She Belongs To The Devil

To Hell

To Hell

2"Are you ready?" Theodore asked Ariel before teleporting to hell.      2



Ariel was startled when she heard someone barging the door open.     

"Theodore! How could you be so careless? How could you do that to the children?" Theodore heard a sharp and angry voice from behind him.     

He turned around to see Rhea fuming with anger. She stomped her feet on the floor and moved closer to Theodore while baring her teeth as though they were her fangs.     

And she growled, "What if Ramon went into a shock or had a heart failure or something worse? What if he didn't regain his consciousness? How could you pull such a stunt and scare him like that?"     

"Er… ahahaha…" Theodore let out a nervous chuckle and took a few steps back from that angry wolf. "Rhea… I… I… I didn't mean to scare them. I was just trying to make them acquainted with my followers since we had to do–"     

Rhea angrily stomped her feet again and shouted at the devil, "Yes, we had to do it someday. But didn't you…"     

Nigel came rushing inside the room and held Rhea. He feared that she was going to hit Theodore. "Rhea, stop!"     

However, Rhea kept on trying to get out of Nigel's hold and shouting, "Didn't you think that it was necessary to consult us or Adeline before taking them to see the demons? We could have talked the kids out of their insistence or… or… we could have gone together with them."     

Rhea's voice turned huskier and her eyes glowed yellow. She then growled at the Devil, "Don't you dare do as you please with my kids, you De–"     

"Rhea, stop shouting!" Nigel hastily covered Rhea's mouth so that she wouldn't say something that she would regret a minute later. And he said in a softer tone, "Don't you see that you are scaring Ariel?"     

Rhea stopped struggling with her husband. She glanced at Ariel to see fear lingering on her face. Ariel was tightly clutching Theodore's cloth and was looking back at her as if she was the demon. Poor Ariel was ready to cry.     

Rhea covered her face and let out a deep breath to keep her wolf at bay. This was the first time she got so angry at someone.     

Nigel removed his palm from his wife's mouth and lightly rubbed her shoulders.     

Theodore patted his daughter's head and apologized to Rhea, "I'm sorry, Rhea. I didn't properly think it through before taking them yesterday."     

Rhea glanced at Theodore. He looked guilty as well as hurt. She sighed and apologized to him, "I'm sorry for rashly shouting at you... I was scared when Niylah told me that Ramon fell unconscious. I shouldn't have lost my cool."     

Theodore gave a smile and said, "It's okay. If I was in your place and I would have acted the same way. Maybe even worse."     

Rhea walked closer to Ariel and said in a rather softer voice, "Ary baby, aunty is sorry okay? I won't shout at your dada again."     

Ariel gave a nod and turned to rest her head on Theodore's shoulder. Ariel had never seen her aunty getting this angry. And she also got this intimidating aura from Rhea so she was still a little scared of her.     

"Is Ramon alright now?" Theodore asked Rhea.     

Rhea gave a nod and replied, "Yes, he is alright. If Niylah hadn't told me about the little incident in the cave then I would have never known…"     

She awkwardly darted her eyes around the room and said, "He was insisting that he had fun with you and he was even begging me not to get angry at you. But I just couldn't help it."     

There was an awkward silence in the room for a while. And before it got further awkward, Nigel asked Theodore, "Um… Ary is carrying a nice bag. Are the two of you going somewhere?"     

"Oh, yes, we were." Theodore had almost forgotten that he was going to take Ariel on a visit. And he softly said, "I'm taking her to hell. She has made a friend there."     

Nigel dramatically raised his brows as though he was in utter disbelief. And Rhea looked as though she was horrified.     

"She's made a what in hell?" Nigel asked just to reconfirm that he had not misheard.     

"A friend." Theodore scratched his head and said, "He is Lilith's son. I don't think he has many friends there so I think it is a good–"     

"Son of Reginald you mean?" Nigel's eyes had a hint of red in them when he asked in a somewhat disapproving tone.     

Theodore pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded.     

And Rhea asked while sharing the same disapproving vibe, "Do you think it's a good idea to let Ariel mingle with that vamp… that person's blood?"     

Theodore squinted his eyes and replied, "I will find that out. If I find him displaying some toxic behavior like his father then I…"     

He looked at his daughter who suddenly lifted her head and stared at him. He smiled at her and said, "Let's see. I hope he took after his mother… not too much though… just her good sides."     

"I sure hope so..." Nigel still had that disapproving look.     

"We will get going now," Theodore smiled at the wolves and prepared for teleportation.     

Ariel closed her eyes when the dark mist started to blur her vision. She had a smile on her face. She was happy that she was going to see her friend again. She already had lots of games in her mind that she wanted to play with Damien.     

When she opened her eyes, she found herself and her father in a room. She looked around in awe because the decoration of that room was very different from what she was used to.     

The room was painted red. The bed was pitch black and had carvings of serpents and winged creatures on it. There was a sofa and a table in that room which looked equally amusing. And the room was hotter than her own.     

"Is this your workbed?" Ariel asked her father with curiosity.     

Theodore put his daughter down on the sofa and replied with a soft smile on his face, "You can call this my workplace. I used to sleep here sometimes before I got married to your mother."     

He looked around the room again. And now that he saw it once more from a child's perspective, the room kind of looked spooky. So he asked his daughter, "You are not scared, are you?"     

In response, Ariel took off her bag and instantly plopped down on the sofa. She crossed her legs and asked instead, "You don't live in this room now?"     

Theodore chuckled and replied, "I live with your mother and you, Ary. Why would you think I still live here?"     

Ariel looked at her father with a wide smile on her face and asked, "Dada, give this room to me. I want to live here."     

"Oh! And I thought you were scared…" Theodore laughed and kissed Ariel's tiny hand. "Sure, you can have this room if you like it. But only when we come here to visit. You cannot live here until you grow up."     

Ariel furrowed her brows and asked, "Why do I have to grow up?"     

Theodore looked at his daughter with a serious expression on his face and said, "Because outside this room, demons much scarier than the one you saw yesterday roam around. You don't want one of them to… to eat you, right?"     

Ariel covered her eyes with both of her palms and violently shook her head. "I don't want them to dead meat me."     

Theodore bit his lower lip so that he wouldn't leak a burst of laughter.     

He took a few deep breaths and then said to his daughter, "Ariel, I have some work outside. I will finish it and come right back. Will you stay here till I come back?"     

Ariel gave a puppy-eyed look to her father and asked, "Can't I go with you?"     

"No, Ary. The demons will try to snatch you from me if you come." Theodore tried to keep a straight face as he lied to his daughter. But it was true that he didn't want to advertise his daughter to the demons outside.     

"Stay here until I come back, okay?" Theodore asked his daughter again. "I won't be gone for long."     

Ariel gulped and asked, "What if the demons come inside to eat me?"     

"I will put a spell on the door so that they won't barge in," Theodore reassuringly caressed Ariel's hair.     

Ariel finally smiled and nodded her head. "You can go. But come soon."     

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