She Belongs To The Devil



3"As I had expected!" Theodore saw five vampires who were running at a great speed along the base of the hills.      1

They were making their way towards the west, hoping to reunite with their armies and let them know about the tragedy that they had faced in the east.     

"I'm afraid I cannot let you run there," Theodore narrowed his eyes at the vampires and slowly began descending.     

One of the vampires noticed the dim shadow of a very large bird-like creature that was being cast by the dusk light. He looked up only to get shocked to his core upon seeing a man with deadly horns and enormous wings heading straight towards them.     

"It's the Devil! Run faster and scatter around!" that vampire warned the others. And then immediately started to run along the narrow path between two of the hills hoping that the Devil wouldn't be able to land there because of those massive wings of his.     

The other vampires also pushed their feet to run even faster than they already were and ran in some random direction.     

"Trying to play hide-and-seek with the Devil?" Theodore sighed at the futile attempts that the vampires were making to escape from his clutch. "Sorry to break it to you all, but I am really good at playing this game."     

Theodore swooped down like a bird of prey and grabbed the same naïve vampire who was running in the narrow path thinking the Devil wouldn't be able to get him there.     

Theodore smacked that vampire on the neck, careful not to break it and kill him in the process.     

That vampire fell unconscious to the ground.     

Theodore then turned his head around and glared at the vampire who hadn't reached that far. He instantly teleported himself and stood while spreading his wings in the path of that vampire.     

To that vampire, Theodore looked no less than the personification of death. He tried to control his speed and stop himself from running right to Theodore. However, before he could do so, he ended up crashing on the tall and sturdy body of the Devil.     

In his panic, he punched Theodore in the chest. However, he ended up breaking his wrist in the process. "Argh! What the hel–" he got a chop on his neck from Theodore and fell unconscious.     

Theodore rubbed his chest and sneered, "That's what you get for tickling me."     

Likewise, Theodore also caught the remaining three vampires in no time.     

He piled up those vampires and looked at them while contemplating, "What should I do with them? Shall I teleport them to Mihir or to Nigel?"     

Theodore slapped himself on the cheek and growled at himself, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you take them back to Mihir? So that they can spread the words about the werewolves and the sorcerers? Have you grown softer? So much so that you are ready to forgive these same filthy creatures who put you and those around you in so much mess?"     

"We are at war with them, Theodore! This is no time to show mercy to any of them. You're the Devil. So act like one." Theodore scowled at those unconscious vampires near his feet.     

He touched one of them and swiftly teleported back to the battleground before he would get into a dilemma again.     

Theodore looked around the battleground to see that a lot of grim reapers were busy collecting the souls of those who had lost their lives in the battle.     

"Too many souls…" Theodore furrowed his brows and sighed. After living on Earth for countless years, it pained him to see so many Earthlings dying. And for what? To satisfy the ego of some nasty ruler.     

Some of the grim reapers who were near Theodore bowed to the fallen angel and kept on doing their job.     

Theodore also noticed that the vampires had already taken their lives. The werewolves were lining up the dead bodies of the vampires as well as their own pack members. The witches and wizards were helping the werewolves with their wounds.     

Nigel came and stood in front of Theodore when he noticed that he had rounded up some of the vampires.     

"I found them running to the west." Theodore didn't want to rub it to Nigel's face that he had to kill some more vampires. But he still subtly hinted to Nigel, "They will regain their consciousness in a while. I leave them in your care."     

Theodore looked around to search for Wulfric and when he spotted the Crown Prince helping the injured, he asked, "Do you still want me to teleport Wulfric and Fenris back to their Kingdom?"     

Nigel also glanced at Wulfric who was helping the fellow werewolves with the kind of dedication that he had never shown before. He had also met Fenris a while ago. He was also busy helping the others.     

So Nigel shook his head and denied, "I don't think they would want to leave yet. And they aren't in danger any longer. Besides, they are getting the chance to bond with the other pack members. The other werewolves are also getting a chance to meet their Princes. So I think they will be fine."     

Theodore smiled at Nigel and said, "I thought so too. It's natural for you to worry about them since you are the eldest. But they are already old enough to mingle with the outer world. They won't grow if you always try to protect them."     

Nigel pressed his lips together and nodded.     

Theodore then stood in front of Nigel and said gratefully, "Nigel, you led this battle well. Thank you for giving Wyverndale this victory. Thanks to you, Adeline is already one step closer to winning this whole war."     

Nigel gave a wistful smile and said, "The credit goes to everyone in the battle. I was very lucky to have even survived. I got a lot of help from everyone, especially Tabitha, Wulfric, and you. So thank you!"     

Theodore was sad to see Nigel's eyes that were trying hard to hide the sorrow but were failing to do so. He then said in a melancholic tone, "And I am sorry about the fallen werewolves. They died too early."     

Nigel couldn't help but tear up. He had been trying to hold his internal turmoil and was trying not to break down in front of everyone.     

He didn't know if something had changed in him. He had never felt this much pain in his life before, not even when Dragomir had died.     

It was like his heart was mourning the death of each of the werewolves, individually. It was as if he could literally feel the pain of all the dead. And when it accumulated, it was crushing and drowning him.     

Theodore was also able to sense that something about Nigel was different. His aura was stronger than before. And he silently thought, "I wonder..."     

Theodore took the initiative to hug Nigel and he consoled the wrecked wolf, "Nigel, I know it's hard for you right now. I know you are overwhelmed. And I think it's going to get even harder from now on. But what I can guarantee is that you will take care of your wolves really well. They are going to thrive with you."     

Nigel didn't know yet what Theodore really meant by that. But he felt his heart somewhat calming down after getting that reassurance from Theodore.     

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