She Belongs To The Devil



0"I'm going to kill them all."     0

The cave shook as a response to Theodore's rage.     

His followers who were still in the cave didn't know what was going on with their master. But whatever it was, they were sure that it wasn't good. So they ran through the corridors and towards Theodore's private garden.     

Arion swiftly flapped his wings and flew to bite Theodore's clothes from behind. He wanted to stop Theodore from doing anything stupid and later on facing the wrath of God.     

"Leave me alone, Arion!" Theodore curved his wings forward and then rotated his body to get out of Arion's grasp on his clothes.     

Arion also flapped out his wings as if to stop him and yelled, "Don't do this, Theodore. Please just stay by your brother's side in his final moments. And be here when Adeline wakes up."     

Theodore clenched his jaw and said sourly, "Oh, I will be back before the ritual is over. It won't take a minute for me to finish that bastard's entire army. I am going to wipe them all out."     

"Theodore! I'm not letting you go!" Arion jumped at Theodore and tried to hit Theodore on the head. He thought that making him unconscious again was way better than letting him go on a killing spree and getting way worse punishment.     

However, the door to the garden flung open right before Arion could hit Theodore. And in came a lot of creatures of all forms.     

"Arion? Whoa! What are you doing?"     

Theodore's followers jumped in between the two of them thinking that Arion was revolting against their master.     

The blood fairy and the chimera grabbed Arion by his wings while the others "protected" Theodore.     

"What are you fools doing? Let go of me! Theodore is going to…"     

While Arion was busy trying to explain to the followers that he didn't mean any harm to Theodore, Theodore disappeared from there.     

"Were you trying to attack our master? What the hell is wrong with you, Arion?" one of the followers scolded Arion.     

Arion sighed and hung his head low. And he asked those fools in a beaten-up tone, "Take a look around and tell me what you see."     

In all the chaos earlier, most of them failed to notice Azriel and Adeline who were wrapped inside the bubble of aurae.     

"What's happening?" the blood fairy asked looking wary of whatever it was that was happening to those two.     

Arion sighed and answered, "Long story short, our master is going to lose his brother. And he is blinded by rage. He is going to do something which he will regret the moment he will finish doing."     

"What's he going to do?" the chimera asked, looking very concerned now.     

"He's going to kill an entire army… of Earthlings." Arion glared at that chimera who had stopped him from stopping Theodore. And he snarled, "He might have done it by now. Well done for jumping to a conclusion without knowing the full story."     

All of Theodore's followers were now dumbfounded. They cursed themselves for being the reason that their master got away from there.     

"What do we do now? Shall we fly there?" the blood fairy asked.     

And the chimera shouted in frustration, "Not everybody has wings!" He paused and toned down his voice a little. Then said while furrowing his brows, "Even if we fly, it won't make any difference now."     

What he said was true.     

Theodore had already found the army of Mihir. They hadn't reached far from the battlefield.     

Theodore flew above the army in circles like a vulture ready to tear off the flesh of its prey.     

The humans and a few vampires who were down below clamored upon seeing the Devil flying above them. Some of them even began to scatter away from the group and run away in fear.     

They had already surrendered to Wyverndale. But still, the soldiers were afraid of the Devil.     

The Devil wasn't awake when the General had accepted the defeat of Mihir. So nobody really knew what Theodore was going to do to them. But most of them guessed that since he was there, it was a piece of bad news for them.     

Reginald had regained his consciousness a while ago. But he was closing his eyes, unable to see the leg that he lost in the battle.     

"What's going on? Why are they running over there?" Reginald opened his eyes and looked around to see the chaos.     

He didn't need any answer from the others because a shadow fell upon him.     

Reginald looked up to see Theodore flying high up in the sky. He smirked and looked down at his leg that Arion had melted from the calf down.     

And he whispered to himself, "I lost my leg. But I think you lost something more valuable…" he looked up again and smiled, "…didn't you, Mr. Devil?"     

Reginald was devastated until a while ago after hearing that they had lost the war. General Carlos wasn't able to give him a definite answer regarding Adeline's condition.     

But now that he saw Theodore, he began cackling in pure joy.     

He was sure that Theodore had come for him after Adeline lost her life. After all, he had stabbed her right in her heart, that also with her own magical sword.     

"I didn't lose now, did I?" Reginald was cackling and mumbling to himself, "I killed your beloved wife. Now you know how it feels like when you lose your loved ones. Now you will have to live your entire life without her. I won!"     

Theodore was hovering in the air, looking for Reginald in that sea of people. And when he spotted Reginald on one of the horses, he narrowed his eyes and growled, "You're dead meat now, bloodsucker."     

And without thinking about the consequence of his action or retribution that it would attract, Theodore unleashed the flaming sword from its sheath and swooped down.     

The vampire guards who had survived were around their King.     

And when one of those guards saw the flaming sword in Theodore's hand, he warned the others, "Protect the King!"     

The human soldiers who were around the King also took the initiative to protect Reginald. Since the Devil was going to attack from above, they encircled the King and his Royal Guards and used the iron shields to barricade themselves from the Devil's attack.     

"The moment the shield falls down, we all attack that Devil at once," one of the guards said to the others as the sound of flapping of wings got nearer and nearer.     


Theodore gave one powerful kick right at the center of that manmade barrier.     

And the barrier that those mere mortals had created didn't just fall down. It crumbled apart. The humans got thrown far away. All of them were heavily injured.     

Yes, they were fools to have thought that they could protect their King from the Devil with some iron shield.     

The vampires had also stumbled and fallen down to the ground. And so did Reginald. His horse was on top of him and not the other way around.     

Theodore glared at Reginald's arrogant and smug face.     

He hated it.     

Theodore looked at that vampire with smoldering eyes and said in a sinister voice, "Let me carve out that smug face off of your head. That should be so much fun."     

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