have a mask on. But Margaret, you are the first woman in front of whom I don't wear a mask."     

"That's… that's good."     

What am I saying!?     

"Before I knew it, I had revealed a lot of my secrets in front of you. Secrets that only I knew." He put on a soft smile.      

"And by the time I realised what I have been doing… it was already too late." He let go of my hand and stood straight in front of me— staring at me with caring eyes. "I couldn't help it." He walked closer. "As I had fallen in love with you, Margaret Elizabeth Carter… I had fallen in love with you."     

Blood rushed to my head as my vision became blurry while my legs became wobbly. I had seen this coming a while back but hearing him say that...had taken the strength out of my legs.     

He got on his legs, bringing out a small black box— which he opened, making me nearly scream in happiness.     

Exhibiting the diamond ring inside of the box— he asked.     

"I want you to be forever with me, Margaret." He smiled. "So… Will you marry me?"     

I lost track of everything around us. I had lost the sense of my surroundings as I yelled— "Yes!"     


[[A/N: 20 advanced chaps + other stories on Pat reon: Pat     

Marvel Facts: (1) Amatsu Mikaboshi is a Beyond Omega Level Threat that is the Japanese god of Chaos and for some reason hates the Skyfathers (he is chaos, so he needs no reason tbh). Oh and he ends up decimating the Olympians as well.     

(2) Awesome Andy or Awesome Android, as many might know it from the Spiderman animation— is an android that was designed to devour anything. It grows stronger by eating… And it even devoured Thor's 'Worthiness' in She-Hulk #14 (I believe).     

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