Marvel: Starting from the Bottom



1"You played me?" The grin on my face was my answer to her question.      1

Messing with such strong beings is one of the most idiotic things a person could do. But I did just that. Why?     

"You truly are impressive, Marcellus. You forced yourself to believe that time is the strongest element in order to fool me?" She laughed. "I definitely made the right choice."     

If not for the fact that this was just a fraction of her true self, a mere vessel… I wouldn't have dared to play this game.     

Time is good… No, who am I kidding? It's great. But it has its own complications. Time is an element that is extremely difficult to master and it can kill the host if there is even a little miscalculation… space is the same.     

But, there are countless dimensions in Marvel that can help me gain strength and abilities faster than ever. These dimensions are locked or separated from the dimension in which humans live in, thus making it nearly impossible to enter them.     

But with spatial control, it is not impossible.     

And the fact... about me killing others by going back in time. That's impossible.     

Unless I know that perfect timeline, which I obviously don't… It is impossible to carry out such a task. There are countless timelines and if I kill someone in one of those, there is no guarantee that the dimension was my own. It might be a completely parallel dimension that mimics our own.     

Time travel comes with its own time paradoxes and butterfly effects.     

Infinity kept on laughing. "You know… If it was another Cosmic Being, you wouldn't be alive right now." True, and I wouldn't dare to go against them. The only reason that I tried fooling her was because she's the curious type.     

Curious types are the most dangerous yet the most relaxed ones.     

"I wouldn't dare to do something like this with them." She raised a playful eyebrow.     

"And you dared to use something like that against me?" She's not angry, her expression says it clearly.     

"Of course, I don't. But you are the one who made me your champion… and not them." Her smile grew wide as I said that.     

"Kneel." I nodded and followed her order.     

"You, Marcellus, will be my Champion. And as long as you keep your promise, I will keep mine." She said and bit down her index finger... drawing blood from it.     

"As the embodiment of Infinity, one of the Abstract Beings and the keeper of balance. I, the being that governs infinity, accept you as my Champion, and grant you the control over space." She pushed her blood-covered finger against my forehead.     

The moment the blood touched my forehead, I felt my body entering a different plane of existence. I could see the countless dimensions, the realms, and even the various versions of the beings that I know.     

But that feeling soon went away as fatigue got to me. I started huffing uncontrollably.     

"That was an example of the powers that you will be able to wield in the future. For now, you can use only a fraction of it… but as you grow stronger, you will be easily able to access them." I was still on my knees, as the fatigue left me unable to move.     

She smirked looking at my tired self. "Your body won't be able to stay here for long. You should go... for now."     

"W-wait. You haven't explained the powers that I got…" I don't even know the way to access them.     

"You will have to figure them out on your own, my dear Champion." She said and snapped her fingers, making my vision go dark.     

"I will see you again when the time is appropriate." That's the last thing I heard before drifting into the darkness.     



[[Sebastian Shaw]]     

I want nothing more than ripping their hearts out… And Marcellus promised that I will be able to do that. I can act on my own but I know that it will mess things up. A single misstep and the entire plan will fall apart.     

"Are you alright, honey?" I am not. But I cannot let her worry.      

"I am fine, Lourdes. You shouldn't be out of bed yet." She adopted a kind smile.     

"I am fine. Just a little weak because of the blood loss, just as Marcellus said. If not for him, I wouldn't be with you...if he hadn't saved me back then." I nodded.     

It's true. If not for him, I would have lost both my and Lourdes's life. And for that, I will forever be grateful to him. Once this is over, I will stand by his side… just like he did when I needed help.     

"We will never be able to repay him." Lourdes nodded when I said that.     

"But we can be there for him when he needs help." Indeed we can.     

"We can… and we will."     

Marcellus, I promise to be by your side when you need me.     




Pain, physical fatigue, mental fatigue… I had them all. The only thing that I didn't have was confusion.     

I remember everything clearly. I felt a little different… but I was unsure of what exactly caused it. Was it the fact that I obtained a new power… or was it because of being thrown out of the dimension so suddenly?      

I don't know.     

My spatial manipulation is at a novice level and I am unsure of what I can or cannot do. As a matter of fact… I cannot even access it.     


"I have multiple personas. A multi-billionaire, a scientist, a mutant, and even a psychopathic villain. And if you want to be with me forever, you will have to get another persona as well." I patted my little panther, who purred cutely in return.     

"So, you need at least two more names… for when you will be with my mutant self and another when you will be with my Jester self."      

"What will be a good name for you?" I picked him up. I suck at names… So, the most I could do  was to hope that I pick a decent name.     

"*Sigh* Don't hold it against me if I pick a cringy name, alright?"      

Wait… did he just… nod? Nah, I must be half-asleep.     

I contemplated for a while. "How about… Mavros?" Mavros means black in Greek and I like the name.     

Mavros… Marcellus.     

"I am not sure how it sounds to the rest, but I like the name. Hope you like it too, buddy." He purred once again.      

It's a wonder how something this cute can turn into a dangerous predator.     

"We have a big day ahead, Mavros. We should rest before that."     

Tomorrow… Will be a new era for the Hellfire Club.     



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