Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



3Scarlet wasn't easily put off though. Instead of retreating, she held her stance and grab the chance to worsen the situation. So in her calm, calculated tone, she began. "I remember you, woman." She said the words while looking in Sam's direction. "You've once worked here in the company, aren't you? If I'm not mistaken, you've been charged with money embezzlement and have been imprisoned for a year."     

Gasps and murmurs filled the room.     

Remarkably, Samantha remained calm and composed on her seat. "You've had an excellent memory, Miss Ross." She told Scarlet in the same polite manner she'd been using earlier. "However, you didn't get the facts straight. If I was guilty of charge as you claimed it to be, I won't be seating here in this very conference hall."     

Scarlet's face heat up in humiliation. "Don't talk to me like that. "I'm still your boss."     

"I do respect you as the Chief Finance Officer, Miss Ross." Sam responded, her eyes not batting for a second. "However, Mrs. Alexander here is the only one where whom I recognize as my boss.     

"You are being rude to me." Scarlet snapped, her tone laced with fury.     

"I apologize if I sounded rude to you but I'm only defending myself."     

"I can get you fired for talking back to me."     

"Only Mrs. Alexander can do that." Sam continued. "She's the one who hired me and so she's the only one who can fire me." The calm look in her face had Scarlet seething with rage.     

"I wonder what you did with the money you've stolen. Did you use it to lure your ex-convict lover back from your dear cousin?" Scarlet lashed at Sam, turning the latter's face into a shade of deep red.     

The below the belt remark snapped my patience like a thread. Jolting out of my chair, my fingers slam on top of the table. "Enough!" My voice thundered inside the conference hall making everyone inside the room frozen in terror.     

"This meeting is not for us to discuss anyone's life. If anyone dares disagree with me, I'll need to drag that person to the CEO's office and we will have to talk to him regarding this incident when he returns." I've said the words softly and yet it left everyone inside the room shaking in fear at the mention of the CEO. For a straight thirty seconds no one inside the room moved.     

"Anyone who have objections, you can raise your hands and raise your concerns."     

No one inside the room moved.     

"Since we understood each other, I hope we can begin our meting now." That being said, I sank back on my swivel chair as though nothing happened.     

"Are you okay Sam?" My worried gaze went to her.     

"I'm okay." She answered back without looking at me.     

I could sense she wasn't telling the truth but I respected her enough to not pry further.     

"I'm sorry for what happened."      

"It's not your fault." Samantha assured me and she went back on jotting something on her notes.     

"Since no one disagrees with my wife, I think we can begin with the meeting now that I am here." A familiar voice spoke from the door, instantly drawing everyone's attention to him.      

My eyes went wide in disbelief, seeing Lucas standing there, looking gorgeous in his office suit. How the hell did he enter inside without alerting anyone? Had he been watching us for a long time?"     

Scarlet saw him and immediately she rush to his side.     

"Lucas! What a surprise to see you here. " Scarlet gushed, but Lucas went past her, totally ignoring her presence. Thus embarrassing herself in front of everyone.      

Elegant eyebrows knitting together, Scarlet shot me scathing glare, while murdering me in her mind. I look back at her with equal ferocity telling her it wasn't my fault her lover — or was it ex-lover? — was ignoring her.     

With no one paying her attention now, Scarlet marched to the vacant chair and sank down, allowing Lucas to take over the meeting.     

"Let's begin."     

Surprisingly, despite the tension in the air, the meeting went on smoothly. The room remained silent like a funeral all throughout the meeting which I can't decide if it was a good or a bad sign. But then I decided that it was far better this way than listening to Scarlet bullying her employees.     

Lucas kept glancing at me from time to time, making me uncomfortable and fidgety on my seat. Every fiber in my body was reacting to his presence and it's making the meeting unbearable for me. I could feel his hot gaze on my skin and I tried my very best to keep my eyes lower on the table so that they don't met.     

Lucas wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was watching me that I bet every single soul inside the room must have sensed it too.     

At last when the meeting finally ended, A relieved sigh escaped from my lips. I was one of the first people to leave the room. Lucas must have spotted me leaving and so he stopped me before I could make it to the door. "We must talk on my office." He said, it was not a plea but an order.     

"I'm busy." I told him while stepping away because he was standing too close to me.     

"Can't you spare your husband a minute of your time?"     

"What are we going to talk to?" I let the question emerge from my lips after all the employees, including Scarlet come out of the door. "We can talk here." I told him. "Just be quick because I'm busy."     

"Fine. I'm asking you out tonight." He told me. For the very first time since meeting him, I saw his cheeks turn into a deep shade of red. Lucas sounded like a teenager asking his crush on a first date.     

There was noting harmful about going out and having dinner tonight. I thought to myself and without thinking I immediately said yes.     

He grinned at me like a boy. "We'll have dinner together then. Consider it a date." He winked his eyes, then walk away, leaving me reeling in surprise.     

What happened to the man who hates me?     

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