Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

3[A/N: I could've released this chapter a few days ago but with how it ends I thought it would be better to have the next one almost finished, so expect another chapter this week.]     0


*Yuichi's POV*     

"Oh! It's you! I'm so happy you choose me!" was the first thing I heard from the boy with the Roman numeral 'V' on his neck as he appeared in the dimension I stayed in and looked around the area     

He noticed me directly but avoided eye contact, surely aware of my abilities, and made me think that it might lead to my victory.     

I just had to have eye contact with someone who can be wherever he wants whenever he wants...     

"Of course I had to, we have something to settle after all." I lied as I released my Tenseigan Chakra Mode coupled with my Sage Mode     

I knew he couldn't die no matter how many times I pummeled him, but it didn't mean that there isn't something to learn about his ability by doing so.     

I just have to kill him, many, many times.     

As such, I teleported in front of him, stabbing him right in the heart with my hand and making his body disappear before materializing 0.55 seconds later 55° to my right.     

Shifting my focus, I manifested a sword of chakra before slashing him, cutting his head while I noticed that he closed his eyes as soon as he reappeared.     

The same amount of time later, he reappeared behind me at a 165° angle, letting out "Geez, you don't know when to give up, do you?" as he was still leisurely standing     

I knew his goal wasn't to beat me, since he couldn't, as such, Isshiki surely asked him to occupy me for as long as possible... That's why I sent us to this specific dimension, a land of ice with active volcanoes where time was flowing differently.     

Hours here would only take minutes outside... I literally have time on my side, but I shouldn't let him know.     

Nevertheless, he once again appeared behind me at a 165° angle, making me raise my hand and causing his body to suddenly burst, the blood in his body being controlled by me as I no longer needed contact with it to use Blood Release on him.     

He then emerged from my left, an angle of 330° this time, so I raised my chakra sword and sent black lightning shaped like a bird toward him, exploding on contact and roasting his entire body before it disappeared again.     

'275° now' I thought as it was again on my left albeit further than the time before so I simply raised a finger and launched a sequence of light projectiles that pierced his heart, brain, and crotch because why not     

"Hey, that was mean! I may not need it, well, unless the boss does, but still!" the boy let out as he reappeared on my left again, a 275° angle, which made me look suspiciously at him, his devotion for Isshiki was stronger, or stranger, than I thought     

Despite his apparent 'outburst', he kept his eyes closed, so I decided to stomp the ground which sent a wave of ice spikes toward him, encasing him before I made it shatter with a simple movement of my hand, his body broken in pieces before appearing 110° to my right only to be taken in an explosion, making him vanish once more.     

'Eh, these explosive traps I made actually worked' I thought with a smirk as he reappeared behind me, with an angle of 220°     

"How shrewd." he let out with a pout, his expression telling me that he was enjoying my useless struggle against him before I used Banshō Ten'in to attract him toward me, impaling him with hundred of bones covered in steel coming out of it body     

This made him vanish and reappear with the same angle of 220°, so, as my chakra sword began to heat up, I dashed toward him and slashed before it could reach his body, sending a plasma blast that began to melt his body as it passed through him like butter.     

'He definitely is the perfect training dummy' I thought with a smirk that made him shiver when he reappeared on my right     

He hoped that my patience would run out, but unfortunately for him, I was extremely patient... And excited now that I had someone I could test my numerous, possibly lethal, techniques, just to see if I could use them against others or not.     

'This... Might be funnier than I anticipated' I thought again as I continuously killed him, making me wonder if he even felt pain, not that it mattered to me     

Nonetheless, I murdered him again and again, blowing, impaling, shattering, melting, poisoning, or cutting his body into pieces many times for a few hours, his confidence still intact as everything I did was for naught, or so he thought.     

'This should be the 550th time' I thought as he was eaten by one of my good old Triffid, the acid contained inside their body melting him almost instantly     

"You're definitely perseverant, not like those guys from the other continent." the boy said as he reappeared which made me frown     

"What do you mean?" I asked, my knowledge of the other continent being poor as I only saw it while I was on the Moon     

"Mmh... The boss told me it wasn't a secret... Alright! I was just saying that the people from the other continent surrendered quite quickly, it was fun seeing them struggle against us at first, but after the boss killed all inhabitants, it was boring to stay there." the boy said which made me frown as I now understood why the Ten-Tails felt so much stronger than Kaguya's     

'The other continent is already a wasteland..? I should finish quickly and help Kaguya, Isshiki might have recovered more power than I thought he would' I thought before shaking my head and reviewing what I learned during our previous exchanges     

After killing him so many times, I believed that I learned the 'rules' of his apparition.     

First of all, he always reappears 0.55 seconds after vanishing, regardless of whether or not he died, and how he did.     

