Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

2As I was still looking over Origins base progress, I sensed three familiar chakra signatures at Konoha's entrance.      3

'They are finally back'     

I knew they had to go and report to Hiruzen, so I didn't go directly but still had to wait for them outside of the Hokage Office.     

After a while, I heard "Finally! We can rest after all this trouble..."     

Leaving the Office, I first saw a tanned man with spiky hair, which was stretching himself, followed by a pale androgynous man who was surprised to see me before waving.     

Then I was suddenly greeted by a falling kick to my head that I blocked with my arms.     

"OH YUICHI! I'm glad you are back!" eagerly said a tall, already bearded, muscular man in a green bodysuit     

"Likewise Dai." I said smirking before he starts giving me a bear hug     

"Hey, I know you are happy and I don't mind the hug but stop being so emotional!" I said as I saw some tears of joy and snot getting on my shirt     

Then Jiraiya came near me as he said "Nice to see you again, though I won't welcome you as this dude did."     

I smiled and before I could say something he started whispering "D-did you encounter some beautiful women? I need to know where... For research purpose, of course."     

"I can give you some places where there are some pretty ones." I said raising my hand for a fist bump     

"Ooh! Thank you!" he replied as our hands bumped     

"I hope Tsunade won't know about you knowing where you can find beautiful women, Yuichi-san." said Orochimaru with a sly look     

My smile disappeared hearing him before saying "If you say anything that can bring a misunderstanding between us, you won't ever have access to anything interesting I found."     

His sly smile also disappeared as he replied "It was just a joke of course. But I take it as you found interesting stuff."     

"That I did." I said shaking hand with him "Good to see you again, we will have a lot to talk about."     

"Oh yeah, when did you come back?" asked Jiraiya as I was still facing Orochimaru     

"Some weeks ago, Tsunade told me you three were out on a mission, how was it?" I replied as both Dai and Jiraiya flinched     

"Oh it was fine, Jiraiya and Dai did something that made the mission longer, but a little help from me was enough to go back on track." Orochimaru said with closed eyes     

'So I was right pitying those idiots'     

"What did they do?" I asked while both of them started whistling     

"Well... Our mission was going well until they decided to go through a forest, as a team, I had to follow them but this was a mistake, we got lost in the forest because of a strange phenomenon that made us move in a circle inside it... For weeks." he said as I could hear his annoyance     

"W-well thanks to that we could pass more time outside of Konoha and spar, right Dai?" Jiraiya said trying to find a good reason     

"U-uh, yes of course we did." Dai replied nervously     

"We could go back to Konoha two weeks ago if it wasn't for that..." Orochimaru finally said     

I put my hand on his shoulder and said "My condolences." thinking of how hard it is to have two highly energetic guys as teammates     

"Anyway Yuichi, I really want to have a battle with you, I am not the same as before!" boasted Jiraiya trying to change the subject     

"I won't leave for any mission for quite some time so we can spar once in a while. Same for you Dai." I said as Dai started to open his mouth to ask the same thing as Jiraiya     

"Can we fight now?" asked Jiraiya eagerly     

I sighed and said "Alright, let's go to the nearest training ground... I thought you would want to rest after finishing your mission."     

"Never tired enough to spar!" he let out as he did a 'V' sign with his right hand     

"I guess we will talk later Orochimaru." I said to which he nodded     

"I already know the result so I will leave you two." Orochimaru said smirking     

"And I promise to train with you later Dai." I said comforting the hairy young man     


Cracking my neck as we were facing each other I said "I will be nice and let you do the first move."     

I didn't bring my sword with me for this sparring battle, but I don't need it.     

"You will regret that one!" Jiraiya said smirking before biting his finger and after doing hand seals, he pressed his hand on the ground     

Then a giant puff of smoke appeared and I could see a massive shadow behind.     

"Uh? Who's the b*stard that called me?" a grumpy voice said inside the smoke     

"It's me Gamabunta! I need your help in a battle against him!" Jiraiya said pointing me as I saw him on top of something     

The smoke disappeared and I could see a giant dull rusty red colors frog, with a scar on his left eye, a blue vest, and a massive blade at his hip.     

He seemed annoyed by Jiraiya but still looked toward me.     

{Long white-haired, blue eyes with a unique flower pattern and effeminate looking young man...It's fitting the description Ōjiji-sama told me.} I heard him thought     

'The Great Toad Sage is looking for me?' I wondered     

"So Jiraiya, you summon a strong Toad to simply spar against me? Let me play this game fair and square too." I said as my bracers moved before shapeshifting and growing in size equivalent to the frog     

"It's been a while since I was allowed to grow this size." said Shiromari in a deep voice     

Shiromari's true form was an incredible sight, when he's in his Chibi state he looks cute but right now, he's fierce-looking, mostly due to its size, but almost looks like a dragon that... Missed the evolving session.     


As both of us were on top of our summon, and most of Konoha could see them from afar, I said "If you want a summoner battle then I definitely can."     

"You got a summon while traveling?!" said Jiraiya surprised before continuing "It doesn't matter, Gamabunta is super strong!" as he tapped the frog's head     

"Uh? You b*stard, I told you to not summon me unless it is truly important! And I won't fight against this guy, even less while he's accompanied by a chameleon!" said Gamabunta     

He's good at gauging the strength of his foes and won't try to fight against them if they don't harm his kind.     

