Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0A glass of cold water was what finally calmed Samantha down. Heaving a dramatic sigh, she finally looks at me with her eyes resigned and believing. "I do believe you now." She responds wearily while lowering her empty glass on top of the table.      1

"Are you okay now?" I asked her gently.     

"Not yet but I will soon be, okay." She replies, absentmindedly bringing the glass back to her lips only to find it empty so she puts it back down without touching it again.     

I couldn't blame her over the top reaction. It's not everyday she encounters a Pandora's box, filled with hidden secrets, lies, and drama.     

"At this point, nothing could surprise me now, Bella …. So tell me, is there something more you have to confess?"     

Filling my chest with air, I briefly considered not telling her the truth but If I wanted Sam to help me, she deserved to know everything. I vanished the scintilla of doubts I still have with me. "What you read on the internet is only the tip of the icebergs."     

"Yeah, I expect that." She mumbled, bracing herself from another bombshell.     

"It's a long and complicated story so…."      

"So?" She said with eyebrows raised to the ceiling.     

"To make the one-thousand page story short, I'm married."     

"Married!" Sam gasped. Startled out of her wits and she stood up causing the chair to stumble backwards. "Married?" She asked me, wondering if she misunderstood the word.     

"Married." I confirmed.     

"To whom?"     

"Eros Valentino."     

Surprised to find herself on her feet, Sam pulled the chair and reclaimed her seat where she dropped like a withered flower.     

"The hot, sexy, stunning, Italian billionaire I had a huge crush on when I was eighteen." She mumbled under her breath. "How could you do this to me, Arabella Angelstone. For all the billions of men around the world, why him?"      

Sam fangirling over a man. That's new to me, I thought to myself, fascinated by her reaction.     

"Do you know him?"     

She rolled her eyes heavenward. "Who wouldn't! My four-year old niece knew him! Even my one-hundred year old neighborhood grandma knew him!" She exclaimed.      

If the situation were not serious enough, I would have laughed my ass off.     

"Could you stop being so gorgeous and leave some hot men for poor girls like me." She complained and I almost choke on my own saliva.     

"So tell me, what's with you and Eros Valentino, do you love each other…. I mean you are married so maybe you do love him but, it will be very unfair to Mr. Alexander, he will die of a broken heart if he finds out."     

Lucas dying of a broken heart? That's highly unlikely to happen. I thought to myself with a heavenward eye roll.     

"I don't love Eros." I replied and it was the truth.     

"And how does Eros feel about you?" She inquired.     

"I am more like a sister to her than a wife."     

"I'm relieved then." Sam said, smiling like a clam. "I still stood a chance to steal him from you." She jokingly added without knowing I'm planning to introduce him to her sooner.     


A sigh escape from my lips, "Go on."      

"How did you end up marrying him?" All ears at me, Sam's eyes twinkle with curiosity while waiting for my response.     

"I once saved his life. In return he saved mine. When I came to Italy, I was penniless — literally without a cent in my pocket. Eros gave me the money to fund my now multimillion company and in return he asked me to marry him to fulfill his grandmother's dying wish to see him walk down the altar before she passed away. Well, she had her wish fulfilled. Bless her kind soul."     

"He seems like a good man." Sam dreamily whispered.      

Without batting an eye she listened when I spoke "He is a good man. He's not just the type to show it. Don't trust what tabloids say about him, he's nothing like the man they say he was."     

"So going back to the topic, why are you telling me all of this now?" Her elegant but natural eyebrows almost meeting halfway as she asked.     

"I feel I could trust you and I want you to help me."     

"Help you? Aren't you asking too much from a hopeless soul like me?" She eyed me incredulously as though I asked her to bring me the moon. "I have no money, no connection, Bella. You knew that when you pulled me out of a slum. I pretty much can't give you anything except my loyalty and service."      

"Exactly. Loyalty and service. That's what I needed from you."     

Sam thoughtfully looked at me. "Please explain. My wits had dulled from everything you've told me just now."     

I sucked in a deep breath before revealing my plans. "Be my personal bodyguard. I know you're good at kicking ass. I know you can protect me while I find out who wants to kill me."     

"Finding who wants to kill you will literally fill up the Alcatraz Prison, Bella."     

"I know but I'm particularly referring to the one person who pushed me to the pool that night." I explained, trying to make her see my point.     

"You can hire a professional bodyguard." She offered but I only shook my head.     

 "And let people talk behind my back, accusing me of having an affair with my bodyguards?"      

"Hired a female bodyguard then."     

"I can do that too but can I trust her? Samantha, loyalty is like gold, you can't just pick it on the ground you have to dig a tunnel to have it. You are qualified, and we already have a connection so I feel I can trust you. That makes it easy for me."     

"Okay, I'll be your bodyguard. I haven't kicked an ass for a very long time and the job description sounds interesting." Wearily, Sam finally agreed with my plan. "What are my other duties?"     

"Be my eyes and ears, report to me things I wanted to know,while I fix things Alexandria, my psychotic twin had ruined."     

"That won't be easy." She announced with blunt honesty.     

"Being my eyes and ears?"      

"No, the fixing part." A deep sigh emerged from her lips. "We can't fix lives the way we fix things with a screwdriver."     

I couldn't agree with her more. Alexandria ruin lives, it's hard fixing those.     

"But I guess we have to try before you return to your real life again."     

Indeed, Samantha's a real gem. I loved her spirit. I thought to myself with a smile making its way to my lips. "You're right. We have to try."     

"As your eyes and ears, er— I guess you have my first mission in mind?" She raised an inquiring eye at me.     

"I do." I responded.     

"I'm ready." She told me with a determined look in her eyes.     

"I want you to talk to Eros Valentino My husband, and tell him I'm alive. If you're lucky enough, you will meet my psychotic twin sister, taking over my life and my company in Italy."     

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