He never retains any sort of damage when he comes back, and he's able to 'float' and thus not necessarily reappear with his feet on the ground, though he never appeared too high up, in fact, he only appeared high up when I was in the sky myself.     

What was important to notice however was that he always reappeared with an angle multiple of 55°, thus, he had six different points of apparition around me from where he died.     

While I could try that one on a sixth chance, I had to be careful because I only had one shot at using Kunitokotachi, since failing would make him wary and even harder to catch.     

Luckily for me, it looked like he truly followed a pattern, one that renewed every fifty-five deaths.     

As such, as I killed him one more time when he materialized on my right, I preemptively looked 165° to my right, almost behind me, and locked eyes with him as he reappeared, using Kunitokotachi on him as he didn't close his eyes yet.     

Once the space around us changed, the boy appeared unmoving in front of me, so I instantly changed the way his body worked, not by removing his Omnipresence ability since I wanted to absorb it through Suijin, and neither by killing him here because I didn't believe that it would be successful.     

And I was glad that I did it quickly because I sensed that something was amiss so I deactivated my technique and fell back as the boy was at close range and tried to pierce my heart with one of his daggers, both inside and outside my technique.     

'He could move outside while in my technique too? Now I know why Shibai was unbeatable, heck, I feel like this boy didn't inherit the full ability' I thought before hearing the boy said "What a weird technique you had, that's why Isshiki told me to avoid eye contact, well, now I know that I don't need to." as he smirked and floated around     

However, I made it seems as if I didn't hear him and began to look around me while saying "Where is he?" which made him frown and no longer keep a relaxed composure     

"What are you saying? I'm right here!" the boy exclaimed as I continued to look around before closing my eyes as if I tried to sense him through another mean     

"Weird, I don't feel him anymore." I let out as I even deactivated my Tenseigan Chakra Mode and Sage Mode making him even more doubtful     

"Stop playing with me!" the boy let out before dashing toward me with his daggers in front of him     

However, I didn't budge and saw him pass through me as if he was a ghost, making him extremely surprised and letting out "What's happening?" before trying to attack me once more only to pass through my body again     

While he tried another time, I sat down cross-legged and made it seems as if I was recovering chakra from our 'fight', one that was unfairly sided toward him... Until now.     

One thing I realized was that he didn't act childishly, he was childish... And because of that, he was also weak-willed, something I was currently taking advantage of.     

After all, I believed his ability could be resumed by one sentence: 'I think therefore I am', or simply put, as long as he believes he exists, then he will.     

So, all I had to do to nullify his omnipresence was to make him believe he no longer existed.     

"W-What's happening to me? Did I become a ghost..?" the boy let out as he tried to touch me only for his arms to go through just like before     

For dozen minutes, the boy continued to run around me, trying to interact with anything around us, but even the ground was no longer tangible to him.     

I sensed how his previously playful expression changed into a depressive one as he didn't try as hard as before while mumbling "I-I don't want to disappear, I need to serve Isshiki-sama..." while some tears dropped on the ground as he fell on his knee, barely floating in the air     

As I deemed him miserable enough, his will shattered to the point of not even caring about his surrounding, I got up, neared him, and laid my hand on his head before saying 'Suijin' in my mind, slowly absorbing him as he didn't even react to what was happening.     

The process of absorbing a living being with Suijin was normally extremely painful for my target, as such, the lack of reaction the boy had was good enough proof that he lost all hope.     

And as it was slowly over since his body liquefied before getting drawn to my right eye, I felt as if I absorbed more than just one individual somehow, something I believed was caused by his ability as he might have multiple instances of himself.     

'Mh? I can't use it directly..? It's been a while since I had to digest after using Suijin' I thought as I couldn't yet look into the boy's memories or use his ability, maybe because of how powerful it was since it originally comes from Shibai Ōtsutsuki     

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's not like I need it right now." I let out before checking how everyone else was doing in their fight     

'All Inners are dead aside from Isshiki... Let's go help Kaguya' I thought before leaving this time-distorted dimension     


*Third Person POV*     

In a red mountainous dimension constantly under a yellow sky, two powerful individuals were fighting.     

One was a beautiful pale-skinned woman with long sweeping grey hair that seemed alive, a Rinne Sharingan on her forehead with some blood dropping out of it, two brown horns albeit one was broken, and ash-colored bones coming out of her palms, one shorter than the other.     

Her clothes seemed tattered, and wounds could be seen on her body despite having a powerful regeneration.     

The reason? The man in front of her.     

While he first appeared as a young and tall man with a mohawk of black hair ending in a long ponytail, a seemingly normal human, only in appearance as he was modified biologically, and with the Roman numeral 'IV' below his left eye, right now the man standing in front of her was completely different.     

