She Belongs To The Devil

All Secrets Out

All Secrets Out

1Theodore elegantly landed in the middle of the training ground with Ariel in his arms.     2

Niylah and Joyce couldn't distinguish what was real and what was unreal. First, they saw their uncle, whom they had known their whole lives, turning into some kind of a monster. And what next, their playful cousin had wings?     

The amount of shock that the two girls were going through was insane.     

They had their eyes and jaws wide open and were staring at Ariel's otherworldly wings.     

Ramon… was still lying on the ground, unconscious. Nobody cared to pick that poor boy up from the ground or thought of waking him up.     

The thrilling, suspenseful, and scary chase between Ariel and Theodore was too attention-grabbing for Niylah and Joyce than unconscious Ramon.     

Adeline was on the opposite side of the girls. She kept on watching her husband and her daughter from afar so as to give them some space to sort things out among themselves.     

"Ary," Theodore softly kissed his daughter's head. She was still a little shaken. So Theodore said in a loving and warm voice, "You can open your eyes now. We aren't falling anymore. We are on the ground."     

Ariel half-opened one of her eyes and peeked down to check if they really had landed or not. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the ground very close to her.     

"You saved me," Ariel whispered, and then finally, she looked at her father's face. Or more precisely, his horns.     

Theodore suddenly remembered that he was still in the Devil's skin. He wanted to change back. His terrifying look was what had scared his daughter and led her to her fall.     

However, before he could do so, Ariel giggled and said, "Dada, why are you wearing this costume? You scared me earlier!"     

"Er… ehehe..." Theodore gave an awkward chuckle and apologized, "I'm so sorry for scaring you."     

He, however, didn't know how to reveal to his daughter that he was not wearing some costume. He wanted to say that what Ariel was seeing was the real him, but he ended up asking, "You're not scared of my costume now?"     

Ariel shook her head and said with a smile, "No. I like it."     

Theodore gazed into his daughter's beaming amber eyes. He was contemplating if he should reveal the truth now since Ariel didn't look afraid of his Devilish look.     

While Theodore was lost in her eyes, Ariel was examining her father's crackling and hot horns. She mischievously bit her lower lip and abruptly gripped both of Theodore's horns.     

Needless to say, Theodore panicked thinking his daughter burned her delicate hands. "Ary!" he swiftly made Ariel leave his horns and checked her palms.     

And to his surprise, there was not a single burn mark on her tiny palms.     

Theodore looked at his daughter's confused face and asked her, "Didn't my horns feel too hot for you?"     

"Yes, they are a little hot. But I like them," Ariel grinned and as Theodore was clutching both of her arms with his palm, Ariel pushed herself upward and rubbed her cheek on Theodore's horn.     

"Ary…" Theodore felt a pinch in his heart again thinking Ariel burned her face this time.     

He swiftly moved his head back so that his daughter wouldn't reach his horns with her head.     

But when he examined her cheeks and her hair, he didn't see a single sign of burn.     

Theodore let out the breath that he had been holding. He was happy to know that apart from Cerberus, there was another being who wouldn't get burned by the heat of his horns.     

"And you are wearing wings too. How did you make them?" Ariel glanced at her father's folded wings and asked.     

She was so busy examining all the changes in her father's appearance that she forgot she had seen some white things behind her back as well.     

Theodore was thinking of a nice way to say to his daughter that he was in fact the most feared Devil Prince of Hell, who had fallen from Heaven, who is the son of God and all.     

Adeline suddenly came and stood beside the father and daughter and asked her daughter, "Your father has beautiful wings, doesn't he?"     

Ariel smiled and gave a nod.     

And Adeline pointed at Ariel's back and said, "You have even more beautiful wings. Can you see them?"     

"I have wings?" Ariel frowned in disbelief and turned her head as well as her shoulder.     

The wings turned along with her and Ariel couldn't catch a proper glance of her wings. She just felt something moving along with her.     

Adeline smiled and lightly held Ariel's wings so that Ariel could see.     

"Wow!" Ariel was thoroughly impressed by the wings.     

However, she thought that it was some magic trick done by her father. She thought they were fake. And she was quick enough to grab one of her wings and pull it.     

"Careful!" Adeline tried to stop her daughter but the deed was already done.     

"Oww…" Ariel grimaced in pain after pulling her own wing and hurting herself.     

And it was only then that Ariel realized that her wings were a hundred percent real.     

Ramon finally regained his consciousness. He saw his sisters gaping their mouths and staring in a certain direction.     

He followed their gaze only to get shocked again. "What?" He shouted so loudly that everyone's attention was on him.     

Joyce frowned at him for disturbing one of the most interesting moments of her life and scolded him, "Don't shout! And don't you dare faint again."     

"Ariel has wings!" he shouted immediately while pointing at his cousin.     

"I know!" Joyce shouted back.     

She then decided to take a closer look at Ariel and Theodore and ran in their direction.     

Niylah and Ramon also closely followed after them.     

Joyce tugged Adeline's hand and probed, "Aunty Adeline… why does Ariel have wings? What is she? And what about Uncle Theodore?" She wasn't afraid of Theodore anymore, even though he still looked terrifying.     

Adeline glanced at Theodore as if to take his permission to reveal their true identity.     

Theodore wasn't able to reveal it himself so he gave a nod to his wife.     

Ariel was also curious to know what she was since she knew for sure that humans didn't have wings.     

And Adeline took a deep breath in and asked very casually, "Children, you all have met Ariel's grandma right?"     

The children nodded their heads and Adeline continued, "She is the Goddess. She–"     

"You mean THE Goddess?" Joyce's eyes looked as though they would pop out.     

Adeline smiled and agreed. "Yes. The Goddess from Heaven. And your uncle here is her son meaning…"     

Adeline then began to give a lesson to the children right there in the middle of the training ground. All the children were, of course, listening to her as if Adeline was telling a wonderful fairy tale to them.     

Adeline gave all the details about how Theodore is a fallen angel, how Adeline herself was an immortal, and how Ariel was an angel even though she had never been to Heaven.     

Adeline also showed her own phoenix-like wings and blew the mind of all the children with her majestic look.     

The Queen further explained how Theodore is also called a Devil Prince, how there is a place called Hell, and how Damien was also from Hell.     

"Wait!" Suddenly, it dawned upon Theodore that Damien wasn't there. "Where's Damien?"     

He looked around and up in the sky, but Damien was nowhere to be seen.     

"Fu*k!" he cursed in his mind and hastily handed Ariel to Adeline.     

"I'll go look for Damien. You continue the story," he asked his wife and vanished.     

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