She Belongs To The Devil

Play God

Play God

3As soon as the father and son escaped out of that prison, God noticed the evil grin on his son's face. He could clearly tell his son's intention upon seeing that grin that was hungry for violence.     3

He tried to create his weapon to stop Theodore but he was still recovering from the earlier attack. He was lucky that Theodore just got his hands on a few strands of his hair and not anything more. Only a sliver of his energy was disrupted which he would recover soon.     

Theodore looked down at the confused armies of Mihir.     

They were all able to see the supreme entity along with the Devil who was terrorizing them earlier.     

Some of the soldiers were already running away while some were stuck right where they were. They were terrified to even stand still, let alone move their feet and run.     

Theodore's attention was on the vampire guards of Reginald. He wanted to start the slaughter with them.     

"Stop whatever you're thinking of doing!" God shouted at his son upon seeing the lust for blood in his eyes.     

Theodore smirked and scoffed, "Not even in your dreams."     

In the blink of an eye, Theodore had already teleported to the ground. He lifted his flaming sword.     

And at the same time, God held out his palms to create lightning bolts to attack his son with. He aimed and threw two bolts of lightning at Theodore.     

The bolts came shooting down.     

By the time the bolts were near Theodore, he jabbed his sword at five of the vampires. They all crumbled down to ashes in no time. And before the bolts hit him, he teleported a little further away from where he was.     

However, the moment he appeared there, two other bolts struck him right on his chest. Theodore groaned in pain and was sent flying.     

A series of lightning bolts struck him one after another before he could even touch the ground.     

After getting hit at least 10 times, he was at the other corner of that open field. His back skidded on the rocks and dirt and even some of the humans before finally coming to a stop.     

The almighty wanted to strike again but Theodore was already in a bad shape.     

He was grabbing his chest and crouching in a fetal position because of extreme pain. His eyes looked bloodshot. He was coughing and salivating uncontrollably. His ears were ringing nonstop. His head felt like it would burst any second now. And he was even unable to perceive what was real and what was unreal.     

Before doing anything else to his son, God snapped his fingers to erase himself from the memories of the Earthlings. And after doing so, he froze everyone and everything in the vicinity so that they wouldn't witness his battle with his son.     

He stood in front of his son and growled in anger, "Do you even realize what you just did? You just robbed those souls of their chance at another life as well! You have no right to play me. No one but I decide the purge of the souls."     

"Then why did you let Azriel purge his own soul?" Theodore breathed heavily as he slurred out the words, "Why are you letting him play 'God' then? Why aren't you doing anything to preserve his soul?"     

God had no answer to Theodore's questions. So he simply shouted in an even angrier tone, "Don't try to play my words against me."     

"I am just trying to make you aware of how hypocrite you are." Theodore glared at his father and spoke with great difficulty, "Why don't you stop arguing with me and go and save Azriel? Why don't you keep your rigid self aside and give some importance to your family for once?"     

However, his father said in a piercingly cold voice, "If you didn't want your brother to die then you should have done a better job at protecting your wife. Don't come crying to me after things go bad for you. Try to take the responsibility for once. Don't blame everything on me or wait for me to clean up after your mess."     

Theodore stared at his father for a few seconds to try and see past his facial expression. And he burst into a chuckle because all he saw was truthfulness in his every word.     

Theodore slowly pushed himself up from the ground and bitterly said, "So that's how it is, huh! We are just some mere baggage to you and nothing more. All that you care about is your Playworld and the creatures that you created when you were bored."     

"Yes. At least they respect me and fear me." God narrowed his eyes at Theodore and said, "Look at you! You don't even fear me anymore. And I can't have someone like you running rampant, destroying the things that I love. You shall be punished."     

Theodore took in a deep breath to keep his tears in. He looked into his father's ice-cold eyes and said, "Thank you for saying it directly to my face. I was starting to think that we would eventually have a normal father-son relationship like your playthings on Earth."     

"All these years and you never learned how to treat your family from these Earthlings. At least they know how to put their family first." Theodore looked away from his father and pursed his lips.     

"I hope you are satisfied after all this ranting." God disregarded everything that Theodore just said to him. And he stared into Theodore's soul and said in a voice colder than ice, "How about I tie you to Hell just like Samael? Or even better, how about I wipe you from existence?"     

Theodore gave a challenging look to God. He then closed off his thoughts and the probable choices that he was going to make from his father so that his father wouldn't prepare for what he was going to do beforehand.     

Theodore knew that he was going to get punished. He knew his father would never save Azriel. So before he got punished, he thought of destroying as many things on Earth as possible.     

He thought of summoning all of his 72 followers and then asking them to summon a thousand demons who were under each one of them. He was going to deploy 72000 of the demons from Hell to wreak havoc on different parts of Earth.     

And in order to create a distraction and buy enough time to do so, Theodore created several clones of himself. All of his clones were very much identical to him, even the aurae they all were emitting and the flaming sword they were carrying were identical.     

"Go ahead and wipe me," Theodore's clones shouted at God at once and dispersed around the field.     

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