She Belongs To The Devil



1"I missed you so much, Ary."      0

"Hmm?" Ariel closed her eyes and shuddered upon hearing Damien's hushed voice. Goosebumps ran down her spine when his warm breath continuously tickled her shoulder.     

Damien tilted his head and softly pressed his cheek against Ariel's. And he repeated what he said earlier, "I missed you."     

Ariel gulped and nervously laughed. Her body was still stiff because she hadn't expected Damien to suddenly wrap her from behind and show his affection like that.     

It was not that she didn't like the surprise love attack. She liked it. However, since all this was still new, she wasn't yet used to receiving warm hugs and sweet talks.     

And although her heartbeat was escalating at an unprecedented rate, she suppressed her nervousness and tried to speak normally, "But we just met yesterday. And the day before… And the day before that day… In fact, we haven't been apart for weeks now."     

"Yes, I know. But I missed this. The two of us, alone," Damien said in his throaty deep voice. He suddenly bit Ariel's cheek as if it was a ripe apple, making Ariel squeak in surprise.     

"Damien?" she giggled. "What are you doing?"     

"Claiming my territory," he jokingly replied.     

Ariel suddenly freed herself from Damien's grip and turned around, without caring about her sheer dress. She put her arms around Damien's neck and then narrowed her eyes at him.     

And she also played along and asked in a harsh tone, "Oh, is that what I am to you? A territory for you to claim?"     

Damien smiled ear to ear and wrapped his arms around her waist. He slammed her body against his, looked down at her cheeks that were as red as fresh apples, and then bit her other cheek as well. "Yes, these are mine to claim," he whispered in her ear.     

Ariel giggled and tilted her head as his hot breath washed over her ear and neck.     

Damien seized the opportunity and nipped her neck, making her twist and fold like a touch-me-not plant.     

"Damien! Stop!" Ariel protested as Damien's soft kisses all over her neck tickled her and made her laugh uncontrollably. "This is no time to be doing all this!" she emphasized, pointing her head towards the bed where Kenneth's clothes were lying haywire.     

Damien looked at the bed and sighed, finally remembering that he had left Kenneth all alone in that carriage. "Ah! You're right," he sighed again.     

He looked back at Ariel to ask for her help in choosing Kenneth's outfit, only to catch her intently staring at his lips. A whimsical grin appeared on his lips, making her turn away in shyness.     

Without any hesitation, Damien traced one of his palms along her slender back, prompting Ariel to look at his face. And with one swift motion, he grabbed a handful of her hair at the nape and gently tugged her head backward.     

Ariel inhaled sharply in surprise and moaned, "Aah!"     

Damien smirked and leaned down to enclose her open mouth with his.     

"Mmh!" Ariel instantly closed her lips as well as her eyes when she felt an overwhelming emotion bursting inside of her.     

Damien lifted his head to look at that beautiful woman who had suddenly pushed him away by pressing her palm against his chest.     

"Now, now…" Damien leaned closer to her face again, their lips an inch away from brushing against each other. He let out a warm breath through his mouth, the breath gently brushed her plump lips.     

He looked down at her hand which was maintaining a small gap between their bodies, and he said in an aroused whisper, "This is no way to treat your man, is it?"     

"My m–" Ariel suddenly coughed because her throat had dried due to nervousness. The blush on her cheeks, which had somewhat settled down by now came flushing towards her cheeks and ears again.     

Damien was greatly amused to see how easily she was getting affected by his words. Her body wasn't able to hide how she was feeling. He could see the blushes, and he could clearly hear her heart drumming inside her chest as if it was announcing her feelings for him.     

"It's a miracle how my stubborn, airhead, and carefree little Ariel grew up to be such a shy woman," Damien teased her as she kept on breathing faster while looking away from him.     

Ariel scoffed and instantly looked back into his winter-grey eyes. "Hey! I'm not shy!" she protested.     

"Then why aren't you kissing me?" Damien slightly tilted his head and curled the corners of his lips upward. "You weren't shying away the last time we kissed. You even pulled me in and demanded me to kiss you, remember?"     

"Well, I…" Ariel knitted her brows together in embarrassment after recalling how she had acted out in her impulse the last time they had kissed. But then she looked at that face of his and wondered if she should do the same this time as well.     

It was just the two of them, in a closed room. And both of them loved each other. She didn't see any problem. She even wondered why she had pushed Damien when he had initiated the kiss moments ago.     

Damien was intently reading her facial expressions. He smirked, entertained by her expressions that screamed her affection as well as her desire for him.     

He pulled Ariel close to him again, forcing her to slide her hand down and wrap it around his waist.     

Now there was no gap left between their chests, and neither was there any gap left between their lips. Their warm and hungry lips were softly brushing against each other, making both of their hearts go crazy with excitement as well as anticipation for what was about to come.     

Ariel took the initiation this time. She was practically already clinging onto Damien. All she needed to do was slightly part her lips and claim his lips that were ready to be taken.     

Damien's eyes closed on their own when he felt the warmth of her lips. The same excitement ran throughout his body as it had during their first kiss back in Brenalia. He couldn't contain himself anymore; he wanted to get to the depth of her mouth.     

Thus, he pushed his way in using the tip of his tongue, which Ariel warmly accepted by opening her mouth wide enough for Damien to get her taste.     

Goosebumps ran through their warm bodies, and a sensual feeling exploded in their young hearts.     

With each stroke of Damien's lips and tongue, Ariel felt her heart fluttering really fast. And that fluttering feeling was slowly shifting towards her back, making her feel itchy somewhere in between her arms. She tried arching her back and also tried wriggling her chest a little to make that itchy feeling go away.     

However, she didn't realize that it was only making it harder for Damien. He felt her soft breasts continuously being pressed against his chest. And although he tried his best, he couldn't help but control himself from getting extremely excited.     

He suddenly pulled himself away and maintained a small gap between their hot and sweaty bodies. Then he asked with a bated breath, "Ary, you do know what kind of effect you're having on me right now, yeah?"     

"Hmm?" Ariel knitted her brows in confusion and tried catching her breath. She was completely unaware of what he meant by that. So, she innocently asked, "Are you also feeling itchy on your back?"     

"On my back?" Damien furrowed his brows and looked down, almost showing where he was being affected.     

But Ariel pulled him by the collar of his shirt, taking him by surprise, and resumed kissing him with great passion.     

Damien was trying hard to maintain the gap between their lower bodies so that he wouldn't make it awkward for Ariel.     

However, in doing so, the kissing became stiffer.     

Ariel took a step forward and tightly pressed her whole body against his. "Nnh!" She suddenly moaned in his mouth when she felt the 'effect' that she was having on him.     

Her wings suddenly spread out, revealing its majestic white feathers, and taking both of them by surprise.     

Ariel's hair floated forward and covered Damien's face.     

Both of them pulled away briefly to look at each other's faces. They laughed heartily, and since Ariel didn't seem to mind anything, Damien gladly pressed her body into his and resumed kissing her fervently.     

However, their kissing session didn't last for long since both of them were interrupted by a loud exclaim, "Oh my father!"     

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