Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0He's kissing me.      1

My drunk brain slowly processed the thought that it actually took me a full minute to realize what's going on. By the time I did, I was already under a spell and tearing my lips from his seemed next to impossible.      

My eyes fluttered close when his lips began to move rhythmically against mine, coaxing me to move my lips and join the flow. My will to push him away melted like a candle. All the reasons I still have with me left my body and I began to respond to him hungrily.     

As though my hands had minds of their own, they freely clung to his neck.     

His lips moved gently at first, then it grew deeper. His tongue invaded my mouth. Without inhibitions, I opened my lips and fought with his tongue.     

It feels so wrong and yet so right. I never imagined doing this to any man except to him.     

Even with my clothes still on, I could feel the strong warmth of his body pressed on my own. Down there I could feel something hard pressing on my thighs. A tiny little shiver ran down my spine.     

He left my lips to help me peel my clothes off my body.     

"You might regret doing this with me tomorrow Nic." I reminded him. He stops peeling my clothes for while and stares into my eyes and says, "You might but I won't." He told me and I was taken aback by his confidence.     

I took a deep swallow, wondering if he actually mean it. In the morning he might not be feeling the same way. But despite my doubts, I'm willing to take a risk. Finally, my lips stretched into a smile, "Go on." I whispered, giving him all my permission.     

It was the cue he was waiting. He began peeling my clothes off and they fell in a heap on the floor. When I was totally naked like a newborn child, he stops so he could look at me from head to toe. The heat in his eyes turned my throat into Sahara Desert.     

"You're beautiful." He murmured under his breath, his warm fingers tracing the outline of my jaw, the crook of my neck, the shape of my collar bone with admiration in his hazel-green eyes. He sounded so dreamy, almost drunk even though I knew he didn't drink anything during the party because it was his sister's birthday party.     

"It wasn't like this the first time we made love." He murmured under his breath with puzzled look in his eyes. " I didn't feel like this before. Not even once during the length of our marriage. I feel like fucking teenager now."     

Before I could ask what he was talking about, he silenced my lips with a deep, burning kiss that made my fists tighten on the sheets and made my toes curl and wiggle. The kiss didn't last though, he has other plans in mind. Before I could predict what he's about to do next he captured a pink cherry in his mouth and played it with his tongue.      

Soft whimpers filled the room. I can't quite believe it was coming from my lips. I might remember making this sound int the morning and will be dying of embarrassment. But that's tomorrow, tonight I shall enjoy the moment while it lasts.     

He freed my nipple and took the other, giving it the same dedication he gave the other. He didn't stop playing the swollen tip with his tongue until I'm squirming on the bed and begging for something more I know he was willing to give.     

"Do you want me?" He freed my nipple just to ask me the question. Puzzled I blinked several times and replied. "Of course, I do."     

"Say it then."     

"Say what?" I asked like a total idiot.     

"You want me."     

I took deep breath, look deep into his eyes and murmured the words, "I want you."     

He captured my lips for a deep, long kiss. He didn't let go until we're breathless.     

Panting, he began to remove his tie first and soon everything he was wearing joined my clothes on the floor. He parted my thighs and settled in between. My hands found his neck and I clung to it for dear as I felt his hardness push forward.     

A scream tore from my lips.     

He froze and he stopped moving. A stunned expression was plastered in his face when he lifted his head to me.     

My eyes fluttered close while my grip on his neck tightened. Perspiration formed on my temples despite the cold temperature inside the room.     

A Thousand of questions came to my thoughts. He was already halfway inside me and yet I felt like tearing apart. Has our intercourse this always been this painful? Could this be the reason I had tons of lovers, so someone could satisfy me in bed?     

I heard him curse under his breath. My attention went back to him and I opened my eyes so I could look at his face. "Do you want me to stop." He asked, gritting his teeth. Beads of sweat gathered around his temples.     

" I don't think you could stop." I whimpered and bit my lips when he moved a bit, sending me another wave of pain.     

"I could." He replied with a determined look plastered in his face.     

"What if I told you I don't want you to stop."     

"Fuck." He grunted. He closed his eyes for a minute then opened them again. "Hold me tight love. Don't focus on the pain. Think of me."     

I did exactly as he told me. He began to withdraw then gently pushed forward again. The burning pain intensified but despite that, I never once tore my gaze away from his face. I knew he was holding back. He didn't want to hurt me. He was trying to be as gentle as he could.     

He thrust forward, burying himself all the way inside me. Tears stung my eyes and he stopped for a while to murmur sweet words in my ears before he started moving again. Soon the pain went away. Before I knew it, I was gasping in frustration, telling him to quicken his pace. He bit back a laugh, kissed my lips, and did as I requested.      

He quickened his movement, deepened his thrusts until I began to groan and tremble from pleasure. I wrapped my arms around his torso until something inside me exploded. One last scream erupted from my lips at my powerful release. Lucas moaned and soon he fell on top of me.     

None of us spoke afterward. We just lay there, exhausted and gasping for air, both spent from our passionate lovemaking.     

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