She Belongs To The Devil

Curious Prisoner

Curious Prisoner

0Time passed by like the ever-flowing Ethereal River.      1

The friendship between the child of Hell and the children of Earth kept on growing deeper with time.     

Though Lilith was initially hesitant to send her son to Earth with Theodore on a frequent basis, she couldn't keep her son tied to Hell when he enjoyed his visits to Earth to a great degree.     

Theodore would mostly come to take Damien up on Earth during the weekends. And if there were any special occasions or festivals then Damien would be present in all of those.     

"You know the drill, Damien," Lilith would fold her arms and would raise her brows at Damien every time Theodore came to pick Damien up.     

Damien would hold Theodore's hand and reiterate what Lilith would always tell him, "Yes, mother. I know. Don't show the wings to unacquainted people, don't eat too much food because I will get used to it and will want more, be home by evening, and don't fight with anyone."     

"Yes. If I find out that you caused trouble then I won't let you visit there again," Lilith would give this warning before Damien and Theodore would vanish.     

On Earth, Damien had already become like a part of the Royal family since he would be there in the Palace at least once a week.     

He would share meals with the Royals and he would play together with the kids.     

The kids would also exchange their knowledge with each other. Damien would share things about Hell and its beings. Others would share their knowledge about Earth, humans, and supernatural beings.     

They would also teach Damien about the other things he found interesting, like sword fighting and horse riding.     

While in Hell, Lilith would also personally teach Damien the arts of sword fighting as well as magic. Damien also showed affinity to smoke, a branch of the fire element, just like his mother. So Lilith was more than happy to teach him what she knew.     

On the other hand, the Goddess would personally teach Ariel how to control her water and earth magic.     

"Ariel's affinity to the pure elements is incomparable to any other angels," the Goddess would always tell that to Theodore and Adeline after her teaching-learning session with her granddaughter.     

And she would also warn her son and her daughter-in-law, "So you two have to take extra care of her. Don't let anyone have a bad influence on her. Even at her age, she can destroy a whole mountain if she wants."     

By now, the Goddess had already made it clear to Ariel's parents that God indeed wanted Ariel to be his heir.     

And Ariel's ever-growing power would scare them every once in a while.     

Two years passed by in a blink.     

There were new additions in the members of the Royal family of Wyverndale as well as Aberdeen.     

Both Fenris and Wulfric had a child around the same time in the same year.     

Fenris and Nefriti gave birth to a beautiful son. They named him Zachariah. And Wulfric and his wife, Celina, had a beautiful daughter named Silvia.     

Everyone – the wolves, the angels, the demons, the witches, and the humans – all celebrated the birth of possible new werewolves.     

King Conall was especially happy since he got to be the grandfather. His sons gave him a grandson and a granddaughter. His Royal bloodline would continue so there was no way he wouldn't be celebrating.     

Before Zachariah was born, Ariel had been the youngest member of Wyverndale's Royal family. So she was the pampered child who never knew how to be gentle with others.     

But it changed to some extent after the birth of Zachariah. She learned to be gentle with the newborn baby. And she also learned how to love someone who was younger than herself.     

Some more years passed by. Ariel was now around 10 years old.     

When Ariel was just three years old, she didn't really care much about going out of the Palace boundaries. The area of the Palace was large enough for her and the other kids to explore.     

And since Damien would keep on visiting her, she wouldn't insist on going to Hell. She would ask every once in a while about her Uncle Luciper. However, she had Uncle Azizi on Earth who would make her forget about Lucifer.     

However, as she kept on growing up, her curiosity about the world outside of the Palace also kept on growing.     

She began feeling suffocated by the Palace boundaries.     

And to add salt to her wounds, her cousins would share their exciting stories about their adventures outside the Palace.     

She also wanted to go to the nearby market, she wanted to visit the cave, and she wanted to swim in the River.     

She wanted to do all the things that her cousins had done.     

However, her parents would never allow it. They would always say that there were several entities who wanted to harm her. But they would never clearly say who or what they were.     

"We will tell you all about it when you will grow up some more, when you will be able to understand," Theodore would always give this same answer to Ariel when she asked if she could go outside the Palace.     

And that made her feel even more suffocated.     

"But I am already a grown-up." Ariel would stand on her toes and try to increase her height while shouting, "How much do you want me to grow?"     

Theodore would smile and say, "That's not the kind of growth I am talking about, Ary. I mean your maturity."     

The ten-year-old would then try to argue with her father. "Dad, if you tell me about it then I'm sure I can understand."     

Theodore was sure that Ariel wouldn't take her grandfather as a threat if she was told that he wanted to make her the in-charge of the whole universe. He was sure she would just laugh it off or would jump at that news without properly understanding the depth behind her grandfather's intention.     

He could already visualize her thinking that she was kept inside the Palace when there was no real danger outside.     

So Theodore would try to emphasize his point, "There are some things which you will understand only with considerable years of experience.     

Right now, why don't you focus on your training so you can easily face off everyone who tries to harm you in the future?     

We're not going to make you stay inside the boundaries forever, Ary. You will be free to roam around as much as you want. And to any realms you want.     

But not before you can protect yourself from anything and everything."     

Ariel would then break her mature act and stomp around the room while shouting, "You're making me your prisoner. Just wait and see, dada. I'm going to do the same to you when you grow up… I mean when I grow up."     

After complaining for a while, Ariel would leave the matter, knowing that she could never win the verbal war against her father.     

However, she would always bring it up the next time she would be left alone in the Palace when her cousins would be out exploring several wonderful places and food.     

One night, Ariel could not contain her curiosity anymore.     

She hatched a plan to escape the Palace under the veil of the night.     

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