She Belongs To The Devil

Kill Them All

Kill Them All

2"We go all out."     

Theodore was secretly listening to the conversation between Reginald and the others. He knew better than the others that things wouldn't always go as planned. There was no black and white when it came to war. There were always bound to be some unforeseen variables.     

And he was not surprised that no matter how much effort the sorcerers had put on concealing the Wyverndale army's presence who were not too far away from Reginald's camp, Reginald still found out about them.     

When the vampires dispersed to wake everyone up, Theodore returned to where Adeline was.     

"Adeline, they already know that we are waiting here." Theodore unraveled from the dark mist and informed the situation on the other side of the barrier, "And they have a dark witch with clairvoyance ability on their side. Now they know that we have sorcerers and werewolves on our side."     

Adeline as well as the Generals furrowed their brows and hardened their faces upon hearing that update from Theodore.     

Theodore looked Adeline in the eyes and then made a suggestion, "As the surprise element is gone, I think it will be better if we don't wait for the sun. We already have numbers anyway. So why don't we attack before they come and find us?"     

Adeline glanced at the Generals to get their opinion on the matter.     

All three of the Generals gave a nod suggesting that they were ready to act if that was what Adeline wanted to do.     

Adeline then ordered the Generals, "I expect all of you to lead your divisions as we had planned in case of the night attack. I will have the barrier taken down. And then we attack. Please get ready."     

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Generals bowed to the Queen and raced their horses to go and stand in front of their respective divisions.     

Adeline followed the horses of the Generals with her eyes for a few seconds. And then she turned her gaze to look at Theodore. She had a dire expression on her face when she looked at him because she knew what she was going to do was extremely awful.     

Theodore calmingly placed his hand on Adeline's knee and tried to give the little push that she needed to move forward with the battle, "Adeline, keep in mind that he was the one who started all this. We are just trying to play along and defeat him in his own game."     

When Adeline nodded, Theodore then told her, "I will be around you and will be keeping an eye on you. You just focus on going forward and make that bastard bite the dust."     

Theodore then gently patted Arion's head and ordered him, "Take care of Adeline. And don't think twice before using your wings and powers if that's what it takes to turn things around."     

Arion softly whinnied and nodded.     

"Alright, Arion. Let's go!" The moment Adeline said that, Arion raced towards the frontline.     

Adeline met Izra and Armin, the leaders of sorcerers and werewolves, and then informed them, "We are moving in. Now."     

Both of them nodded their head and instantly began their tasks.     

Izra ordered the sorcerers to take down the barrier while Armin ordered the werewolves to charge towards the trap zone the moment the barrier would fall down.     

The barrier slowly began to crumble down as if a translucent veil was floating down with the wind.     

Adeline pulled out her Cerberus sword from its scabbard and then asked Arion, "Are you ready, Arion?"     

Arion slightly lifted his front legs and showed his enthusiasm.     

The moment the barrier vanished, Adeline raised her sword in the air and ordered at the top of her lungs, "Chaaaaaaaaaarrrge!"     

All the werewolves started to run while matching their speed with the horses that the sorcerers were riding.     

They did that because they didn't want the werewolves to reach the enemy's base faster and then be outnumbered by the vampires before the help would arrive.     

All the human soldiers also followed after the frontliners.     

There wasn't that great distance between the Wyverndale army and the Mihir army. So when all the soldiers of Wyverndale began to march all at once, Reginald's army could feel the soft tremors below their feet and hear the neighing, howling, and battle cries.     

General Evans and his team were already prepared. The same couldn't be said for those who were under General Carlos. There were still a lot of soldiers who needed some more time to buckle up in their battle armors and gather their weapons.     

So in order to buy them some time General Evans ordered, "Assassins, follow me. Kill all the enemies who try to come closer to the camp. We are going to buy some time for the others."     

The 2500 vampires stood behind General Evans and the moment the General zoomed at the top of his speed, all the others did the same.     

After about a minute, Armin's sharp eyes could see the vampires swooshing in from the opposite direction. "Here they come!"     

Armin narrowed his eyes and spoke in every werewolves' heads, "Everyone, you are going to get around 45 seconds of confused display from the vampires. During that time, kill as many vampires as you can… And don't die!"     

Right after, a loud howl echoed throughout the field. It was from Armin to warn all the others that the enemies were approaching.     

The moment that howl was heard, several whooshing sounds followed soon after.     

"Arion, catch up to me," Adeline jumped down from Arion's back and ran at the same speed as the vampires.     

She glared at the vampire armies in front of her and whispered under her breath, "Burn!"     

The vampires were almost within breathing distance of the werewolves. And right when the vampires were thinking that the werewolves were much slower and that they would easily be able to slaughter the enemies in front of them, several loud bangs in the sky almost deafened them.     

The moonlight was soon overpowered by the warm light from three round and yellow objects hovering in the sky. The whole battlefield was no different than how it would look in the broad daylight.     


"What the…"     


Almost half of the vampires were burning because of the heat from the flares. The whole battleground was filled with the gut-wrenching screams of those vampires who were ablaze. They were running haywire and ultimately dropping dead to the ground.     

The remaining half of the vampires, who were lucky enough to still have the magical potion running in their bodies, were taken by surprise and were in a state of confusion as predicted by Armin.     

"Kill them all!" Adeline screamed and jumped on her toe. With a swift motion of her sword, she cleanly sliced off the head of a vampire.     

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