Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

The Hand (2/2)

The Hand (2/2)

3Daito, the possessor of one of the Sakkis— the sword of human's brutality… wasn't exactly a Hand member. Or at least not a legit Hand member, he has always been a member of the Snakeroot… which translates to 'Those Who Walk the Left-Hand Path.'      3

He was a major Daredevil and Ghost Rider villain.     

And now he stood in front of me— with the sword of brutality in his hand.      

It was a weapon that was often used to resurrect the dead… And some could only bring it out when they were in a life and death situation. But Daito was skilled enough to use it as an offensive item.     

"I will carve the truth out of you." The man… the leader of the Snakeroot, swung at me with his Sakki.     

Against the sword of brutality, my anti-metal claws were not going to work.     

But neither would his sword.     

Both the weapons clashed, which surprised Daito greatly. Sakki has been unmatched, and here I was— exchanging blows with him without suffering from any injuries.     


He was both amazed and worried as the greatest weapon in his arsenal was unable to strike me down in one hit.      

I waited for this long just to have Daito in Hand's base. Hand was worthless but the Snakeroot wasn't.     

He was good… no. He was great but compared to me, who trained under Fu Manchu— Daito was merely an insect.     

It didn't take long for me to overpower him. His skills were amazing but Fu Manchu's martial arts, anti-metal and wolverine's powers gave me the edge.     

Just as I was about to chop his arm off— I sensed someone trying to sneak up on me.      


Old… That was my initial thought.     

But I realised who he was.     

"Daito… Who is he?" He asked as Daito groaned in pain.     

"I don't know… But he knows about Sakki and for some reason… Sakki doesn't work on him. He is dangerous, Takashi."     

Takashi, one of the core members of Hand and one of the former leaders.     

But he is weak.     

I didn't wait and lunged at him with my claws. He tried to stop me but it was futile as my claws vaporised his iron sword with ease.     

"What is he?!?" Takashi roared but before he could escape, I kicked him in the gut— throwing him straight towards a pillar.     

"I am just a man trying to borrow your sword." I smiled. "That's all you need to do and I will leave you all alive."     

That's a lie. They are dying here… all of them.     

Clicking his tongue, Daito stood up and rushed towards me with Sakki. But just like before, I dodged the attack with ease and grabbed his face with my clawed hand. Anti-metal nails drew blood from his face as I slammed him onto a wall.     

"Now, the rest of the members have already been dealt with." I said, shocking him. "And you two are the only members left. But since the sword was with you, I decided to pay a visit myself."     

He gritted his teeth as Takashi tried to sneak on me.     

But the fight was getting boring, so without wasting time— I shoved my clawed arm in his abdomen, piercing a hole through it.     

He coughed blood and shook violently.     


With immense force, I pulled my arm out of his body as his limp body fell on the floor.     

Daito was shaking but there was nothing much that he could do about it.      

"Now… the sword?" I asked.     

He looked at Sakki and then at me. He tried to kick me but I grabbed his leg with ease.     

"Surrender." I said.      

Scowling at me, he replied. "Never, wretched beast." He yelled. "A samurai never surrenders!"     

Oh… I did forget about that. A Samurai never surrenders.       

"Then there is nothing much I can do." I sighed and slashed his throat, killing him instantly.     

The fight was pathetic, but I had no expectations from them. The only reason Wolverine, Deadpool and the rest fell… was because they had no information about Sakki. But I did.     

As his cold body fell on the ground, I looked at the sword— Sakki.     

"Finally… I got it."     

I might not be able to use it now and I will not risk using it. But once I have the power of the Sentry… Sakki will be my sword.     

The current me doesn't have the strength to face 'The Beast' that lives inside the sword. But once I become the Sentry. I will have enough power to face a weakened Beast.     

Victor, Absalom and the Sword Sakki. I have half of the things I need.      

The only things that are left… are two more immortals and the Sentry Serum.     



[[James "Logan" Howlett, The Wolverine]]     

Romulus, the one that calls himself my ancestor— had my son.     

For over five years now…     

I had trained like a madman just to face him. Even taking help from that annoyance called Jester.     

But it was because of him that I found out about Akihiro, it was also because of him that I now have the power to face Romulus.     

Now I was here, in the Himalayas… with new powers and past memories.      

Trailing Romulus would have been impossible. He is good at masking his smell… but he cannot hide the smell of blood that surrounds his lair.     

As I walked through the mountain range, I noticed trails of blood. And I knew it was not made by an animal… it was made by something much worse.     

Something worse than a beast.     

"Beast… heh."      

That word made me chuckle. It was a word that I was very familiar with… It was a word that I have been associated with many times.     

When I first awakened my powers, I caused the death of the most important person in my life… Rose.     

I cursed myself, I despised myself for that. I went into a blind rage, destroying everything that came in my way. And later when I had come back to my senses— it was already too late.     

In a way, I am glad that I had lost my memories back then. I lived a life of regret and pain… but even without the memories, it wasn't much better.     

But I am glad… glad I now know about my mistakes. And now, I can move forward and correct them.     

The weather was chilly— as snow fell from the skies, the surroundings got colder and colder. It was difficult to walk in the snow, but not as difficult as living away from your flesh and blood.     

I am coming, Bub. Your father is coming for you. And I swear that I will rip the beast apart.     

I will correct all of my past mistakes… I will correct all of them.     

Starting with Romulus…     


[[A/N: Was busy with my assignments. Another chap coming don't worry.     

Marvel Facts: (1) In a timeline… forgot what it was, Wolverine and Hercules made out…     

(2) Sentry once broke through the 4th wall to mind control the Writer Paul Jenkins to write about Void weakness… which helped him to defeat the Void. Talk about another level of Reality Manipulation.     

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