Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



1A few days later, the hospital discharged me.     1

Samantha had left a day ago, but until now I have not received a single call from her. I'm still waiting, though, wondering if the plan went well.     

Lucas took me home from the hospital. While I sat still beside him inside the car, my mind skittered.     

He'd changed a lot. I thought to myself, eye secretly observing him as he drove.     

A thick and long wall now stood between us. It popped out of nowhere.      

I wonder what made him change in an instant. He did not even say anything when I got inside the car and he took the driver's seat.     

Is he still blaming himself that I almost drowned? It was possible. He could be, for I could think of nothing explaining why he was slowly drifting away. Still, I wasn't certain it was the main reason. For all I know, he might have been suspecting I wasn't his real wife.     

I'd better be careful from now on. I reminded myself with a heavy sigh. If he finds out I'm fake, he will have me banished from his life right away.      

The journey back home had been long and tiresome. When the car finally skidded into a stop, a relieved sigh escaped from my lips. Finally, I could rest in my room.     

Lucas opened the car door for me. I thanked him and made a beeline straight to my room.      

Slowly peeking on the side of the window in my room, I saw Lucas still standing outside, only this time he was talking to someone on the phone.     

A deep frown etched on his temple, making me wonder who was on the phone.     

The call finally ended. His gaze shifted to the window as though he sensed someone was watching him. Breath hitched in my throat.     

Did he see me?      

I wasn't sure, but Lucas climbed back into his car with a paper-blank expression plastered on his face. Perhaps he did not see me.     

When the car sped away, I let go of the breath I'm still holding.     

Where was he going?      

I thought he would have lunch with us?     

Sighing, I turn away from the window.     


"Madam, Mr. Alexander said you shouldn't leave the house." Thompson's panic-stricken face greeted me when I walked down stairs with the car key in hand.     

"It's important, Thompson. If he asks where I am, tell him I met with a friend." I walked past him but he tailed behind me.      

"Mr. Alexander will kill me if he learns I allowed you to leave."      

"He won't." I assure him.     

Thompson cast me a wary look as he sighed, "He will Madam. You better return alive before he kills me for good."     

A smile nearly formed on my lips but I immediately pressed my lips into a tight line before he saw it. I didn't want to look inconsiderate so I stopped walking to give him assurance. "It will be alright. I'm really sorry but my appointment is very important. I'll be back as soon as it is finished."     

Thompson heaved another sigh but gave no further protests.     

I climbed into the car. After turning the engine on, I pressed the accelerator.     

Thompson's right, I thought to myself when the car got off the mansion.      

I better return alive. Or else two of us will be dead if I don't.     


The car skidded into a stop in front of a dilapidated building.     

I reluctantly got out of the car, wondering if I got on the wrong address. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't the case, I checked the street a couple of times and it's the same on the list.     

I can do this!      

With slow steps, I made my way to the apartment building. There was no guard in front and the main door was left open.      

"May I help you?" A middle-aged woman greeted me.      

"Do you work here?" I asked, noticing her wearing a plain white collared shirt and she was carrying a mop in her hand.     

"I do," She replied, smiling at me. "I worked here as a cleaner. I'm also one of the tenants. The owner hired me to take care of the whole building in exchange for free rent."     

A pretty rough job, I thought to myself, noticing how exhausted she looked right now.     

"So do you know all the tenants living in the building?" I asked her.     

It will make things easier if she does.     

"Not all but most of them." She told me. "Let's try my memory. Perhaps I know who you're looking for."     

I cleared my throat. "I'm looking for Sara Donovan."     

Her eyebrows shot to the ceiling after hearing the name. I knew she knew who Sara Donovan is. It makes things even easier for me.     

"Can you please bring me to her?" I asked her, my voice pleading.     

"No need to… You're already looking at her." She replied.     

My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes dilated in surprise.     

"You are Sara?"     

She nodded her head.     


Sara brought me to their tiny apartments so we could talk in private. She was kind enough to offer some juice and biscuits which I declined since I'm not going to stay longer.     

"The kids are in school so I'm alone today. May I ask who you are?"     

Taking a deep breath, I looked at her painfully, "I'm Bella…. I'm the driver who hit your husband's truck that night." My voice cracked and it took me a great amount of self control not to burst into tears. I killed her husband so I deserve to suffer.     

"I'm sorry… I'm really sorry… Because of me you lost your husband."     

Anger is what I expect from her but instead of lashing at me which I deserved she held my hand assuringly.     

"You don't have to feel sorry… It was an accident. If he was not intoxicated, he could have stopped the truck." She explained.     

"But he didn't deserve to die…"      

Sara got up from the chair, picked a box on a cabinet. She returned back on her chair and showed me what's in the box.     

A gun.     

I looked at her puzzled.     

"The day before he died in the fatal car crash, I purchased that gun with intent of killing him."     

Sara removed her jacket to show her bruised arm. "He was an abusive husband. I've been suffering for more than ten years. He didn't only beat me but my children as well. He also has a lot of sexual affairs with different women and he spends his money on them instead of helping me financially."     

I touched my cheeks and discovered they were wet. I'd been crying. Perhaps it was because of relief.     

"I shouldn't be saying this but I'm glad he died." Tears fell down on her cheeks too.     

We hugged each other in comfort as we both burst into tears.     

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