She Belongs To The Devil

Falling and Flying

Falling and Flying

1Theodore and all of his 33 clones made the flaming sword vanish from their hands at once. There was only one true flaming sword that the original Theodore was carrying. So using it would be a dead giveaway.     3

Theodore was thinking of vanishing from there along with a few other clones. He was thinking of teleporting to different parts of the world and instantly summoning his followers and instructing them before God would find the real him.     

But before doing that, God also created equal mirages of his own to fight all Theodores one on one.     

Rather than fighting God though, Theodore and his clones ran around clawing the humans, tearing them apart, ripping their throats, and whatnot. He was enjoying each and every kill even though he was simply killing emotionless 'statues' right now.     

"Thank you for freezing them, father. I can kill more efficiently." Theodore smirked and dug his claws into one of the human's throat. And he sliced that human's head clean from the body.     

God was able to eliminate some of the clones of Theodore. But he was unable to find out which one was his real son before attacking. This magic of Theodore's was too good even for God.     

God sighed and thought to himself, "If you were not killing these humans right now then your mother would have been proud of you, Theodore. She was the one who taught this to you after all."     

Theodore noticed how his father was distracted at the moment. God had just created his shadows so it was no problem for Theodore to keep up with his real father.     

"This should be the right time to vanish from here," he thought to himself and flew to gather a few other clones so that he could imbue magic in them to teleport them away.     

But when he was flying, he saw Adeline popping out from the sky and falling right down.     

"Whoaaaa!" she screamed and tried to grab onto something. But there was nothing to grab onto. And when she tried to find something, she lost her balance in the air and began falling upside down.     

"Adeline!" Theodore felt a pang in his heart after seeing his wife there.     

He was so focused on saving Azriel and taking revenge on his father that he had completely forgotten about his wife.     

And now that she was here, he wasn't sure how to feel. He didn't know whether to be happy that his wife was now alive. Or whether to be sad now that the slim chance of his brother's revival was now over.     

"Ahhhhhh!" Adeline looked around her and saw one of the Theodores. And she shouted, "Theodore! Help, please. I don't know what to do!"     

Theodore felt another sharp pain in his heart. Adeline was already close to banging her head on the hard ground. "What am I doing? Save her, Theodore!" he scolded himself.     

Theodore was about to fly off to catch her and prevent her from hitting the ground. But he still wasn't going to give up on his plan to summon the demons.     

So instead of going to save his wife himself, he sent a clone to save her.     

However, before that clone could catch her, God attacked that clone and it vanished.     

"What? No!" Adeline held out her hand while she was still falling upside down to try and catch Theodore's clone.     

She was thinking that it was Theodore who just got killed. She was scared and shocked and felt all kinds of emotions at once. She was in utter confusion from all the things that were happening to her.     

"I was too late…"     

She closed her eyes and then waited for her head to get slammed to the ground.     

But she felt a gentle touch on her waist and on her nape. And she was pulled up. She was saved!     

She hurriedly opened her eyes to see a bizarre scene. She saw a lot of… a lot of Theodore.     

One was holding her and smiling at her with tearful eyes. While the others were fanning out their wings and had created some sort of 'Devil-barrier' around the two of them who were in the middle.     

"Theodore?" she looked into the eyes of the one who was holding her and asked with a confused look on her face.     

"Yes," Theodore gave a wide smile to her and embraced her. "I'm so glad to see that you are okay," he whispered in her ear.     

Adeline tightly hugged Theodore back and sighed in relief, "And so am I."     

She was so terrified when she saw that clone getting killed that she was ready to kill herself without thinking for a second. And when she saw so many of him, tears of happiness fell down her cheeks.      

But then she saw the clones in front of her vanish like a puff of smoke. Some other clones filled that gap and made a tighter and smaller circle. But she had already seen someone from that gap earlier. She felt a sudden throbbing pain in her heart upon recalling the terrifying look in God's eyes.     

Adeline tapped on Theodore's back and asked in a shaky voice, "Theodore, you should run away from here. I will stall father here."     

Theodore pulled away from the hug and shook his head. "Don't ask me to run, Adeline. I'm not leaving you again. And I won't allow you to leave me either."     

A few more clones of Theodore vanished again. And Adeline urged him again, "I won't leave you, Theo. Just give me some time to talk with father."     

"Talk?" Theodore scoffed and said, "There will be no talking with him. He won't listen to anything that we have to say. You have no idea how he is."     

Theodore then said to her, "My clones will escort you to the ground." Now that Adeline was here, Theodore's plan changed.     

His eyes burned like hellfire when he further said, "I will join you after killing my father. Things will never be easy for us until he is alive."     

Adeline was dumbfounded to hear that from Theodore's mouth. "Wh-What did you just say?" Adeline raised her brows and asked in disbelief, "You will kill your father? You will kill the creator of this universe?"     

Two other clones vanished. Adeline glanced at the furious God and she aggressively whispered to Theodore, "All of us will die if he is dead! And why would you even say such things?"     

"He killed Azriel!" Theodore shouted in a sharp voice.     

"Theo… Azri–"     

Theodore didn't let Adeline speak and kept on with his grievances, "And he will kill all of us one by one. He doesn't care about any of us!"     

"Listen, Theodo–"     

Theodore's horns heated up as he further snarled, "All he cares about is himself and his little Earth and his little puppets. All he cares about are his–"     

The clones were now almost all gone. Only five of them were in God's way now.     

Adeline panicked and held Theodore by his cheeks. She pecked his lips to make him stop talking. And when he stopped, she hurriedly spoke, "Theo, listen to me once. Azriel is fine. Mother is there in the cave, healing him as we speak."     

Theodore widened his eyes and asked, "Azriel is alive?"     

Adeline gave a soft smile to him and nodded, "Yes, he is alive. I am alive. Nobody died. So calm down, okay? And stop fighting with your fa–"     

A thunderclap resounded throughout the area.     

God hit the original Theodore with a lightning bolt again.     

And both Theodore and Adeline flew away from the impact.     

The bolt didn't stop there. It came on coming and hitting Theodore on the back. And they kept on rolling in the air and flying further and further away from the open field and closer towards the hill.     

Theodore tightly wrapped his arms around Adeline's waist and covered Adeline with his wings so that the bolts wouldn't hit her.     

However, he was already at his limit. He spurted out blood from his mouth. His hold on Adeline loosened. And his eyes lulled.     

Adeline cupped Theodore's cheeks and called him to wake him up, "Theodore. Stay with me."     

The two of them were now descending at a great speed. They were going to hit a hill if they didn't stop soon.     

"Theodore!" Adeline shouted but Theodore was now closing his eyes and was completely leaning on her. All he was doing now was blocking the lightning bolts. Or to be more precise, God was hitting him and not Adeline.     

Adeline looked back. They were going to crash on the hill any moment now.     

Right then, Adeline felt very itchy on her back. And something protruded out after she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder blades.     

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