Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0"Done preparing? The meeting will begin in five minutes."      2

From looking at files in my hand, my eyes shifts to Samantha's direction. "I thought I still have an hour left?" I ask her with a puzzled look in my face.     

"The Chief Financial Officer wants to begin early."     

"And they didn't even ask me if I'm not ready yet."     

"They didn't want your opinion. As it's the CFO's order, we have no say in it." Samantha explained. "I'm warning you in advance, the conference hall will be a battlefield once you step inside."     

"That's terrifying." I mumble under my breath, thinking I won't be even surprise if someone throws an egg to my face inside the conference hall since everybody seems to hate me.     

"You're more terrifying to them. They hate you because you scare them."     

Samantha briefly glance at her wristwatch before shifting her eyes back to me. "Four minutes left."     

I suck in a deep breath. Then release it into a deep sigh to calm my jittery nerves. "What is he like?"     

"You mean the CFO?" Sam asked.     

"Yes." I responded.     

"First and foremost, she's a girl. But the most important thing you need to know is she hates you. Hate is even an understatement." Samantha paused. The look in her face told me she's torn between telling me what's in her mind or keeping it to herself. She might have realized that I'm immune to the cold treatment everyone gave off and there's no use hiding anything from me so she decided to tell me anyway. "As rumors says, when the false news of your passing leak from the hospital, she immediately throw a party after receiving the news."     

"Great. I just discover another of my nemesis." I mumble under my breath in exasperation.     

"You will handle her well. Trust me, Alexandria. If bitchiness has a level, She'll be the lowest rank. Definitely no match to the queen."     

"You have a remarkable way of saying things."     

"Yeah, I have to tell you the truth and give you the right advice. You are paying me for it."     

For the umpteenth time, I took a deep breath then release it into a deep sigh. I repeated the process until my knot in my stomach loosened.     

"Two more minutes left."     

"Stop counting. You're making me nervous Sam."     

"I have to prepare you for it. The pressure in the conference hall will be far worse than this."     

"Fine, I'm getting my ass off this chair now." I rose from my chair then followed Samantha to the conference hall.      

The room was buzzing with voices but the moment I stepped inside, the room fell into a stunned silence. If someone farted in the room, it will sure make a sound.     

Then from the stunned crowd emerge a woman. She was tall, beautiful, with a figure to die for. Immediately, the men's gaze shifted to her to admire her curves as she made her way to me. There was something about her which strike me as familiar. However before I can figure it out, she's already in front of me with a smile on her lips. There was nothing friendly about her smile though. Before she came to me, I could sense the venom in her mouth from the distance and even felt the heat in her eyes.     

"Do you remember me Alexandria." She ask with daggers in her eyes. If eyes can kill, she will be throwing a party tonight.     

"I don't think we met before." I was surprisingly polite in my reply despite the evident distaste and utter dislike I'd seen in her eyes.     

"Liar." She spewed the word, making sure I'll be the only one to hear it.     

"I sincerely have no idea where we met before."     

"Let me introduced myself to you then." She said as she held her elegant fingers to me. "I am Scarlet Ross, your husband's lover."     

Recognition swept inside me like a tide. Despite the shock, I managed to keep my composure and not let my true emotions show in my face. I took the hand she offered. "I see, so you're the woman who pleaded my husband to marry her."     

Heat rushed to her cheeks, turning them crimson.     

Scarlet clenched her jaw. Her lips open to bit back a ferocious reply but after she realized how her composure was slipping away she closed them again, The fake friendliness she put on display return and she shook my fingers.     

How she handle her emotion was surprisingly commendable. Acting must have been one of her strong suit. I happened to be an expert in acting in that field too. We will surely have a good time together.     

Scarlet immediately withdrew her hand from mine with the corner of her mouth curved in distaste as if she's just touched someone carrying a contagious disease.     

"She's trying to compete with you." Samantha whispered in my ear after we finally took our seat on the long table. "But don't worry, you still hold the crown." She added and close her mouth as the meeting was about to start.     

"Before this meeting officially starts, I just want to greet Mrs. Alexander welcome back after her long absence. It's been a pleasure working with you again." Scarlet said, making every single eyes inside the room to shift at me.     

There were eye rolls and smirks. Scarlet was trying to create drama and she was successful eliciting it from the crowd.     

"Mr. Alexander couldn't be here today. We all knew the reason he couldn't attend this meeting and I don't have to say that. As the Chief Finance Officer, I have to lead this meeting."     

If Scarlet wanted was to offend me, she failed on her first try. I thought to myself, ignoring the judging eyes aimed at me. They can look at me until their eyeballs drops to the ground for all I care.     

"Can we skip drama and jump to the main concern why this meeting is held much earlier than expected?" Samantha politely butt in. The words slip out of her lips smoothly, and the calm look in her face gave off an authority that can make anyone wary of her, including Scarlet.     

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