She Belongs To The Devil

Alive and Well

Alive and Well

3Adeline and Theodore were not getting any rest even after one of them literally died and came back to life. They had to let the soldiers know that Adeline was alright. And they also had to go to the Palace and prepare for the arrival of the victorious soldiers.     

After teleporting back to the battlefield, the two of them noticed that the soldiers were diligently performing their duties.     

The witches and wizards were healing the injured soldiers. The werewolves were helping with the heavy lifting jobs. Some soldiers were collecting the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers. Some were helping the injured. While some were preparing the horses for the return.     

And when they saw their Queen and her husband popping out of the sky, they all cheered. They were happy to see that their Queen was healthy again. She looked much livelier.     

Theodore and Adeline descended slowly. And when they were still hovering in the air at just enough height to see everyone a little closer, Theodore declared, "King of Mihir is dead. We don't have to worry about those vampires terrorizing us anymore."     

The soldiers cheered even louder. They began to pump their fists in the air and celebrated the death of the enemy.     

After seeing how he tricked Adeline and what he did to their Queen, they all had wanted Reginald dead. And they couldn't be any happier after hearing exactly what they had wanted.     

When the soldiers calmed down, Adeline then said in a loud voice, "First of all, I would like to thank all of you for fighting bravely and successfully chasing away the enemy. However, though we are the victors of this war, we also lost a lot of our brothers and sisters. So in their honor, our Kingdom will mourn for two days."     

The soldiers nodded their heads in agreement. Most of them had lost their friends and some had even lost their family members in this war.     

Adeline then moved down and informed the Generals, "I will head to the capital first and give the news about the result of the war. And I will also have them get prepared to receive the soldiers who fought here. I will join all of you again after completing these tasks."     

"You don't have to worry about us, Adeline." General Osmond gave a reassuring smile to the Queen and said, "We will return to the capital after we finish making the preparation to leave. You should go ahead and do what requires your immediate attention."     

"Thank you, General Osmond." Adeline smiled back at her teacher and added, "I will leave all of them in your care then."     

Adeline then held Theodore's hand and said, "Let's go, shall we?" She allowed him to teleport both of them to the Palace. She didn't think she would be able to teleport again without practicing it properly first.     

When the two of them teleported in front of the Court, both of them were in for a great shock.     

The court looked like it was on fire. Several bodies were lined up right in front of the court. It looked like the Palace had also been under attack from the enemy.     

Adeline and Theodore went to find some soldiers who were busy lining up the dead bodies and asked them, "What happened here?"     

The soldiers bowed to them and one of them replied with a sad look on his face, "Lillian got out of the dungeon."     

Both Adeline and Theodore looked at each other in horror.     

"And she instantly started to kill and burn the Palace. Thankfully the fire was brought under control soon. But we lost a considerable number of soldiers. We are still counting the number of deaths." That soldier briefed them about what had happened when they were not present in the Palace.     

And Theodore promptly asked, "Where's she now?"     

"She is dead. I head that Lucifer's pet dog personally came here and took her soul." That soldier said it very casually as though it was something very normal.     

"Cerberus came here to take her soul?" Theodore raised his brows and thought of visiting Hell soon. To know what happened and also to torture Lillian to his heart's content now that she was in his territory.     

The soldier then added, "I don't know if it is my place to say this but Lillian had attacked Prince Edwin. We had heard that he was badly injured."     

Adeline gave that look to Theodore that asked him to take both of them to Edwin's quarter.     

Theodore held Adeline's hand and both of them teleported in front of Edwin's quarter. However, when they reached there, all they saw was a building that had collapsed down to the ground.     

"What the hell happened here," Adeline asked in a shocked voice.     

Theodore didn't have the answer to her question. And rather than asking another soldier and getting half of the answer, Theodore used his divine vision to locate Edwin.     

Then he instantly took her to where Edwin was.     

"Edwin!" Adeline was about to run to him to check on him. But she stopped herself from doing so because Edwin looked more than fine. He was carrying Joyce in his arms and was happily chatting with his wife.     

"Adeline! You're here!" Edwin came and stood in front of Adeline and then asked in a curious voice, "Did we win?"     

"Aunty Adeline…" Joy held out her tiny hands to Adeline with a smile on her face and asked Adeline to hold her.     

"Hey, Joy," Adeline took Joy from Edwin's arms and said with a smile, "We won! Most of the things went according to our plan."     

Edwin let out a huge sigh of relief and then covered his eyes with his palm. He couldn't explain how happy he was to hear that all their hard work had paid off.     

And he was especially relieved to hear that they won because of their plan because he was too deeply involved as a spy. If they had lost after they did all that careful planning then it would have looked like he had deliberately given wrong information leading to their defeat.     

Theodore placed his palm on Edwin's shoulder and asked in a somewhat worried voice, "I heard that you were hurt. Are you alright?"     

"I was attacked by the dark witch but I'm alright now. Tabitha and the others healed me," Edwin replied to Theodore.     

And then he asked Adeline who was busy hearing some story from Joy, "By the way, how did you get revived again?"     

Adeline clasped her mouth and looked at Edwin with a realization being reflected on her face. "Did you also…" she looked at Joy and then back at Edwin and asked inaudibly, "Did you also die?"     

Edwin pursed his lips and nodded his head.     

Adeline's heart ached after realizing what Edwin must have gone through. The agonizing pain after getting her heart crushed was too much even for her, which meant Edwin had it even worse. So she apologized, "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of my pain."     

"Well, I am glad that we both are alive and well now, Adeline. You don't have to say sorry." Edwin gave a comforting smile to his sister.     

He felt very lucky that he didn't stay dead but got revived together with Adeline. He was happy that he was getting yet another chance at life.     

He looked at his daughter and said, "I am happy just by thinking that I will get to watch her grow."     

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