The Ruined Death Knight

My Skeleton Self

My Skeleton Self


I stared blankly in front of me.0

There was a blue-looking window in front of me that contained some familiar-looking words, even though he didn't know why... He could still read them.


Name: ----

Race: Skeleton (Undead)

Level: 1

Class: -----

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 200

Mana: 10

Attribute Points: 0

Attributes: Strength: 5 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 1 Endurance: 3

[Talents][Undead] [Sin of Wrath]

[Skills] -- [Remark: Weakest Undead that there is...Although there are spooky and scary their Strength is at rock bottom!]

" Status? Class? Talents? What are all those?"

I tried touching the window with my hand, but it passed right through it. After toying around for some time I found out that I can close the window wherever I want if I put my mind to it.

"So the status is part of me...but what purpose does it serve? It seems like it has some kind of information that I can read but...What do some of those words mean?"

I tried touching all around the floating window to find some clues about it. Even though the sight of him swinging these hands in the air at nothing would have seemed comical to another person, in the end though, he did find something by doing this.

[Status]: Information about the capabilities of the person possessing it.

"It seems like if I press on the following names a description will come out. Let's see, how about my Race?"

[Skeleton]: A former living being that was either resurrected as an undead by the use of necromancy or was resurrected by the nearby death mana. One of the weakest Undead.

'Why do I feel like it's trying to insult me? Telling me I am weak all...Next!'

[Undead]: As one of Undead you possess hate for the living. Although many consider this a curse others consider this a blessing for the benefits of Immortality. They Never Hunger, Never Tire.

This doesn`t sound too bad, it does say it is a curse but also a blessing. Without thinking much about it, he went right after the other talent.

[Sin of Wrath]: Of the seven deadly sins, you have been judged to possess the sin of wrath! It strengthens the feeling of anger and hatred. While fighting an enemy with feelings of anger or hatred you gain 10% of every attribute. It also Increases the bloodlust that is being generated by 50%.

'I am not sure about this one though... It does sound positive but also not, the increase of strength sounds good but the others are kinda weird... that by not counting whatever bloodlust is supposed to be.

But I can't forget that the description says that I have been judged by someone, which means this talent has been given by me by someone... Right?

But why wrath though? Let's see, what other sins exist.

[Seven Deadly Sins]: The seven deadly sins can only be acquired by some specific conditions. The Sins are the following: Pride, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, and Envy.

"Hmm, it does say that something specific has to be done for me to get a sin, but don't remember doing something at all..."

Dismissing the status window, he started taking a better look at these surroundings.

"How did I end up here? I remember I that fell into that dark swamp and then...then?"

For a minute I blankly stare ahead of me as if I was having some deep thoughts, but that didn't last for long.

"I should get out from now" Right before I left the water, my feet hit something.

Reaching my hand out to see what it was, I was surprised by what I found.

[Rusted sword]: A blade which long last has lost the ability to cut. Even though the edge is pathetically dull, It does have the ability to poison the ones that were cut by it...

"This sounds really useless... But it wouldn't hurt taking it anyway." After confirming how pathetic the edge was, which to no surprise was pathetically dull, he nodded this head and started roaming around the area until he found some kind of tunnel.

"Well...there is nowhere else to go other than this way" sighing internally, he started moving inside this tunnel until he saw a similar silhouette a bit further away.


A him!

Getting excited about finding someone that was like him, he waved this hand and started talking.

"Hey! You! Skeleton friend! How are you doing, all good? I would like to ask some questions about where we are, you got a second!?"

The skeleton with a Rusted Sword like me stared at me without showing any signs of movement. After what felt like 2 minutes it turned around and started walking away.


Seeing this he felt kind of rejected...but still tried to follow him since why not? He doesn't have anywhere to go besides and being alone here reminded him of the dark swamp.

Hence he decided to follow him! Like a baby duck would follow the mama duck!

But...even though I followed the fellow skeleton for what felt like hours, I soon realized that we were walking in circles...

After confirming my thoughts I went to confront him.

"Hey fellow skeleton, can I ask you why we repeating the same path time after time? Is there a reason behind it?"

No reaction...

At this point, he started to have some doubts.

'Could it be that he...'I reached my hand to grab this shoulder bone and used my system to inspect him as I did with the talents. And what came out shocked me.

[Skeleton]: One of the weakest undead that there is, there are either puppets born by use necromancy or mindless undead born from nearby death energy.

"Mindless undead? more importantly, the description changed...but why?"

'Why would the description change when we are both of the same race? And it says that this skeleton fellow in front of me is mindless, in other words stupid. But in comparison to me, I am clearly more intelligent than him. Is that why?'

Unfortunately, my thoughts were interrupted by some kind of shrieking voice from our left. Looking in the direction of the voices I saw three small and awful-looking creatures to which one had a club and the other two had a smaller version of a sword.

Looking at them I felt some kind of discomfort in my chest and head.

Looking at my chest to confirm that there was nothing there, he couldn't help but get confused.

"What is going o-" before I could finish, the skeleton beside him locked his gaze towards the small figures.

"Kghhhh...!" The skeleton fellow screeched with a high-pitched voice which made me flinch slightly.

After he was done he ran awkwardly to these three small creatures and swung his rusted sword at the one with the club.

To my surprise, the skeleton fellow was able to inflict a large cut on the one with the club. Although it didn't look like a deep wound, it still surprised me.

'Wait, is that rusted toothpick able to cut something? What about not having an edge at all?!'

I complained about the status of false information internally. The fight was still happening.

After the one with the club was slashed by the skeleton fellow, it started screaming and swinging this club in the air. Doing that made the other two start screaming and attacking the skeleton fellow with their small swords.

This made me realize that the one that held the club must be their leader.

"I should help the skeleton fellow before he..." Sadly the skeleton fellow didn't seem to like the idea of teaming with him.

"Kghhh..!" Seeing the two green creatures attacking his legs and chest, to which made some of these bones start to crack. He started swinging his sword violently at them.

With a swing from the top of this head, he was able to cut halfway through one of the creature's necks. Seeing this made it laugh sinisterly.


But before it could remove this sword from the green creature's neck...

"Skeleton Fellow! Behind you!"

Before he could react, the one with the club jumped from behind him and swung this club at this head, which resulted in breaking this whole head into pieces...


With Fellow down, the two remaining creatures started to focus on me...maybe if I had chosen to run the moment I saw them I would have been able to get away but now...that's no longer an option!

Dashing to the one with the small sword, I tried to mimic the attack that Fellow performed but instead of one hand holding the rusted sword, he held it with both of them. Due though the height differences between our bodies and our weapons, I managed to hit this shoulder where he only touched my rib bones by the tip of the small sword.

The result was obvious...


"With this, there is one down and One remai-" Unfortunately the feeling of victory faded as fast as it came.

"" Seeing the one that I hit with my whole strength to just have a cut through up his shoulder bone I cursed internally.

'Hey, how crappy is this sword? I know it said it doesn`t have an edge and all, but still, the skeleton fellow's sword made a much deeper wound than mine even when he used only one hand...

Seeing that the two creatures were approaching me I cursed inwardly.

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