Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



2My eyes slowly opened and my eyes immediately feasted on the sleeping man beside my bed. His head was resting on the soft white sheets. Despite the tired lines and dark circles under his eyes, he still looked incredibly handsome in his sleep.      

A faint smile stretched on my lips. Lifting my hands to run my fingers through the morning stubbles on his chin, I suddenly stopped before I could touch his skin. I might wake him up and I don't want that to happen. He looked visibly tired and badly needed sleep so I content myself by just watching him.     

He never left my side. I thought to myself as tenderness swell inside my chest like an enormous air balloon. Though I know Lucas didn't care that much about me but I was happy knowing he stayed by my side all throughout the evening after I fell into the pool and drowned.     

Recalling what exactly happened the previous evening, wiped the smile on my lips. I didn't accidentally fall into the pool last night, someone pushed me on purpose. Whoever the culprit is, he was lucky for I didn't see his face or else I will hunt him even to the depths of hell just to collect my due.     

No one hurts Arabella Angelstone and gets away unscathed. Hell yeah, I knew who I was now and that gives me some power knowing I'm innocent all this time from all the accusations thrown at me like stones.     

Alexandria Alexander, my psychotic twin sister had framed me to take her place and used me as a decoy while she escaped from the country. She got away unscathed and threw me to the wolves to fight for my life. She almost got away with it. Almost. Now that I regained my memories, she can't continue to hide anymore, not when I have all the money, power, and influence to track her down.     

But even though I already knew who I was, I needed to continue pretending to be her because if I stopped, she'll know instantly I'm at her tail and she will more likely dash like Flash to evade me. No way I will allow her to escape this time after what she did to me five years ago. She deserves to be locked up in a mental institution where she belongs.     

Lucas moved, my attention shifted back on him. The frown on my temples disappeared in an instance as I found myself staring in a pair of enigmatic hazel-green eyes. He's finally awake and he is looking at me now with his huge, bright eyes. Something that resembled relief shone from its depths.     

"Thank God, you're already awake!" He abruptly rose and pulled me into his arms before I could even react. He was quite relieved to see I'm awake not because he really cared but because he was guilty that I drowned in the pool while I was with him.     

"You're squeezing me. I can't breathe." I mumbled under my breath with my cheeks beet red.      

"I'm sorry." He whispered, releasing me immediately from his tight hold. "I'm so worried about you. How are you feeling? Is your head hurting? Should I call a nurse?"     

Lucas was about to skitter to the door in panic when I grabbed his arms to calm him down. "I'm fine, Nic. Don't worry about me."     

"Are you sure?" He looked straight at my eyes, looking for the sign I'm telling the truth.     

"I am fine." I repeated, tenderly squeezing his arms in assurance. "By the way, thank you for saving me last night."     

"Don't thank me, I almost failed you last night." He responded grimly.     

"You didn't fail me, okay? Look at me, I'm still alive and kicking. If you don't jump in the pool, I will never wake up today."     

Lucas didn't respond, nor the frown in his forehead disappeared. I squeezed his hands and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm not hurting anywhere. I am completely fine and I swear I don't need a nurse to look for me." I told him and for some reason his stiff shoulders began to relax.     

Lucas sagged into the chair and took my hand in his own. I could feel my heart lurches forward when he brought my hand into his lips and brushed his mouth slightly at the back of my palms.     

"You can go home now and rest." I told him.     

He shook his head. "No, I have to make sure Samantha arrives first before I leave."     

"You called Sam?"      

"I did. I can't just leave without anyone watching over you. The person who might have pushed you in the pool last night might return to harm you again."     

Surprised, my mouth slowly parted in shock. "You saw someone push me?"     

"No, but I knew you didn't just jump into the pool to purposely drown yourself. After reviewing the pool CCTV, I confirm someone did push you."     

"Is it a man or a woman?"     

"A man," Lucas replied. "But it doesn't mean the culprit is a man. It could also be a woman dressed in men's clothes. I have my reasons to think that way."     

Now that Lucas mentioned it, I remember that when I was pushed into the pool, I saw a faint reflection in the pool. Even though the reflection is a bit blurred, I recall the culprit having been wearing an oversized coat, perhaps it was used to cover some female bodily curves. Also the culprit is not that tall for a man, we have almost the same height and the shoe size is suspiciously small for a man's feet.     

"Are you listening?" He snapped his fingers to catch my attention.     

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at him. "I'm listening, Nic. All I could say now is I agree with you. It could be a woman. I have a long history of women who all have motives to kill me…Scarlet is one of them." I kept the last thoughts only to myself because there's no evidence proving it.     

"Don't worry, whoever pushed you in the pool will never get away with it." Lucas promised in between gritted teeth. He heaved a sigh before he continued, "Sam will be here soon. You have to lie down and get some rest. You need to recover your strength for now."      

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Seconds later the door opened and Samantha entered the room with a basket of fresh flowers in her hand. She placed the flowers on the center of the round table and made her way to me.     

Lucas picked his cloak and hurriedly put it on. "I promise I will return immediately." He told me before his eyes shifted to Samantha. " Take care of her, I'll be back soon."     

After kissing me on the cheek, Lucas skittered to the door and disappeared from my sight.     

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