She Belongs To The Devil

Five in One

Five in One

1"I wish to happily live till eternity with Theodore and our child on Earth."     3

The ground stopped shaking almost immediately after God heard Adeline's wish. But the red sky was still intact.     

God was completely taken aback upon hearing Adeline's bold wish. And so was Theodore.     

Theodore gazed at the marvelous wings of his wife and looked at his father. He wondered if the wish that Adeline just made was valid in the eyes of his father. She had intertwined five wishes in one and he wondered how his father would take it.     

From what he knew, he guessed that his father would be offended even further and maybe he would even punish Adeline thinking that she tried to fool him.     

God pursed his lips and stared at Adeline for quite a while.     

Adeline was tightly clenching her fists together. She was still standing in front of Theodore like a barrier. And she was unwaveringly looking into God's eyes as if she didn't know she had just wished for a lot of things and not just one.     

God averted his gaze from Adeline and looked at his son. And he growled to him, "You're lucky that your wife is clever as a fox."     

He scoffed and added, "When the matter came down to you, she even outsmarted me... even created a new reality in which you are not punished. Be thankful to her and make sure you never kill her again by failing to protect her."     

He looked back at Adeline again and said to her in a somewhat softer voice, "I had granted you one wish but you asked for five. However, technically, what you asked for still counts as one wish. So I am not going to go back on my words."     

The red sky also reverted back to looking like a foggy winter morning after the almighty declared that he would respect Adeline's wish.     

The almighty's physical form slowly started to disappear. And his voice echoed from the sky, "I grant you your wish, Adeline."     

Adeline felt a tingle of happiness upon hearing that.     

God then warned Adeline so that Theodore would never behave like a true monster after today, "But make sure that you control that husband of yours. If he offends me again then I will find loopholes in your wish and I will punish him. So ask him not to cross the line."     

"I will. Thank you!" Adeline replied and a series of fireworks burst inside of her chest.     

The almighty completely disappeared from there after getting the response from Adeline.     

And when He disappeared, Adeline covered her mouth with both of her palms and dropped to the ground in relief. Her wings retracted on their own.     

Everything that happened in the past few hours was such a whirlwind of a ride that she finally got time to break into tears.     

"Adeline," Theodore also reverted back to his normal form and tightly hugged his wife from behind. He kissed her head full of silver hair and whispered gratefully, "Thank you for saving me, Adeline. And thank you for saving us."     

Theodore was not sure if he would have been able to stop himself from jumping into the hellfire or stabbing himself with his sword if he was going to be bound to Hell forever. He could not imagine living till eternity without Adeline, now that she was an immortal.     

And he could bet that Adeline would also feel the same way. So he was very grateful that Adeline had saved the both of them by making that witty wish.     

Adeline turned to face her husband and looked into his tearful eyes. And she asked while sobbing, "Why would you go on a frenzy like that, Theo? What if I was a little late? What if…" Adeline choked on her tears and couldn't even speak properly.     

She wanted to scold Theodore. She wanted to ask him why he didn't think about her before going on a killing spree and angering God. But her tears won the race with her words and she began to cry like a baby.     

Theodore wiped Adeline's tears with his palms and pulled her into a warm embrace.     

And he apologized to Adeline from the bottom of his heart, "I am sorry that I lost my mind. I should have known better. I should have just stayed by your side. But thinking about not seeing Azriel ever again made me lose my control. And before I knew it, I was already fighting our father."     

"I'm just glad that he didn't kill you before I came here. You were in such a bad shape after getting attacked by those lightning bolts. Do you know how scared I was?" Adeline tightly put her arms around Theodore's neck and choked him with her hug.     

"Ugh! Adeline…" Theodore gently stroked Adeline's back and coughed. "You are choking me. You are a lot stronger than before now."     

"Oh, sorry!" Adeline chuckled and pulled away from the hug.     

"No, don't be sorry." Theodore gave a guilty look to Adeline and said, "I deserve to be choked. I deserve some good beating after everything I did today."     

Adeline wiped her tears and pinched Theodore's cheeks until he winced in pain. "You are damn right! You deserve some punishment for what you did." And then she jumped on Theodore and attacked him with her lips.     

Theodore tried holding his ground when Adeline pounced on him like a hungry lioness. But he fell on his back and she fell on top of him.     

They both chuckled and kept on savoring each other's taste. They kissed passionately like never before. Both of them were glad that they both were alive and were together.     

After those two got enough of the other's taste, Adeline pulled away from the kiss and gazed at her beautiful husband. "Can you believe it? I can see this angelic face of yours for the rest of eternity!"     

Theodore smiled and caressed Adeline's jaw. He noticed that her sapphire blue eyes had darkened in color and they looked very similar to that of Azriel's. He wanted to go and see how his brother was doing.     

But before that, he lovingly said to his wife, "Yes, I am so happy that everything worked out in the end. I will also get to wake up every morning with my wife by my side, that also forever…"     

"Forever doesn't sound that bad if I get to be with you," Adeline put her palm over her husband's and gave a longing smile to him. She couldn't wait to happily live with Theodore for the rest of eternity.     

Theodore then gave a mischievous grin and teased his wife, "So… I guess we will be able to have a child for sure now. When do we make our baby then?"     

Adeline wrinkled her brows and gently punched Theodore on his chest. "Don't tease me."     

"Ouch! I'm not!" Theodore gently rubbed his chest and said, "I mean you asked for a child. So we have to try making one. She won't magically appear in your belly now, will she?"     

Adeline pushed herself up and away from Theodore and asked, "She? How do you know that it will be a 'she'? It could very well be a 'he'."     

Theodore also got up from the ground and said while wrapping his arms around Adeline's waist, "It could be. But I want a baby girl just like you. We wouldn't be able to handle a son like me. He would be too naughty."     

Adeline bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing out loud upon that remark of Theodore. She put her arms around her husband and said teasingly, "Well, it could be a girl but she could turn out to be as mischievous as you. Who knows?"     

Theodore pursed his lips and agreed, "That she could. But still, I would love to have a daughter."     

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