Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0When Lucas was gone, I finally turned to Samantha. As I did so, I caught her noticeably worried expression. Before I could speak however, she already had her speech prepared. "You got me so worried!" She blurted out loud, brushing her long dainty fingers on her hair exasperatingly. "Lucas called me at two in the morning! Could you believe that? Two in the morning!" She repeated, shaking her head in disbelief. "I was still snoring on my bed when I received his call, informing me you're in the hospital. He dropped the news like a bomb. Imagine my fear and shock, I literally fell off my bed after hearing it. I just felt my spirit depart from my body for a whole minute." Sam's fingers flail in the air as she expresses her thoughts.    0

I let her grumble interrupted until she got tired and collapsed on the chair Lucas vacated like a withered plant deprived of water and sunlight. "I haven't slept since two am after receiving the news you drowned. Mr. Alexander told me the Doctor said you're fine but he was acting as if you're dying! It's something my nerves can't tolerate. My god, I sure looked like a zombie right now. Look at my eyes."    

"A pretty hot Zombie," I remarked which had Sam eyes rolling heavenward.     

"How are you feeling now?" She turned to me and asked.    

"I should be the one asking you that question. You looked pale to me."    

"I'm better now seeing that you're alive and kicking. However, I'm not at ease yet knowing someone pushed you in the pool to permanently get rid of you which I see now is unsuccessful but it doesn't mean they won't try to get rid of you again once the opportunity arises."    

"Lucas and I agreed that it could be a woman wearing a man's clothes."    

"Add me in, that makes us three now. There's a long list of jealous wives and lovers wanting to pinning you on top of their death list." Samantha said truthfully and I couldn't agree with her more.    

Sam fell into silence that lasted a whole minute before she spoke again. "Scarlet could be the culprit." She mumbled under her breath. It had me shaking my head.    

"We have no proof. I don't want to accuse anyone of a crime they never commited." I told Samantha.    

She said nothing but her eyes told me we are not on the same track.    

"Scarlet hates you."    

"Yeah, that's obvious." I shrugged.    

"That's a strong motive. She's obviously mad at you for stealing her shine. Not only that, she's also pretty furious that you're the Ceo's apple of the eye." Sam explained but I dismissed her with a hand     

"We can't accuse her without proof."    

I heard Sam sigh, "Okay, if that's what you think so."    

"There's something I'm dying to tell you, Sam." I whispered. One look at the grave expression on my face made her straighten on her chair.    

"Spill the beans. I'm all ears." She replied in a whisper just loud enough for me to hear.    

"Please don't be shocked." I told her.    

"After last night, nothing can shock me now, Mrs. Alexander."    

"I'm not Alexandria Alexander."    

Samantha looked at me, her already huge eyes widening a bit. She was silent at first and I'm almost relieved she's taking it seriously. Suddenly she began to laugh, "You're joking right?" She choked in between laughter.    

"No, Sam. I'm telling the truth." I kept my voice low, not letting my emotions get the best of me.    

Seeing my face darkening with irritation, she sobered and rose from the chair she was seated in. "You're seriously not in good condition. I will call a doctor to check on you and tell me what's wrong.     

"No, don't call the doctor, Sam. I know what I'm saying." I grabbed her by the wrist before she could take a step and gestured to her to sit down.    

"Who are you?" Samantha asked, her wide eyes unblinking.    

"Arabella Angelstone." I replied.    

"Indeed, you don't need a doctor. I shall call a priest or an exorcist now. Whichever is available from the two."    

I took a deep breath then released in a deep sigh. Explaining things is harder than I imagined. I thought to myself, resisting the urge to facepalm. "It will take us days if I try to explain everything to you right now. Go grab your laptop and do what I say."    

Samantha, even though she's having trouble digesting the things I told her, she obediently took her laptop and when she returned she placed it on top of the bed and reclaimed her seat. The frown on her forehead was still there but she didn't ask any more questions and just waited for me to instruct her what to do.    

Taking a deep breath I told her to search the name AA Cosmetics on the web.    

She grumbles something under her breath. As though her fingers had minds of their own they began moving on the keyboard. "AA Cosmetics is the world's largest cosmetics group with branches scattered in more than 400 countries." Samantha read, "It is a U.S. based multinational, founded in 2023, and is a top beauty firm with sales worth $49.9 billion—"    

I impatiently cut her words off. "Just skip it Sam, just look for the Ceo's name and picture "     

"I don't think I need to do this. I should be calling for the doctor right now to check your— holy shit!" Sam gasped loudly. Disbelief and shock evident in her bright eyes as she stared on the laptop screen.    

"What did you see?"    

Sam opened her lips but no words emerged from them. Her eyes remained fixed on her laptop screen.    

"Sam!" I yelled to snap her out of trance but she didn't even flinch.    

Her silence lasted for minutes before she spoke again "I. Couldn't. Believe. This." Sam whispered, her fingers began to shake in excitement.     

She turned to me, her eyes were wild with shock. "You're rich as Croesus!"    

"Do you believe me now?" I asked her.    

Sam held her hand up, gesturing to me to please keep quiet. "My poor wits are having a hard time absorbing all of this Just give me a moment to process everything."    

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