Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

0[A/N: If I see a comment that has the word 'cringe' at some point in this chapter... I'm sending the firearm knights to you, so cease your heresy :)]      0


"Hokage-sama, the shinobi deployed at the Land of Rain are back." a female ANBU told me as she appeared in the Hokage's Office     

"Great." I replied before going back to the paperwork I had to take care of since I got here     

The ANBU was surprised at my lack of reaction and couldn't help but ask "Are you not going to greet them? Your wife is there too right?"     

"Uh? The real me is surely already in front of h- them the moment he knew about it, but not me since I don't have any reason to go, Aiko-san." I replied to Kakashi's mother     

Kakashi was two years old and that was old enough to let her go back to work, she could have stayed longer at home but she was kind of a workaholic.     

She had a dog mask that covered her usual dark eyes and her second face mask under it that Kakashi already started wearing as well.     

Only her long blonde hair stood out since she wasn't well endowed.     

She understood and was surprised that I was a clone who took care of all the paperwork since Hiruzen never did so.     

"Although I am not going, you should go and meet Sakumo, you know." I said before she replied "I cannot involve my personal feelings while I am working."     

I chuckled and declared "Then, I order you to go and meet the leader of Konoha's troops from the Land of Rain frontline, and bring him here."     

Even if she had two layers covering her face, I knew that she smiled as she replied "Yes, Hokage-sama." before vanishing from the room     

'Now back to the topic' I thought as I shifted my gaze to my desk     

Kumo and Kiri did not join the war at all since I prevented them from doing so, while the Mizukage and the Raikage sent a 'peace treaty' to me when they heard that I became the Hokage.     

It was more of a 'pact of non-aggression between us.     

Killer B wasn't there when I destroyed Kumo, but when he came back and learned what I did, he let the Eight-Tails out from the resentment he felt against me but was surprisingly able to stop the rampage by himself.     

Also, even if Hiruzen and the entire council agreed, and made me, the Hokage, I had yet to be officially made so for the civilians.     

The inauguration would be held once we are at 'peace', but more importantly, it will be followed some weeks later by the funeral of everyone who died, with Hiruzen's death being the main circumstance.     

'And I will be doing a speech about him' I thought with a small chuckle since it couldn't be more ironic     

We also had a complete victory against Iwa the moment I took the lead, winning every skirmish they forced on us to the point of invading their Land in return.     

Ōnoki was made the Tsuchikage and, as stubborn as he is, couldn't accept the fact that a 'youngster' like me was capable enough to lead Konoha to victory against them.     

But when he realized or was surely made to realize by Iwa's elders, that I was truly capable of leading Konoha to the point of destroying their village, he surrendered.     

As such, I could ask for something as the winner.     

Honestly, Konoha didn't need anything related to money, and the removal of every shop I opened in their country will make a huge blow to their economy.     

He was surprised when he learned that they were all mine, and regretted the investments they made in them since it helped Konoha even more.     

I mean, when the best restaurants, jewelry, and carpentry shops in your country leaves, the Daimyō took his anger out on Ōnoki.     

One of the spoils of war was acquiring the Four-Tails who will not be given back to them.     

I also asked for the Kamizuru Clan hiden which made it possible to control bees, which he ended up giving at the same time as he exiled the Kamizuru Clan who failed every skirmish they led the moment they faced someone from the Aburame Clan.     

I also learned that Suna started fighting against Iwa, giving up on any idea to face Konoha again in this war.     

I didn't intend to invade the Land of Wind if they don't try to assault us anymore.     

The only news that I was waiting for was from Hanzō since our troops completely left the Land of Rain.     

In the end, it would mean that Konoha will leave the Second Shinobi World War after only two years.     

'It started one year sooner than it should have but ended faster as well' I thought since it should have been over in two years if it started like in the canon     

One last thing that worried me was the Land of the Sky which didn't make a move yet for some reason.     

'They are surely waiting for the moment we are not expecting to be raided' I thought as I did need them to approach so I could get my hands on the Zero-Tails     

Shikuro would notify me the moment he senses the cocoon that he left there show signs of moving.     

