She Belongs To The Devil

Receiving Gifts

Receiving Gifts

2The next few days passed by in the blink of an eye. And the day to travel to Romania had finally arrived.     

The Royals and Damien spent the rest of the time in Brenalia visiting new towns, tasting different cuisines, enjoying the mesmerizing natural sceneries, enjoying the art and music, and celebrating their moments together.     

Kenneth did an excellent job in being the personal tour guide to his guests, and also being a personal teacher to Damien. Whenever he would find himself with Damien, he would give tips and pointers on how to keep his vampire side under control.     

And Damien appreciated his help.     

Ariel as well as others were a little surprised by this sudden closeness between the two of them. But they were happy to see their budding friendship.     

And there were also other two whose friendship was blooming day by day. Ramon and Grace would often walk together. And they would share their exciting as well as boring life experiences that they had.     

Zach was a little upset about Ramon and Grace's closeness. However, he consoled himself by accepting the fact that he was still a kid and that he would meet a beautiful lady in the future who would love him a lot.     

It was early in the morning. As he had been doing for the past few days, Kenneth knocked on Damien's door to wake him up and make him fight his senses.     

"Damien, open the door," Kenneth shouted from outside.     

Kenneth didn't have to wait for long. Damien was already up and ready to start the day with the usual torture lesson.     

Damien opened the door for Kenneth and without even looking at him, he sprinted to the other corner of his room.     

He didn't want to get caught off-guard like the day before when Kenneth had opened the lid of the vial as soon as Damien opened the door for him. Damien had almost attacked Kenneth that day, which caused Kenneth to flinch and drop the glass vial to the floor, spilling all that precious blood.     

"Don't be so scared. I won't trick you… at least not today," Kenneth said with a wide grin on his face when he saw Damien already closing his eyes and pinching his nose.     

Damien squinted his eyes even tighter and then asked, "Are you sure?"     


"Swear on your mother."     

"Oh heavens! Yes! I swear!"     

"Okay," Damien first opened one of his eyes to make sure that Kenneth wasn't already holding the open vial in front of him.     

And when he saw Kenneth holding a nice-looking wooden box instead, he suspiciously opened both of his eyes. "What's that?" He sniffed and then asked again, "It's not blood, is it?"     

Kenneth narrowed his eyes at Damien as though he had heard the most bizarre question from him. "And why the hell would I bring blood in a wooden box? And why so much? I would have to drain a human to fill this box! Do you really think I would do that?"     

Damien curled his upper lip in disdain and asked while scratching his arm, "Then what is it?"     

Kenneth walked towards Damien's bed and lay the box down on it. He then looked at Damien and pointed his brows at the box. "Why don't you see for yourself?"     

"First tell me what it is," Damien was still giving that suspicious look to Kenneth when he asked that.     

However, Kenneth insisted that Damien came closer to him. "Find it out yourself before I splash the blood on your face. We don't have much time to spare today. We are leaving in two hours, remember?"     

"Ugh! Okay, okay!" Damien rolled his eyes at Kenneth and then walked towards his bed.     

He gave one last look to Kenneth before he cautiously placed his hand on that box. He then slowly took off the cover of that box to see some neatly folded clothes in it. Damien subconsciously sniffed again to check if those clothes had traces of blood on them. But didn't catch the scent of blood.     

Damien then turned his head to look at Kenneth. And he questioningly raised his brows, not understanding what today's lesson was going to be.     

Kenneth reached out his hand and picked the reddish-black cloth that was on the top. He unfolded it to reveal a waistcoat and pressed it on Damien's chest.     

"Hey, what are doing?" Damien raised his hands in the air and stiffened his back.     

Kenneth simply checked out the waistcoat on Damien and declared, "I think it's going to be a perfect fit."     

He placed that waistcoat on the bed and then unfolded a shirt. He did the same thing again and put that aside. Then finally, he took out a black plant.     

When he was about to slam that pant on Damien's waist, Damien suddenly backed off and shouted, "Whoa! Keep your hands off of me, Your Highness." He then folded his arms and asked sternly, "And what's this all about? Do I have to do some kind of training that is somehow linked to those clothes?"     

In his excitement, Kenneth didn't realize that he was making Damien uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and casually replied, "These are for you. I had the royal tailor make them for you since you liked my waistcoat. I thought it would be perfect to wear these on today's trip."     

Damien knitted his brows together and kept on staring at Kenneth for a while. And when he didn't find any hostile or negative aura from him, he asked, "Why would you go out of your way and prepare gifts for me? You know you don't have to do it, right?"     

Kenneth nonchalantly shrugged. He also had no idea why he was being extra friendly to this demon.     

However, he made it sound like he knew what he was doing all along. "I know I don't have to do this for you. But I would love to have a good relationship with someone as powerful as you. Who knows? You might be the one from whom I might have to seek help in the future."     

Damien nodded his head. He easily bought Kenneth's explanation. "You're right. Having me on your side might come in handy for you."     

Damien then instantly picked up the waistcoat from the bed and wore it. He ran towards the mirror to check his own reflection. "Hmm… it fits me perfectly." He was trying not to show it, but it was too obvious that he was extremely happy to receive that thoughtful gift from Kenneth.     

"It will look even better on you when you wear the whole set," Kenneth said from behind.     

His eyes then fell on Damien's shoes. They wouldn't match the trousers that he had just gifted. So he asked the demon who was still busy looking in the mirror, "Why don't you come along with me? You can choose a pair of boots from my collection. I have a lot of fresh ones which I have never worn."     

Damien turned and looked at Kenneth's boots. And he agreed. "Yes, I think I might need such boots if I am to wear these clothes today. Fine then. Let's go."     

Kenneth was happy to see Damien agreeing to him without protesting or speaking ill. He walked towards the door while happily saying, "Okay. Follow me."     

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