She Belongs To The Devil

Back to Mother

Back to Mother

2Lucifer was awkwardly sitting in the meeting room of Lilith's mansion even after all the Princes had already left the place.      1

He was hoping that Damien was safe and sound, wherever he was. Because if he was not then he couldn't even imagine what Lilith would do to everyone residing in Hell. In fact, he could imagine what she would do to Hell. He had seen her berserk mode a little too many times.     

Lilith was also sitting in one corner of the room. She was impatiently waiting for any one of the Princes or their subordinates to turn up with Damien or information related to Damien.     

"Where is he?" Lilith thought to herself while fidgeting her leg.     

"It looks like they are going to take some time to find your son," Lucifer broke the silence after quite a while.     

Several frown lines appeared on Lilith's forehead. If Lucifer was thinking that he was helping her by saying that, then he clearly was not.     

"I can tell," Lilith replied while still tapping her foot.     

Lucifer could feel the anger and impatience in Lilith's voice.     

To lighten the mood of distraught Lilith, Lucifer tried speaking with her again, "You don't have to worry too much though. He is your son. I bet he is a survivor like you. He will take care of himself until someone finds him."     

"But when… when will they find him?" Lilith mumbled in a whisper and grabbed her hair in despair.     

Lucifer didn't have an answer to give to Lilith.     

All he could do was hope that her son would be found soon so that he could get away from Lilith's side and return back to his pandemonium. Lilith was looking as if she would explode with his one wrong word. So he wanted to go back to his mansion as quickly as possible.     

After a while of silence,  Lilith turned her gaze towards Lucifer and asked him in a worried voice, "What if something has already happened to him? What if the demons and the Princes are late in finding him? What if he…" a lump in her throat prevented her from asking further questions.     

"Trust your son, Lilith. Nothing will happen to him. He even managed to escape from that shadow portal, didn't he? I don't think any one of his age has ever done that before."     

Although Lucifer knew that his words wouldn't mean much to Lilith right now, he still tried to comfort her and give her some hope.     

"It's true. But I still can't help but..."     

Both of them went silent again. The waiting game resumed. And Lucifer began feeling extremely uncomfortable again.     

To make the situation less awkward, Lucifer tried to make small talk again. "I heard that the Succubus Queen serves you now."     

Lilith spoke after a while, "She never stopped serving me. It was just me who pushed her away. I pushed everyone away…"     

She sighed and added, "But with Damien by my side, I wanted to make sure that he would have dependable allies in the future. I know that if I want my son to survive here then he will need a lot of backing up. So I started mending the broken ties again."     

Lucifer nodded his head. "That's smart thinking from you. You have..." he was going to say something but he stopped midway.     

"Say it," Lilith looked into Lucifer's eyes and asked him.     

Lucifer pursed his lips and replied, "You have made a lot of enemies over the course of thousands of years. Not just allies. He is going to be the target of your enemies. So, it is better for your son, in my opinion. The more the allies the better."     

"I know," Lilith nodded her head.      

After a while, Lucifer said in a remorseful voice, "Lilith, I would like to apologize on Mammon's behalf. I should have been stricter regarding the territorial rule."     

Lilith took a glance at Lucifer. He indeed looked apologetic even when he was not the one to kidnap Damien.     

However, it was not his apology that Lilith wanted at the moment.     

So instead she replied, "You cannot expect to maintain absolute order in a place which is full of demons who thrive in chaos. You cannot always control everyone no matter how strict you are."     

Lucifer gave a mirthless smile and agreed. "You are right. This is Hell after all."     

Lilith took a deep breath in and added, "And like you just said, I have way too many enemies. They will keep on coming at me so it is my own fault for not being able to protect my son. And everyone who is–"     

"Damien!" Lilith suddenly sprung up on her feet.     

Lucifer looked around and found the dark mist hovering a little further away from where he was sitting.     

The two of them waited for the mist to clear.     

And just as Lilith had thought, one of the two who appeared inside the room was her son.     

"Mother!" Damien ran towards his mother while spreading his arms.     

"My son." Lilith picked Damien up in her arms and showered him with kisses and hugs. "Where were you, baby. I was so worried. I thought I…"     

Lucifer gave an appreciative look to his brother and walked to stand next to him.     

Lilith's eyes were filled with tears while her heart finally lightened. The clenching in her heart that she had been feeling until now disappeared in a jiffy.     

Seeing his mother's tears for the very first time, Damien felt a prick in his heart.     

He immediately put his arms around his mother's neck and said with haste, "That shadow demon took me to the Earth Realm. I didn't mean to make you sad. Please don't cry, mother. I didn't run away on purpose."     

Lilith smiled while her tears were still glistening in her eye rims and her lashes. "Oh, Damien. I am not blaming you, baby. And I am not sad anymore. I am happy that you are finally back here."     

The frown on Damien's face disappeared. He was relieved that he was not getting scolded by his mother.     

Lilith then made her son stand on a chair and asked with a frown, "Whose clothes are you wearing, by the way?"     

But before he could answer that, Lilith began inspecting her son's body and asking a lot of questions, "Damien, you aren't hurt anywhere, are you? Did anything bad happen to you?"     

"My wings and ankles were hurting but now I am alright." Damien suddenly looked at his mother with happy eyes and said, "And you won't believe what happened there in Earth realm."     

"What happened?" Lilith asked with frowns on her forehead.     

Damien gave a wide smile and answered, "Ariel's uncle, Alan found me and took me to his home."     

"Really?" Lilith raised her brows and looked at Theodore to confirm it.     

Theodore nodded his head.     

"That..." Lilith looked at her son's happy expression and guessed that her son was in the care of good people. And she exclaimed, "What a happy coincidence."     

"Tell me what you know," Lilith demanded to know more from Theodore.     

And Theodore explained how he found Damien in the bathhouse of Alan's home.     

While Theodore was speaking, Damien feared that Theodore would snitch to his mother about that particular incident about him tasting human blood.     

So he hastily tried to divert his mother's attention by saying, "And Alan has promised to prepare meat for dinner. He also said that we will be riding some kya rage to go to Ariel's home. I can't wait to–"     

Without missing a beat, Lilith frowned and shut her son down, "What are you talking about, Damien? You are not expecting me to send you back to the Earth Realm, are you?"     

Damien's heartbeat picked up its pace. He wanted to say yes in such a way that his mother would agree to his request. He really wanted to experience the things that the Earth Realm had to offer. And he obviously wanted to meet his friend.      

"Erm... I want... I want to go there and see–"     

However, before he could even make his point, Lilith shouted with a stern look on her face, "You are not going anywhere now that you are finally here. Don't ask me such a stupid thing again."     

Lilith picked her son up in her arms again fearing he would teleport again.     

"But mother…" Damien tried to protest.     

"That is final. You're not going anywhere!"     

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