The Ruined Death Knight

Draugr and Target

Draugr and Target



Name: ----

Race: Skeleton (Undead)

Level: 2

Class: -----

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 200

Mana: 10

Attribute Points: 0Attributes: Strength: 6 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 1 Endurance: 4

[Talents] [Undead] [Sin of Wrath]

[Skills] --

[Remark: Weakest Undead that there is...Although there are spooky and scary their Strength is at rock bottom!]

"So leveling up increases my attributes, I can already feel the difference of power flowing through my body, I should find a way to gather more XP in the future, but for now, I should get out of here before something else like the goblins comes at me".

After confirming that he got everything that he need, while following the path from before. He suddenly heard something.


"Where did that sound come from?" An echo of a sound, although faint, it seemed like it came from somewhere at the top...

"It's probably a rock that fell into the lake...It shouldn't be anything to worry about."

With that, I continued to walk the path until my silhouette couldn`t be seen.


"Open the gates! They have returned! Hurry and open the gates!" Sounds of chains being pulled could be heard behind the massive gate which was slowly opening. From that gate emerged soldiers with two different kinds of armor. Ones with shabby armor that didn't look like they were being taken care of at all. The other soldiers had better-looking armor that wasn`t damaged at all together with some red cloth and a crest on their chest that had as a symbol of a hand holding an orb. Leading these soldiers with the crest was a man with a massive build of 2 meters tall, with this full-body armor and a deep red cloth that resembles blood, he looked like a knight that had his armor bathed in blood. This very person called out those who were coming from inside the gate.

"Young Master! Are you alright!"

Coming out of the gate were three similar-looking soldiers with those with the red cloth but only with fancier armor. Walking beside them one young man had an incredible-looking armor with some red kind of crystal in the middle which was barely glowing which showed that this young man wore enchanted armor.

This very young man answered the call of the blood armored knight "So you even came...Raph-." Before the young man could finish his sentence, he collapsed to his knees while gripping his shoulder that showed signs of bleeding.

Seeing the pale face of the young man, the blood-armored knight dashed towards him and reached him in an instant. "Young Master! Are you alright?! What happend-" This glare that had some killing intent in it went towards the three soldiers beside the young man. Seeing this the soldiers shivered from fear.

But on the inside, they felt more ashamed that afraid.

We couldn`t protect the young master...

But before the blood armored knight could finish he was interrupted by the young master "Rapha... I am sorry...It took the sword that was given to me..."

Hearing this, the blood knight Rapha raised their brows and asked back "Wait, by that do you mean the sword that the son of the master blacksmith had given to you!? Who stole it! Which bastard dared to take it from you?"

Seeing the surprised Rapha, the young master's head looked down from shame. "I am sorry Rapha, I didn`t know that something like this- Something like this wasn`t supposed to show up inside that dungeon! This monster..."

Hearing this, Rapha's eyes went wide open. There shouldn't be anything strong inside that dungeon though? He trained the young master myself and he knew this strength at best, the worst that can come out from this dungeon can be some goblin or some mindless undead...

A pure excuse of a dungeon.

With doubt in this voice, Rapha asked " What did you meet inside there?".

"It was a..." Recalling those dead blue glowing eyes from the monster that stared at him back in those caves, cold sweat came from this back.

"It was a Draugr!"



In the dark path inside the dungeon, a Screeching voice could be hurt.

Those were Screams of Goblins.

Here was I fighting another group of 4 goblins not long after my first fight... or rather than fighting it was more like chasing them to death.

Since this group didn`t have a `warrior´ goblin like the other group, he was easily able to kill this group without much difficulty after my attributes Increased. Even though my attributes Increased, my overall strength was only slightly improved.

But to the weaklings that these goblins were, the strength I showed terrified them. The Usual Skeletons that these goblins had faced before were the mindless ones that would focus on one of them, only changing targets when the targeted goblin had either died or had run away.

To the goblins, sacrificing one of their kind to kill their foes was a win-win situation for them! Killing their foe and looting their possession was their nature, but sharing the loot with their kind was not. Lowering the numbers allowed them to get more of the loot.

Two birds with one stone!

Well, that was only in the case of the mindless Skeletons though.

"Sigh, chasing this guy was quite annoying but at least they get tired pretty fast."

Now I understand what to not tire means... always able to move even though your opponent is exhausted.

"Kihaha, Undead are indeed the superior race!" After fooling around for a bit I decided to continue my path.

"Hmm, but still where do these goblins come from? They always seem to be in a group, which should mean that they live somewhere together."

After walking for a while longer it suddenly hit me...

"...A home huh? Right... It should be fine for now since I don't carry much, but I eventually would need a place to keep all those items I that I carry, or rather junk..." He said while gazing at the fellow's sword with worry. Although it was a good sword it already showed signs of the blade losing this edge and having more tends.

"Sigh, I shouldn`t worry about that right now, I gathered around 800 XP with those goblins, I should think if I should use them or not."

The three goblins had given me 200 XP while one gave me 150 XP. Since the three were Lv.2 goblins they gave me a little more XP than the one goblin that was Lv.1. This confirmed that the stronger the enemies were, the more XP they would give me.

"What should I do now though? Spending 500 XP to increase my level or wait to get enough for [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1]?"

After thinking about it, he decided to wait until he could get [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1]. Since the only enemy seems to be goblins. And against them he didn´t really need to increase his level. And If I find myself in an urgent situation I can still use the gathered XP to increase my level.

"Well, nothing that can be done about it, unless I find another group of goblins of course. But now I should be focused on finding a place to stay to store the items that I find, that, and it doesn`t look like my sword will last for long..." I looked at my sword again only to find myself sighing.

"Sigh, maybe I should find another skeleton and get this weapon...He wouldn`t mind, right? They are mindless and the fellow was fairly friendly towards me (I think), maybe if I replace this weapon with one of the goblin's weapons he wouldn´t notice, right? I mean, since they are mindless they wouldn`t notice the difference between a dagger and a sword, Right?"

With such thoughts, several hours have passed. In those hours I was able to have a basic understanding of the area around the lake. They were two different paths that I haven`t explored yet but that didn`t matter much of now.


Cause I already found the place where I was going to take myself as my home!

Near the opposite side of the lake where I started from, behind some stacked rocks that looked like they were played by someone else was a cave, although the rocks were supposed to hide the cave behind they didn't help much with hiding it. The cave that I had my eyes on had unfortunately been already taken by goblins and say the less what seemed like a much larger group than the group before. But that didn`t matter in his eyes though.

"Ah, unfortunate, so, unfortunately. It's truly sad" I shook my head with an expression (not that I have one) similar to when you drop you a double ball of ice cream after one lick.

" isn't like it is I that will face this unfortunate here though" Unconsciously I had put a vicious grin on my face and my eyes showed a spark of dark green light which instantly disappeared right after appearing.

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