"Now that I am done with this, let's see what do I have to do next..." I said as I started looking over one of the several piles of paperwork left     

Being a Wood Shadow Clone gave such an advantage for the real me since he could receive the information little by little, or at once if he wished.     

*The Real Sl- Yuichi's POV*     

I knew that Tsu- *cough* Konoha's troops were back from the war against Suna and Ame since one of my clones followed them.     

So I instantly stopped reproducing one of the tailed beasts' chakra and teleported above the main entrance.     

I could sense that their mood wasn't the best since they all learned on their way that the Third Hokage died in a battle.     

This was still mitigated by the victory of the village, and the news about who the Fourth Hokage was going to be.     

I started flying over them using my chakra wing before shouting "Welcome back home everyone! You will finally get a well-deserved rest." as I was clothed in a black, red, and white male kimono, with the Hokage's hat on my head and its well-known white and red colors     

They were all looking at me as I was landing in front of Sakumo who was leading them.     

"We lost many friends and family in this short yet terrible war, but never forget that nobody died in vain... Some of you may still be alive because of their sacrifice." I declared as I made my voice heard by everyone     

"And it is thanks to everyone that Konoha can know peace once more." I then added with a beautiful smile while I couldn't help but take a few glances at Tsunade which didn't go unnoticed by her     

Sakumo, albeit tired, smiled and began to kneel before announcing "We are back, Hokage-sama."     

Everyone behind him then started kneeling in a massive wave motion.     

To see thousands and thousands of people kneeling in front of you was such a strange feeling.     

I can't lie and say that it wasn't enjoyable.     

"I won't force you to stay like that any longer, get up and feel free to go back to your house." I loudly announced as I sensed an ANBU appearing near me     

I then added "Sakumo, follow this ANBU to my office and give me a report there." with a lower voice compared to before     

He obviously knew who the ANBU was so he smiled and replied "Yes, Hokage-sama."     

Everyone started leaving the place to get back to their house, except for Orochimaru and Tsunade who moved towards me.     

There was also a guy with long light blue hair that seemed jealous of my role.     

'Dan Katō stayed alive uh... Well, if you want to be the Hokage, you will need to beat me' I quickly thought before shifting my gaze to Tsunade     

I was holding back my urge to tightly hug Tsunade right now since I didn't know how far both of us could go if it happened.     

"Jiraiya didn't come back?" I asked worried as if I didn't saw anything that happened on their side     

Orochimaru was the first to answer "He chose to stay at the Land of Rain to take care of three children."     

"Hn." Tsunade simply muttered as she looked at me with the same urge as mine     

Orochimaru then looked between the two of us, smirked when he saw our eyes, and said "I will go back and rest for today… I shall talk with you later, Hokage-sama." before vanishing     

The moment he wasn't here anymore, Tsunade instantly rushed into my arms that were wide open, resting her head on my chest as she took a deep breath.     

"I missed you so much..." she whispered as she tightened her hold on me, which may have killed someone without a tough body     

Laying one of my hands at her back to hold her and the other to gently rub her face, I replied "Likewise Tsunade..." before lowering my hand on her chin so I could fully see her beautiful face in its entirety, by making her look up at me     

"..." both of us kept our mouth shut, but seeing her gaze that was full of affection for me, I couldn't help but push my head to steal her lips     

Right before I could touch her lips, I teleported us into our bedroom so we could be in private and not be interrupted by some civilians around.     

And the moment we appeared in the bedroom, we started kissing, our eyes closed and our tongues played with each others'.     

"Mmh~" moans could be heard since we couldn't really help it, our lust was showing more and more since we didn't see each other for two years, our young age being a huge driving force too     

I was 27 years old, while Tsunade's 27 birthday was coming soon.     

After what was a long make-out session and when I felt that both of us would go further, I abruptly broke the kiss which made Tsunade look at me in a stupor.     

My look became more serious as I said "As much as I want to feel you too, there is something more important that you didn't tell me right?"     