His skin was as pale as the woman's, however, he had short pale blue hair with a zigzag pattern surrounded by one long curving horn coming out of his left brow and wrapping around the back of his skull until his right temple where it came out.     

He also had a peculiar right eye, the Hōgan, a Dōjutsu previously exclusive to Shibai Ōtsutsuki.     

And unlike the woman, the man showed no trace of injuries, his complexion relaxed, even arrogant as he played with his opponent.     

"It doesn't matter how much you struggle, Kaguya... Your fate was already written in your genes as a low-caste of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, and it is to die today!" Isshiki said as he raised his arms like a megalomaniac, a smirk plastered on his face despite his usual bored expression     

"You would have killed me already if you wanted. I know you need me alive." Kaguya replied as she finished healing, her pride over her strength was shattered as she was outmatched by Isshiki     

Isshiki recovered a cold expression as he looked at Kaguya and exclaimed "You're right, I could've killed you many times if I wanted to... However, you're wrong about something."     

The next moment, Isshiki's eyes released a dangerous glint as he declared "I don't need you alive." before summoning thousands of long and pointy black rods pointed at Kaguya and surrounding her to the point of disturbing her chakra flow and usage of Yomotsu Hirasaka to transport herself away     

"After all, you aren't my target, just a disposable tool." he finally added before hurling the rods toward Kaguya whose eyes were wide opened as she realized she was wrong about his plan     

However, while Kaguya braced herself for the assault, no blood was spilled as she was suddenly coated by a massive wing with black feathers.     

The wing then unfolded and revealed a tall man with long white hair and black marking on his face who knelt and held Kaguya before letting out "Are you alright?" as the black rods were negated by the Natural Energy surrounding them.     

Before Kaguya could answer back, she instead exclaimed "Be careful! Isshiki's plan wasn't to get me!" as she was genuinely scared after knowing that Yuichi was the one in danger instead of herself     

Yuichi simply looked at her calmly while making sure Isshiki wasn't moving and ended up replying "Don't worry, I will." before patting Kaguya's head as he added "Go help the others, I will take care of him." then teleported her away before she could say anything else     

"Trying to protect her by sending her away? To reduce your chances of winning, love sure makes people foolish." Isshiki exclaimed as he once again smiled, a crazy smile as he felt himself being even closer to his ambition     

His gaze on Yuichi was one of obsession, of opportunity, as if he was the only chance he had to achieve godhood.     

"I won't deny that love made me do foolish things more than once..." Yuichi first replied as his body got covered in a pale blue color while getting up and then pressed a point below his stomach that made his hair crazy while his sweat now blue-colored evaporated in the air before adding "But it's also what's pushing me forward." and then disappear from Isshiki's sight     

Without wasting time, Isshiki summoned a black cube to his left as Yuichi reappeared there, but while he expected the extremely dense cube to block the incoming attack, Isshiki ended up being sent flying away as Yuichi kicked the cube with his knee and sent Isshiki along with it.     

This broke one of Isshiki's arms as well as a few ribs while Yuichi's knee also broke, though both regenerated their bones relatively quickly.     

Then, massive wooden roots came out of the ground around Isshiki and grabbed him, but as he was getting strangulated, he suddenly shrank in size and slipped away while creating black rods that stopped them from catching him.     

Yuichi, who didn't want to let him go, teleported in front of Isshiki who knew that he was done for if he stayed small, being not fast enough to evade, as such, he grew back to a normal size and took Yuichi's uppercut in his guts, sending him flying away before getting slammed back down as Yuichi teleported above him and did a spinning kick that broke a few more of Isshiki's bones.     

Isshiki was not enjoying what was currently happening, not unusual considering it was the first time he was ever put into some difficult situation, still, he was confident in his victory, as bad as his situation was.     

When he was slowly getting up, he saw Yuichi speeding up toward him and tried to stop him by creating hundreds of black rods from the ground to impale his opponent, unfortunately, Yuichi's maneuvers in the air were meticulous as he began flying through the rods until he reached Isshiki and grabbed him by the throat before surrounding both of them in Natural Energy-infused crystals to avoid getting backstabbed by one of these rods.     

"I admit, I overestimated you." Yuichi exclaimed as he indeed expected Isshiki to be a more difficult opponent, though his perception of strength was beyond abnormal as he was using almost all of his strength     

However, while he expected a proud man like Isshiki to get angry, the latter only chuckled before opening his previously closed eyes, gazing directly at Yuichi's, and exclaiming "It's time."     

When Yuichi finally met Isshiki's gaze, he took the opportunity to use Kunitokotachi, however, instead of sending both of them to a frozen space, Yuichi's Tenseigan Chakra Mode suddenly disappeared as he felt a stinging pain in his chest, forcing him to release his grasp on Isshiki's throat as his whole body ached, the blue sweat aura also vanishing.     

