Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



3Scarlet's dramatic arrival, accompanied by her stone-heavy accusation completely startled me out of my wits that it took me seconds to entirely collect my scattered thoughts.      1

Staring back at her with the same piercing glare she'd thrown at me, my lips stretched into an atrocious smile Joker would be so proud of. "Pleased to see you, Miss Ross. However, I don't recall writing your name on my visitor's list."     

Surveying her black outfit from head to toe, my smile stretched wider, finding it entertaining to finally see her wearing such an unflattering color on her skin "Have you come here to fetch my soul?"     

"Excuse me?" Unable to understand my meaning, her mouth parted open. Her elegant eyebrows almost met halfway as she frowned at me.     

"She's not the the Grim Reaper, Mrs. Angelstone." Samantha bit her lips to suppress her laughter. Still, her twinkling eyes refused to hide her mirth. "She looked like one though." She added, deepening the frown on Scarlet's temples.     

"Well," I began after clearing my throat, "I'm still flattered to see you paid me a visit." I told her which heightened her irritation to another level.     

My gaze lowered to the rose she carelessly tossed on top of the glass table before lifting my chin up to meet her scathing glare, "They're fake, aren't they? Can't you afford a real rose? They're so black but your soul's blacker."     

 "Stop changing the topic," Scarles fists slammed the table, startling both Samantha and I. Losing her grace, she broke her character as her angelic face twisted into fury. "Answer me, are you an impostor!?" Her voice exploded, filling the four corners of the room with her overlapping hatred.      

"What drugs have you been taking?" I quietly asked her without batting an eye.     

Ignoring me, she continued. "Have you stolen the real Alexandria's identity so you can have Lucas for yourself… Or was it his money you wanted?" She'd thrown yet another accusation, glaring at me with eyes filled with malice.     

Money? Are you kidding me? I'm far more richer than Lucas Alexander is. I thought to myself, wishing I could slap her face with the truth. But the situation kept me from spilling it so I kept my mouth sealed.      

Samantha snapped out of her seat, her gaze bore at Scarlet with chilling civility. "If you don't leave right now, I'll call the guards to drag you out." She spoke, and Scarlet flinched at the chill in her tone.     

"No! I won't leave without hearing the truth! You must be the fake, Alexandria! Everybody knows you're allergic to tattoos. A servant in the Alexander mansion told me you have a tattoo on your back." She half screamed, I resisted the urge to cover my ears with my fingers, and managed to keep my calm despite her getting on my nerves.     

The fish is always caught in its mouth, I thought to myself, finally realizing how she learned about my tattoos. She must have bribed a maid to get such confidential information.     

Taking a deep breath, my laser eyes sliced through hers. If eyes were lethal weapons, she'll be going home blind. "I used to think of you as a decent, respectable, and extremely intelligent woman, Miss Ross." I said in an icy tone cold enough to freeze the burning depths of hell. "However today, everything changed as I discovered you're actually a half-witted, harebrained, idiot who's silicone breasts had crawled to impair her brain."     

Scarlet's jaw dropped to the floor. She opened her mouth but before she could even say a word, I cut her off.     

"Have you heard of hypoallergenic tattoo ink? Based on your startled reaction I dare say you didn't. Perhaps you should have checked it on the internet first before marching here to accuse me of being fake just because of my tattoos." My voice thundered across the room, intimidating Scarlet who now stood on her place with her face, ears and neck turning crimson.     

"If you're envious of my tattoo, you should have asked me. I'll be kind enough to refer you to my tattoo artist."      

"I- I r-refuse to believe you." Scarlet stuttered. "I will prove you're a fake!" She yelled before marching to the door with fist curled into tight balls on her side. However before she could reach the door I yelled back at her, "By the way, Lucas calls me Bella, he likes the name. Bella means beautiful in Italian."     

"Fuck you, Alexandria."     

"Sure I will, but not alone," I bit back smiling, "Would enjoy it more with Lucas!"     

The door slammed shut, almost shaking the door frames. When Scarlet's gone, Samantha fell to the sofa, holding her stomach as she cracked with laughter. "Half-witted, harebrained, idiot who's silicone breasts had crawled to impair her brain." She repeated with tears in her eyes. "You've got an excellent vocabulary, dear boss."     

"I wish I could have said much more." I muttered grimly, realizing Scarlet had added to the already long lists of matters I have to deal with.     

"You should have seen the look on her face when you mentioned her silicone boobs getting to her brain." Sam hooted with laughter once more.     

"I'm not judging her breast implants. I respect her wish to alter her appearance to make her feel confident about herself but it's not right for her to barge in my room to disrespect me so I just said what came to my mind." Letting go a deep sigh, I leaned back on the headboard and closed my eyes, wishing my headache would magically fly away. "She's suspicious of me now, I have to be extra careful."     

Finally Samantha sobered. Clearing her throat, she straightened on the sofa. "You're right, Scarlet was determined to destroy you. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, she's determined to drag you down to the mire. You better be watching your back all the time."     

I have reasons believing Scarlet couldn't be the one who pushed me to the pool. However after today, witnessing her breaking her sweet character, I have no doubts in my mind she's the one who did.     

Knowing I'm still alive. I bet she'll return to strike again.     

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