She seemed to understand what I was referring to as she bit her lower lips while looking away, but before she said anything, I added "How many?" which made her turn back at me.     

"How many years did you lose by opening your seal?" I asked again with a more pressing tone     

"I... I used ten years." she replied as she tried to not look into my eyes again     

I didn't expect the war and more importantly the fight against Hanzō to have taken so much of her life force.     

She did completely heal both her teammates, but shouldn't have taken so much damage because of the chakra armor she materialized.     


Unless the armor was constantly consuming more chakra so the poisonous gas couldn't go through.     

She asked in a low voice "How did you..?" but before she could add more, I replied "I know that you are using a bit of chakra to keep your appearance as if you were still 26 years old."     

"But... Wouldn't it makes me look too old for you?" she asked worryingly     

As I gently brushed her hair that was hanging on her forehead and while my eyes softened at her vulnerable voice I replied "Be it ten or twenty years, it doesn't matter to me since I would never stop loving you... I'm even curious as to see how would you look while being 36 years old, I'm sure you will be as stunning as ever." with a teasing smile growing on my face     

She giggled, took a step back which made her leave my embrace before ending the technique that changed her appearance.     

Her clothes which were still her clean war attire started to be too tight for her as her chest became even bigger, her thighs slightly thicker by gaining muscles and her skin had a different yet enjoyable smoothness, but nothing was disproportionate at all, she looked like a mother you wouldn't expect to have given birth.     

'I may need to inhibit my emotions a little' I thought as I could feel something rising     

"So... How do I look?" she said with a voice that felt more mature, fitting for her current appearance, before taking off the armor plating she had since it was uncomfortable     

"Honestly... I didn't know that I could love you even more. My meter was already full, but now it's gone past the ceiling." I said being completely sincere since she was really stunning, I couldn't stop devouring her with my gaze     

She giggled before replying "Since when were you cheesy." before taking my hands and bringing me to the bed     

As we approached the bed, I suggested "You know, I wanted to give you back the life force you lost, and even more, since I discovered a way to do it without harming me... But you don't mind if I take care of that tomorrow?" with a smile when I said the last part     

She knew that I would give her my life force, which is why she didn't tell me at first since she didn't want me to lose any for her, but didn't expect me to say that I could now do it without harming myself.     

She smiled back at me and started taking off my kimono, which meant that tonight *cough* it's only the afternoon *cough* will be the first night we finally have together in two years.     

*The next day*     

As both of us woke up a while ago, she started talking about what she accomplished or saw during the war as we were cuddling underneath the sheet.     

I knew all of it since my clone was watching over her in case she would be at death's doors... And because I couldn't help but be worried for her.     

I then briefly talked about what I had done, and more importantly that a new kid who had a tailed beast was now living under our roof, after I saw what other humans did to her.     

When I said that she exclaimed "You sure are protective to children..." as she was resting on the side of my chest her finger trailing on my upper body     

I pretty much felt the true meaning of that sentence so as I was brushing her hair, I said "You know what... Now that we are at peace, and hopefully for a while... Let's have a child." to which she looked up at me with a blissful smile and suddenly kissed me     

Our last night won't make her pregnant since we did as usual to prevent it, but I just announced that next time will be the one.     

As our lips parted with each other she happily said "We have to think of a name right?" to which I nodded so she continued "Then if there is a boy, I will choose the name! And if there is a girl, it will be your choice."     

I smiled and replied "That is great... But if there is an Orochimaru, what happens?"     

She giggled and said "If that's the case then let's both think of a name that will be suitable."     

I chuckled before replying "Then it's decided. But before that, just wait for the Hokage's inauguration and the funerals so this war can be considered settled."     

"I guess that's fair." she replied as she climbed on my chest showing me her full beauty before changing the subject "Yesterday, you said that you could give me your life force without it being harmful to you? Is it true?"     

"Of course, why would I lie about that? I found a way to get and give life force with ease... I will be able to give you enough so that using your Seal wouldn't make you any older, and to the point that we could both live for a long time while naturally keeping our younger appearance."     