'What's happening? What did he do?' Yuichi thought as he was no longer able to control his chakra, in fact, it was going haywire inside of him and damaging his body extremely quickly     

His muscles also felt the backlash of opening the seventh gate, the Gate of Wonder, and since he couldn't use chakra to withstand the pain, it was unbearable.     

"Finally." Isshiki let out as he touched his throat, the marks of Yuichi's grasp disappearing as his body slowly healed     

"W-What did you do to me?" Yuichi asked with some difficulty speaking while trying to buy enough time to recover from his state as he was forced to focus on preventing his chakra from killing him from within     

"Me? I did nothing, you're the one who did this to yourself." Isshiki said as he broke the crystal surrounding them before pinning Yuichi with black rods in his arms and legs     

Considering the state of his body, this didn't cause him as much pain as he expected, he was far too confused by what caused this from happening after all, so Yuichi tried to think of a reason, but his short battle with Isshiki didn't give him any answer until he remembered something.     

"The boy?" Yuichi let out as he recalled the weird feeling he had when he absorbed him through Suijin     

This made Isshiki chuckle as he watched Yuichi struggle to stay alive because of what was happening in his body before saying "You're partially correct. You, you never absorbed an Ōtsutsuki before, have you? And I'm talking about a pure-blooded one, not any of those disgusting descendants of Kaguya."     

"I didn't... Don't tell me, Shibai? You made me absorb him fully through the boy?" Yuichi asked as he realized why he felt like he absorbed more than just the boy in front of him     

"Correct." Isshiki replied as he tapped his clothes to remove the dust on them before adding "I've observed you for a while and saw your ability to absorb your opponents through your right eye, I understood that this absorbed everything from your opponent, even a dried drop of blood from far away... So, by using Shibai's genes when making these homunculus as you call them, I made you absorb Shibai's corpse which I kept close all this time."     

"There is a reason why Shibai successfully achieved godhood without anyone preventing him to do so. You see, we Ōtsutsuki are ambitious, and therefore are capable of doing anything to achieve whatever we are aiming for. This also means killing a fellow clansman to absorb their power, and to prevent that from happening, Shibai created a curse causing chakra poisoning to anyone who tried to get his powers through absorption, something also applying to me and a few others." Isshiki started to explain which made Yuichi surprised as he didn't expect such a thing to affect his absorption technique     

"The other Inners were bound to die in no time because I used Shibai's DNA for them, as for you, since you absorbed his entire physical body, you should die from it soon, though the curse got weaker after his ascension." Isshiki then added which made Yuichi ask "You... Didn't use his DNA yourself?" between ragged breaths while looking at Isshiki's Hōgan more specifically since it was a Dōjutsu from Shibai     

"Me? While I modified my vessel's body to reincarnate properly, I didn't mix Shibai's genes into it. As for my eye... It's only hereditary, you absorbing Shibai's corpse wouldn't affect me." Isshiki revealed, startling Yuichi who didn't expect him to be related to the famed God of the Ōtsutsuki     

"Now, let's end this, shall we." Isshiki exclaimed before creating a large black rod aimed at Yuichi's chest     

"It seems like you failed to protect them after all." Isshiki added before impaling Yuichi and making him fall unconscious, his words echoing in Yuichi's mind as it was the last thing he heard     

"It's time to feed the seed, his transformation into an Ōtsutsuki should be slow enough to allow the tree to grow before it's too late." Isshiki let out as he dragged Yuichi's body with him out of this dimension     

While Yuichi suffered from chakra poisoning, his body was also changing after absorbing an Ōtsutsuki, and this possibility made Isshiki hasty since it was still Shibai's body out of all members of his Clan, making him the strongest sacrifice one could ever dream of for a chakra fruit but also a potential double-edged sword...     

But with Yuichi out of commission, it looked like Isshiki successfully achieved his plan, and if that happened, this planet was doomed.     


[A/N: I can smell the angry people already since the last time he 'lost' I got a wave of animosity... Anyway, while MC was stronger than Isshiki, I wanted to show that he wasn't powerful enough against Shibai, thus why MC's two Dōjutsu abilities weren't working properly and even led to this situation. Yes, MC is someone extremely careful, but he was 100% sure that these two abilities were unmatched and without fault.     

I want things to be spicy since we're nearing the end (Should be over in less than 10 chapters but who knows).     

I like it better this way than just beating the shit out of Isshiki so quickly, and since MC is OP, this was the solution I found instead of using his family as a weakness when he made sure that his children would stay safe, wouldn't make sense to do it this way.]     

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