The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox




The guardian's warning seemed to fall on deaf ears as the third princess continued staring at the glowing silhouette of the giant monk in the air.     

It wasn't that she didn't know the risks of staying in the combat zone of two forces much stronger than herself, but the third princess simply didn't believe that the guardian would do his best to detain the monk if she really left.     

After all, just like most people in the empire, he likely also had the thought of avoiding conflict with the powerful Temple of Shinra in his heart.     

The guardian didn't really expect this stubborn princess to listen to his request, so he could only tighten his belt and try his best to arrest this monk.     

He just hoped that whatever array it was that allowed him to improve his strength so much just by joining hands with a few weaklings, it would be taxing enough to not let them last too long, because he surely couldn't.     

Unfortunately, his prayers seemed to be unanswered as the 'monk' under the deacon's command flew forward towards him with another deadly strike, and the guardian barely managed to defend himself in time.     

The sound of thunderous booms filled the sky as the two of them clashed again and again, and each time, it seemed like the 'monk' got… just a little bit stronger!     

As the white-haired guardian grit his teeth to counter the deacon and his disciples in the formation, Evelyn couldn't help but hum thoughtfully while observing the scene using the eternal ripple. "Interesting… it seems to be using a combination of soul and spirit power to create this more powerful mix…?"     

Unfortunately, she could tell that while it was powerful, it was a combination that hurt the user's body and soul both long and short term. Not only would their total soul and spirit power be reduced permanently depending on how long they used this method, they were also likely to sustain permanent physical injuries.     

Of course, the most curious part of the array was that most of the 'disadvantages' would always be borne by the 'subordinate' positions, while the 'center' position would only have relatively minor consequences.     

Evelyn herself could try doing this same and recover from the physical injuries completely using her regeneration ability even in the worst position if she were to use this array, but the permanent reduction of spirit and soul power made it quite unappealing to her.     

The reason why she was observing it so carefully wasn't because she wanted to use it for herself… but because she could see an enormous flaw at its center.     

Looking at the way the two energies flowed reminded Evelyn of how the bone spear spirit had invaded Bree's soul scape, though the pattern was a little less sophisticated.     

It was as if the version she saw in Bree's soul scape was an improved version of the method used in the current array in front of her. And based on the 'improvements' she had already seen, the 'flaws' became almost glaringly obvious in Evelyn's eyes.     

The reason that the 'monk' got stronger after each strike was because the longer this formation was active, the more deeper the 'siphon' of the center position became in the 'subordinates', allowing him to draw out more and more power.     

Of course, it also meant that the damage sustained by their bodies as well as the energy they consumed was getting more and more intense, but from his despairing expression, the guardian clearly couldn't see that.     

The pink-haired girl pursed her lips in thought. "If it goes on like this… either the guardian will lose, or the deacon will realize that he can't win and run away."     

She believed the latter was more likely, and with his current mentality, the guardian was extremely unlikely to chase after him.     

"In that case…"     

The illusory 'monk' under the deacon's command laughed loudly at this time as he exploded with an astonishing momentum, almost completely overwhelming the opponent's defenses as more than a third of the guardian's spirit power was ripped apart in the imbalance, making his face turn completely pale in terror.     

Feeling as if his death was imminent, the guardian decisively took out a small wooden spike from his ring and ruthlessly channeled almost all of his remaining strength into it.     

Within the blink of an eye, one of his most precious life-saving treasures shot off, and the laughter of the deacon stopped abruptly as he crossed the illusory arms in front of himself in a hurry.     

Although he had been provoking the guardian wantonly to show him the 'difference' between them and spread awe for the Temple of Shinra before he left, the deacon didn't expect this guy's move to have such an oppressive feeling.     

He could tell that no matter how he moved, that little spike was permanently locked onto his position, and would change directions to continue aiming for his heart! It could not be avoided at all, and could only be blocked and destroyed.     

Of course, even if he was slightly surprised, the deacon didn't believe it posed him any trouble. At most, a couple of his initiates would be left crippled after the array was halted, but so what? It was their glory to be used by him to spread the light of the Lord of Bones.     

The thickening aura around the illusory monk left the guardian in complete despair.     

He knew that even though he had used up his most precious offensive treasure bestowed by the emperor himself and also used up most of his spirit power, it probably wouldn't hurt the opponent at all.     

Was he really going to die here?     

Thinking of how he could have just run away if not for the princess, the guardian couldn't help but feel some resentment in his heart.     

Was your pride really so important?!     

Under his hopeless eyes, however, the tiny wooden spike seemed to cut through the thick formation of that strange energy like a hot knife through butter.     

The deacon only had the time to have a vaguely strange feeling that something seemed to have gone wrong with the array before the small wooden spike passed right through him.     



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