"So... How can you do it?" she asked as she started teasing me by caressing my chest with her hands     

I smirked and said "I just need to have contact with you and it can be done."     

"Then... How about doing it with a 'massage'?" she suggested before rolling off of my chest to lay her back on the bed     

"You read my mind." I briefly replied as I took a peek at her older appearance for the last time... Or not, who knows     

My clones could take care of everything I had to do today in my stead again right?     


*Some days later*     

Today is finally the day of my inauguration as a Hokage.     

Hanzō did not go any further since the last confrontation he had, while we announced our complete withdrawal from the war.     

My clothes were also made some days ago, and the famous Fourth Hokage cloak was now worn by me, along with the hat I already had before.     

The cloak was white but the ends had red flames, while 'Fourth Hokage' was written in Kanji on the back.     

Underneath was the same kimono I used since I took this role, with a mix of black, white, and red.     

Because my hair was extremely long, going all the way down my back, Tsunade got an idea and tied them in a ponytail so they wouldn't hide the writing as much as they should.     

I honestly didn't think that I would look good but when Tsunade said that it was hot, I chose to go along with it for the ceremony.     

"Damn they sure are loud." I said as I was still inside the building that was leading me above the crowd     

"That's to be expected when the announcement was made." Tsunade said as she was looking all over me to check on every detail she could have missed     

"We do have a huge population... And the Fire Daimyō came too." I replied     

Becoming Hokage was usually the choice of your predecessor followed by the council, but the Daimyō also had to agree... Most of the time.     

Tsunade finally ended her inspection, slapped me on my back while smiling as she said "Now you're good to go!"     

I did a quick peck on her lips before saying "Thanks." and walked toward the entrance that was generating so much commotion     

The moment I was bathed in the sun's light, I saw more than ten thousand people reunited just to see me, and when they started seeing me, their acclamation became even louder.     

This made me smile before raising my arm to greet everyone with a simple gesture, I could also see in the crowd many people I knew thanks to my keen vision.     

Dai and his son were with Orochimaru and Shikuro, who had the Aburame Clan near them with Shibi and his family. The Ino-Chika-Cho trio and their parents were also not far.     

I saw the Uchiha who for once didn't seem to mind the new Hokage that was appointed, the Hyūga Clan was also there with Hizashi close to Hiashi, and the faces they had didn't look like ones full of grudges.     

Now that we are out of the war, Hizashi became a Jōnin because he did a lot on the frontline according to Sakumo, who was now with his wife and son down there too.     

Weirdly enough, I had no whereabouts of Chikako Uchiha since the war ended, it looked like she vanished without leaving any trace, though according to some witnesses, she died on the battlefield.     

But I couldn't believe that, so I asked Shuzo to look for her at the same time as he looks for Uzumaki Clan members, but also clones of mine.     

Finally, I saw Chizu who had my whole 'family' in front of her, composed of Konan, Yugito Nii, Kushina... And Minato who was holding her hand.     

'He's dead before tomorrow' I thought as I saw him look at me with a provocative smile     

As I was trailing my gaze around the crowd, I also saw women and men of any generation fall unconscious or let out a "Kyaa~" when they thought that I looked at them, which surprised me since I didn't think it was something that existed.     

'Well, nose bleed that can be deadly is a thing in this world too' I thought as I was chuckling in my mind     

And I also guessed that the ponytail worked well by boosting my charm.     

After a while, I took a glance at the Hokage Rock and fixed my gaze on Tobirama's face as I muttered "I said to you that I wouldn't become Hokage and yet... You would be proud if you saw me now." before going back into the building     

Huge festivities were planned for today, and I will for sure get drunk at the occasion.     

I should enjoy such a moment because in a matter of weeks, there will be funerals, and I also knew that Grandma was not going to make it.     

She didn't have the strength to come today but told me to enjoy the day nonetheless.     

'I just hope that there will be enough alcohol in the village since Tsunade will drink as well' I thought as I was back inside and looked at her face which had a proud expression that made me smile     

It feels good to be with your loved ones.     

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