She Belongs To The Devil



0"What?" Damien grabbed his reddish-brown hair in frustration and asked Zach, "What did you just say?" He was still processing what Ariel had said just before she vanished. And Zach's question went above his head.     

"Who did you kiss beside Kenneth?" Zach now stood right in front of Damien and shouted at him, "Tell me!"     

Zach looked like he was ready to beat the soul out of Damien even though the latter was a demon who was a thousand times stronger than the former.     

Damien gently pressed his palm on Zach's shoulder to calm him down. And he answered very politely, "Zach, calm down, alright? I have been trying to tell you that I wasn't kissing anyone!"     

"Then what the hell did I see back there?"     

"I was… feeding on Kenneth's blood, or rather, he forced me to because…"     

Damien wasn't proud of what he was going to say, but he said it anyway since not saying it was going to create more confusion and even greater problems.     

"…because bit Grace. And I was going to pounce on her again."     

"You did what?"     

"I am a half-vampire, remember? The smell of human blood triggers me. Grace got hurt, and I jumped at her."     

"Holy heaven!" Zach's jaw was wide open after hearing Damien's confession. He couldn't bring himself to say a word. He just stood there, while staring at Damien's sad face.     

And Damien clarified further in a voice that reflected disgust towards himself, "I attacked them because I couldn't control my thirst. And Kenneth… I guess he forced me to drink his blood because he was trying to save his cousin from this blood-drinking monster that lives inside of me."     

Damien looked down and covered his eyes with one of his palms. And he said in a voice that sounded like he was going to cry, "And the worst part is that I vividly remember everything that I did. But at the same time, it feels like those memories aren't mine but someone else's who was in control of my body."     

"I behaved like a damned animal! I was ready to kill…" Damien crouched down to the ground while holding his head with both of his hands.     

And he cursed the side of him that he inherited from the father who he never knew.     

He then began knocking on his head with his fist. And he asked Zach in a pained whisper, "Ariel is going to hate me, isn't she? Even if I make it clear to her what I actually was doing to Grace. Hell! That will make the matter worse…"     

Zach took a deep breath in and kept silent, which was very unlike him. He was replaying everything in his mind, everything that he had seen and heard so far after he ran away from Damien and Kenneth.     

And when Damien was busy with self-loathing and feeling disgusted towards himself, Zach finally declared, "It might not be worse… at least not for you."     

Damien lifted his head and looked at Zach's face. And he kept on giving a questioning glance, not understanding what he meant to say.     

Zach shook his head and then spoke his mind out, "Didn't you see how Ariel was reacting after she falsely assumed that you were doing something naughty with Grace?"     

Damien recalled what Ariel was doing when he saw her a while ago. And he asked, "She was crying… How is that not worse?"     

"And why do you think she was crying?"     


Zach folded his arms in front of his chest and raised his brows at Damien. Damien kept on giving that clueless look to him. So he stated the obvious, "She was obviously feeling jealous. Maybe even heartbroken."     

Damien's grey eyes finally lit up after Zach imparted his divine deduction. He looked at Zach and asked while beaming, "Does that mean Ariel likes me?"     

Zach clapped his hands and mockingly smiled. "Congratulations, genius! You finally figured it out."     

Damien jumped back on his feet like a happy little puppy. And out of nowhere, he gave a tight hug to Zach and said, "Thanks for making me realize that! You don't know how badly I needed to hear that."     

Zach pulled away from the hug and asked while looking disinterested to participate in his happiness, "Don't you think you should find Ariel before dancing in celebration? For all I know, she might have gone back to Wyverndale."     

Damien suddenly lost the laughter from his face. He knitted his brows together and asked Zach, "If anyone asks, tell them that we left early."     

Zach gave a nod.     

And within a few seconds, Damien also disappeared from there.     

Damien got teleported inside Ariel's room here in Brenalia.     

And immediately after he rematerialized in front of Ariel, he got hit by something on the head.     


"Why are you here? Get lost!"     

Damien rubbed his head and looked down at the thing that angry Ariel had thrown at him.     

It was the pair of red horns that he had worn in the props shop.     

Damien's lips curved up as he was now confident that Ariel did prefer him over Kenneth. "You bought this?" he asked gleefully. He then leaned down and picked up that horn from the floor.     

"Why are you still here?" Ariel glared at Damien with her wet and puffy eyes. She clenched her fist and spoke in a bone-chillingly cold voice, "Go back to that woman who you were kissing so intently. Don't make me break your bones."     

Damien was unbothered by what Ariel said to him, especially after knowing that she was acting this way because she was jealous.     

Rather, he gave a whimsical grin and put on the horns on his head.     

Ariel felt her heart skipping a beat when he saw that playful side of Damien. But she suppressed that feeling with all her might.     

Damien walked closer to her and he playfully said to Ariel, "I never thought that you would look this cute when you are jealous."     

Ariel got startled when Damien rightly pointed out that she was jealous.     

However, she tried to deny it by spewing out the hurtful things that came to her mind, "Who said I was jealous? I am glad to know that all the things that you said to me were just a ruse to ask for my forgiveness. Well, I forgive you for crushing our friendship and giving me a life-long trauma. Now I beg you to get the hell away from my life."     

She gulped her tears and aggressively whispered, "I can't stand your sight for one more second."     

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