Divine Path System

Time flies so fast

Time flies so fast

1Sarah's laughter caused her team of four to glare at her.      

On the other hand, they were also deeply surprised.      

The calmest of them all was Olivia. She looked up and saw Sarah and Varian talking freely.      

She couldn't believe her eyes. She had known Sarah for almost four years now.      

Sarah might look indifferent to others, but Olivia could see through the facade. Behind that mask of indifference was a girl who always blamed herself for everything.      

After her mother's death, Sarah's father neglected even talking to her. She didn't know how or when, but Sarah picked up something during those years.      

'If only I had not been a Dual Awakener, perhaps my father would still talk to me. He'd still accompany me to watch the moon. He'd still attend my birthday. He'd still say "Sarah, I'm proud of you."'     

Olivia still remembered the first time she met Sarah. It was shortly after Pluto War.      

Sarah was grief struck upon losing her mother. At the same, she was depressed and powerless because of how her father changed.      

Even though Sarah didn't show it, Olivia prided herself in her ability to read others.      

What's more, the eyes of the 15-year-old Sarah were like open windows.      

'If I was not a Dual Awakener, I could be a Sovereign. I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry dad. It's all my fault.'     

'My fault.'     

Olivia sighed deeply before turning to Varian and Sarah. They were in the middle of a conversation.      

"Varian, you liked that girl calling you Brother-in-law, right?" Sarah's voice was filled with teasing. It was something Olivia didn't see often.      

"No! It's super awkward. And you kept on watching?" Varian responded in a resentful tone.     

'Huh? What was with the tone? Are they familiar with each other already?' Olivia wondered.     

"You need to adapt yourself to these situations. Popularity has its own share of its trouble." Sarah gave him a free lesson.      

Then she feigned a serious expression. "Or don't be shocked when a woman brings a child claiming you're the dad."     

Varian's face twitched, and he looked at Sarah to confirm whether she was joking or being serious.      

'She's joking, of course.' Olivia wanted to say, but didn't.      

Olivia knew that Varian wouldn't be able to tell. Sarah's expressions were hard to read.      


"So I am the innocent victim for you to prank on?" Varian put on a sad face.      

'Y-You… you can read her?' Olivia gasped. Her movements attracted their attention.      

Sarah turned to Olivia with a bright smile.     

It was a smile that was long lost on Sarah's face.      

'When did she smile so brightly last time?' Olivia couldn't help recall. But she did recall Sarah's condition after returning from the mission.     

Sarah was grieving, guilt-ridden and enraged at the same time.     

The four of them also grieved his death. But instead of wallowing in sorrow, they left.      

The army also indoctrinated this belief.     

The greatest gift to a deceased loved one was to keep moving ahead in your path.      

But Sarah couldn't.      

That was why...     

Olivia clenched her fists.     

"Is there something you want to say, Olivia?" Varian asked after seeing her fall silent.      

Olivia collected herself. With a gentle smile, she shook her head. "I-I'm just happy."     

Sarah raised an eyebrow before nodding. She hadn't felt it herself, but Olivia could tell.      

Sarah was relaxed.      

The others also came to terms with Varian's absurdity and reverted to their positions.      

Only Ivy's small face was still flushed.      

Olivia knew even though Ivy seemed brazen, she was self-conscious of her words.      

Luca asked Varian with an eager smile. "So Varian, are you a Level 5 now?"     

Oliva patted her forehead in frustration.     

Luca sounded like a starving man that found a loaf of bread. No. He sounded even more desperate.      

But his question also turned everyone's attention to him. Their eyes were fixated on him and Varian could almost see 'Say it already' on their faces.      

With his rank, everyone would assume he was Low Level 5. There was no use hiding. But they wouldn't know he was only Level 4 when he won that rank.      

His current strength was in the ranges of Mid Level 5. He could use his Body Path to 'convince' everyone that his strength was only Low Level 5.      

Varian coughed lightly and nodded.      

"Damn!" Despite guessing, Crimson couldn't help but curse.      

Luca stood up all of a sudden. "Varian, how about to we spar—"     


Ivy grabbed his shoulders and sat him down with a glare. It said 'No trouble'.     

Luca nodded grievously.     

'These people don't know the joy of fighting.' Olivia could see his thoughts on his face.      

But she too couldn't help but ask.  "I remember you were Level 2 a month ago… just what on earth happened?"      

She added. "Of course, if it's inconvenient, forget it."     

Varian shook his head and explained the 'story'.     

When mentioning Ambrosia, he looked at Olivia with a cheeky smile. "It's all thanks to you I found Ambrosia."     

"Ahem." Looking at his eyes, Olivia felt her face flush without meaning to.      



The comms perfectly captured her red face. Olivia didn't seem to notice. But she knew it was Ivy and Crimson.      

She would have a 'deep' talk with these two people and have them handover her pictures.      

"I'm pretty lucky to survive. It's good to see you all." Varian said and recalled something.      

"The mission points. Why did I get so many?" He asked.      

2000 merit points was a huge sum even for a second year.      

"It is dependent on the merits. Saving our lives twice is as good as doing the mission yourself." Olivia explained, dispelling his confusion.      

To be honest, the life of a super genius like Sarah itself was worth more than 2000 merit points.      

"Everyone is fine with it. Let's skip the topic." Sarah insisted. She didn't wish for Varian to delve into the topic.      

'Did she ask them to transfer her points to him?' Olivia guessed.      

As they chatted, Varian found the topics were revolving around him.      

The four knew that Sarah's father was Evander.      

So they assumed the reason Varian became a disciple was half talent and half gratitude.      

Varian didn't correct them. Even Sarah was not sure.      

They had a sumptuous meal, and it was, of course, Varian's treat.      

There was one thing in their conversation that irked Varian.      


He apparently took a mission and left two weeks ago.      

Crimson looked outside the window and saw the suns were about to set.      

"Time sure flies fast." He stood up with a smile.     

"With your current strength and status, you likely won't encounter any trouble. But if you have anything we can help you with, do not hesitate." He said with a handshake.      

Luca wanted to give him a bear hug and at the same time, ask for a spar.      

Thankfully, Ivy dragged him away. Olivia also expressed her intention to help him if he needed and stood up to leave.     

All of a sudden, Sarah seemed to remember something and laughed. "You know, Varian has a tom—"     

Before she could finish, Varian grabbed her hand abruptly.      

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