She Belongs To The Devil

Suspicious Woman

Suspicious Woman

2Rather than being scared, Damien had a wide smile on his face. His eyes were dancing with excitement when he saw all the four demons charging at him at once.      1

Two of those demons went straight for Damien's wings while the other two went for his body.     

Damien simply shot upward and dodged all of those demons' attacks.     

Two of those demons bumped into each other while the others who had gone for his wings fell hard on their face.     

Damien instantly swooped down and used his brute force to keep those demons down on the ground. Though those demons were obviously taller and more muscular than Damien, they were not a match for the son of the first demoness.     

"What do you want kid? If you want the token to get inside the gambling house then just take it already and leave us alone!" One of the demons who got a little too many kicks and punches from Damien shouted.     

Damien finally stopped beating them and said, "I don't want your token. I want something else."     


Damien folded his legs and sat in front of those demons who were curled up like balls in the ground.     

And he ordered them in a threatening tone, "One of you is going to bring me the seedling of the Zobekker plant. Until you do so, I'm going to keep the rest of you hostage."     

There was silence among the demons for a few seconds. And after that, all of them broke into laughter as if Damien had said some kind of a joke.     

Damien gripped one of those demons' hair and jerked his head. And he growled, "I'm serious! Or do I need to kill one of you to show you how serious I am?"     

One of them replied with a straight face, "Then kill us. It will be an easier death than going there and letting those plants shred our souls as well as our bodies."     

Damien punched that demon's face while shouting, "Don't over-exaggerate!"     

He happened to throw the punch with a little too much force than intended and broke one of the tusks of that demon.     

"I'm not exaggerating!" that demon replied in a shaken voice. He looked at his broken tusk and whispered, "Just kill us already."     

Damien clenched his jaw and got up on his feet.     

He had hoped that one of those demons would volunteer to bring him what he needed. He had hoped that one of them would know how to tame those deadly plants as his mother did. However, he was utterly disappointed.     

"I don't kill anyone for no reason." Damien turned around and ordered those demons sternly, "Go home you fools."     

Just when he was about to fly away, he heard a woman's voice, "Damien, is it?"     

Damien's heart skipped a beat when he heard someone calling his name. He was in the part of the land where no one should have recognized him.     

And if someone recognized him then he was sure that this woman would tell his mother what he had done here.     

Damien thought of flying away without answering whoever was standing behind him.     

But he heard that woman again, "Do you need something, dear?"     

Damien knitted his brows and turned around to see who the hell was addressing him as 'dear'.     

Damien had expected to see someone from his clan. However, instead of some demon, he saw a human. Not a human's soul but a human in flesh.     

"Who the hell are you? How do you know my name?"     

He darted his eyes on that woman from head to toe and added with much curiosity, "And why are you… still alive?"     

That woman with long black hair smiled softly.     

She ignored the first two questions of Damien and answered the last one in a polite tone, "Oh, I'm dead, dear. I would still be on the Earth realm if I was alive, wouldn't I?"     

Damien clenched his fists and asked in a harsh and authoritative tone, "What do you want?"     

That woman chuckled and said, "Did you forget already? You're the one who wants something here. Not me."     

"And how do you know that I want something?" Damien growled in irritation.     

The woman may have looked and sounded sweet but he didn't like her.     

Steam of smoke sizzled out of Damien's body making that woman cough violently.     

She covered her mouth and nose and answered after a while, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard you when you were talking to these demons that you beat to a pulp."     

That woman lightly clapped her hands and shooed those demons, "Come on lazy lads. Get up and go unless you want to get beaten by this kid again."     

The demons pushed themselves up from the ground and staggered away.     

The smoke had dissipated by now so she revealed her ever-smiling face again and offered, "Damien, I can help you get what you want."     

Damien narrowed his eyes at that woman and kept on staring at her. And he asked, "What do you want in return?"     

"Nothing. Let's just say, I love helping children in achieving what they want." She smiled again.     

Damien couldn't shake the eerie vibe that he got from her seemingly harmless smile. That woman looked too suspicious and too good to be true.     

So he denied the offer, "I'm good. Thanks. I can get what I want on my own."     

Damien spread out his wings when that woman stopped him again. "Even if you get the plant, how do you plan on taking it to the Earth Realm?"     

Suddenly, Damien pounced on that woman and pinned her down. He strangled her throat and snarled, "How do you know that I want to take it to the Earth realm? Have you been spying on me?"     

The woman looked unfazed even when she was being choked. Well, she was already dead. It was not like she needed to breathe anyway.     

Damien's eyes turned red when he snarled again, "Who are you?"     

That woman snapped her fingers and out of the blue, there was some sort of invisible barrier between Damien and that woman. He was unable to grip her neck.     

She then answered in the same polite tone with the same smile, "You don't need to know who I am. But yes, I can read minds. So I know you want that soul-sucker to take it to Earth. To perhaps… give it to a girl you like."     

"Nonsense! I don't like her!" Damien exclaimed in panic.     

"Yes. Not her. The other one." The woman chuckled as she kept on reading Damien's thoughts that were bursting out.     

She flicked her fingers and Damien was suddenly thrown off her body. She got up on her feet and then instructed Damien before he would pin her down again.     

"I believe that when you release the poisonous smoke, the poison differs depending on what kind of enemy you are facing. You should be able to fend off those suckers easily with the help of your poison. And once you pluck that plant, you can bring it to me. I'll seal it properly so that you can take it to Earth."     

Damien asked while dusting off his clothes, "And how do I know that you don't have any ill intention behind it? Else why would you offer to help me?"     

That woman walked and stood in front of Damien. She lightly patted his cheeks and said, "Didn't I already tell you. I love helping children."     

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