"Eh?" Jiraiya said as Gamabunta grabbed him from his head     

"Thought I have to thank you Jiraiya, Ōjiji-sama want to see this guy one day, I didn't expect to find him so soon." he said as he put him on the ground     

"So, no Kaiju fighting?" I said disappointed on Shiromari's head     

"I don't know what that is, but I won't stand a chance against both of you. At least, when you feel ready, come to see Gamamaru-sama at Mount Myōboku." he said before vanishing, letting the poor Jiraiya almost out of chakra and without summon     

'I already need to go and see Katsuyu'     

I knew they got their personal summon thanks to Tsunade, who showed me a little Katsuyu that also asked me too talk with her one day.     

Hiruzen gave them the possibility to form a summoning contract as a reward for becoming Jōnin.     

Though, for now, only Jiraiya visited his summon's living place.     

I then looked at Jiraiya who was so small from where I was, smirked, and said "So you wanted to do a two versus one against me at first, right?"     

He started sweating and said "N-no of course not, I just wanted you to see my new companion."     

"Then I will show you what mine is capable of. Shiromari, send him far away please." I said as Shiromari started provoking a powerful blowing wind toward Jiraiya     

It wasn't made to hurt him, but I know he would need to land properly wherever that would be.     

"Well, it would be a shame to let you grow this size without fighting Shiromari, want to spar a little with me?" I asked him as I stroke his head     

"I would like to, Yuichi-sama." he replied before I jumped to the ground     


*Some months later*     

*Knock Knock*     

"Come in." an immersed voice said     

"So, anything you find interesting, Orochimaru?" I asked the currently researching pale young man     

I told him about Origins, as well as how I made a place where he would be able to experiment without interference, with some limitation of course.     

The place was completely cut out from the real world, by using a space-time Fūinjutsu barrier to not let anyone who has great sensing or watching ability see what's going on.     

"...If I could get another Dōjutsu, it would be better." he replied     

"I already told you, I will not agree to harm anyone from the village unless they become missing-nin... And I will only give you Byakūgan and Sharingan of dead people, you need to be patient because it will happen one day or another." I said massaging my temples     

"...We humans don't even have enough time." he replied with a face devoid of any emotions     

'Already thinking about becoming immortal uh'     

He had a twisted personality since young, and in the canon, he may have started experimenting later but only because he didn't have any support early on.     

"We will find a way, I already give you some human experiments only if they are not from Konoha." I said making his eyes light up     

He knew that I was aware of his goal, learning every Jutsu in the world and how he could do it, by getting others' DNA and attaining immortality.     

'I honestly would have done the same if it weren't for my wish'     

He also asked if he could get some of my DNA but before I did, I said it wouldn't work at all.     

I had on my wish the inability for others to get their hands on my DNA, meaning that it wouldn't be studied, I wouldn't be cloned, and also nobody would be about to copy or steal my powers.     

For someone as cautious as me, it was obvious that I would write this in my journal.     

So if my blood falls on the ground, it will evaporate, and any strand of hair, or skin or whatever would vanish.     

This can be deactivated, mostly for reproductive purposes.     

'Thought thanks to him, I was able to find some of Hashirama's cells without profaning his grave, because I remembered that Danzō got his hand on them at some point... And I found some in the Senju Clan compound'     

I let him research more on the Eye Medicine Plant as well as other specimens I gathered during my travel.     

He also researched in a more secluded place the meteorite and its peculiar chakra, mostly to find a cure and be able to use it without drawback.     

His human experimentation also slowly started, and he would always tell me what he discovered.     

'At least, he shouldn't become a Missing-nin that soon in the future, maybe'     

Because of my presence, he had in this life a friend who wasn't disgusted by what he does, but also interested in what the world can offer.     


*Somewhere far from Konoha, unknown time*     

*??? POV*     

"Oh? You're back." a voice I had to bear with for years said     

"Yes." I replied with half my body still inside the ground     

"You were gone watching the boy again as I told you?" he asked as he was currently resting on a recovery bed     

"Yes. I had to make sure about multiple things related to him, at least since I sensed him awakening the Sharingan... And more." I said     

"So in the end, do you think he would be useful... Or a threat to my plan?" he asked getting up, with all the cable keeping him alive moving along     

"He shouldn't be a threat, and he will be useful later on, he has an enormous chakra capacity that will be helpful for the last step of your plan." I replied to his inquiring     

"A pity, if I could awaken the Rinnegan sooner he would have been the perfect assistant for me." he said sighing     

"We can't use him as a pawn indeed, he has something weird going on with his emotions, I feel like he doesn't feel them but always put an act... We can't take control of someone like that who doesn't care about anything." I said     

'He would only be a threat if he gets his hands on your's and Hashirama's DNA or chakra... But why would he try to without knowing about the Rinnegan'     

"And the more he knows about the Rinnegan, the more dangerous it could be for us... We need to avoid any interaction with him." he said with a serious face     

'There is another reason as to why you don't want to kill him, but you are hiding the truth to yourself'     

"Yuichi Senju... No, I should say Yuichi Uchiha. If he can live until I am revived, I may allow him to fight me. The fact that he has Wood Release, I will have to take care of him myself if he brings shame to Hashirama's name." he said as he madly smirked     

'And I also need him to replace you as a pawn in case you will fail my plan' I thought as I disappeared from Madara's sight     

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