Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0Lucas gently pushed me to the chair and I sat down.      1

"You shouldn't have drunk that." He said in a lecturing tone, referring to the pina colada which I accidentally mistook for pineapple juice.     

"I thought it was pineapple juice." I reasoned. "It tastes like pineapple juice! It's super delicious! More delicious than the plain pineapple juice you brought me." I exclaimed, framing my dizzy head with my hands. Wishing for the dizziness to just magically disappear.     

Perhaps the drink hit me hard and I couldn't stop talking.      

"It's sweetened pineapple juice, isn't it? But why was I drunk? Pineapple couldn't make someone drunk." I mumbled under my breath, wondering if I'm still making sense. But I don't care, I just wanted to talk.     

"I said it's an alcoholic drink," Lucas replied, mildly irritated by my senseless question.     

"Was it?" I asked innocently.     

"It is." He confirmed. When my gaze landed on him, I saw him looking at me with an unusual frown on his forehead. "For God's sake Alexandria, you're just drunk. Don't act like a forgetful old woman by repeatedly asking the same question."     

"Don't call me Alexandria…. That's not my name… I am Bella." I exclaimed.     

"Bella?" He paused, his eyes more alert this time as they stared at me.     

"Yes. It's spelled B - E - L - L - A."      

"Where did you get that name?" He quietly asked.     

"That's my real name. Wasn't it? You're my husband. You should have known." I throw him a sharp look.     

I expected Lucas to argue but he surprised me when he didn't. He continues to look at me the way a scientist looks at a specie he just saw for the first time.     

"Bella is the shortcut for Arabella. My name means a prayerful woman and a very beautiful one."     

"Did some kind of spirit enter your body? You're Alexandria, not Arabella. If you keep insisting to be Arabella, I will call a priest to exorcise you." He said seriously.     

Crunchy laughter burst out of my lips causing people to look in our direction in wonder.     

Did Lucas think some kind of evil spirit entered my body? The thought was so amusing that it took me a moment to control the shaking of my shoulders.     

Recovering from the fits of laughter, I swallowed hard and suppress the mirth in my eyes     

"You're funny, Nic," I remarked.     

"You don't call me nick. You call me Lucas."     

"It's the same." I reasoned. My voice sounded slurred but it didn't stop me from saying what I wanted to say. "Your name is Lucas Nicholas so it's okay to call you Nic. I preferred that name compared to calling you, Lucas. Lucas sounded like an old man's name."     

"Did you just call an old man?" He groaned as though I hurt his feelings.     

"Yes, I did. You're not yet old though, but you're going there." I replied then crossed my arms on the table and sleepily rested my head on it.     

"We are going home so you can rest."     

"But I still don't want to leave the party. It's your sister's birthday. She will wonder why we are leaving early." I whispered with regret in my voice."     

"My sister will understand." He assured me.     

Lucas left our table to find Mary Therese. I tried to get up and follow him but my head spun and it fell back on the table.     

I didn't wait long before Lucas returned. He was helping me get up from the chair when I asked him what he said to his sister.     

"The truth." He replied. "I told her you drank the pina colada after you mistook it for pineapple juice."     

"That's embarrassing," I murmured under my breath.     

"My sister was amused." He told me.     

That even made me more embarrassed.     

We walked to the door together in silence. Lucas' arms were around my waist, keeping me steady as we made our way across the aisle with several eyes following our movement.     

I safely reached where his car was parked without breaking or spraining my legs. It's such a miracle I was able to reach his car in my high-heeled shoes without stumbling. Of course, it was because he assisted me all the way.     

Opening the door for me, he allowed me to get inside first before he turned to the other side of the car and got into the driver's seat.     

Turning the engine to life, he smoothly maneuvered the car out of the Hotel. The inside of the car was quiet still, making me even more sleepy. I leaned on my seat and closed my eyes.     

I was still in that position when Lucas spoke. "When did you learn how to play the piano?"      

Without opening my eyes, I replied. "I was still a child when I discovered my affinity for musical instruments. I was eager to learn how to play the piano so I read a lot of books. I was seven years old when I started to play an actual musical instrument. Someone I knew who was working at the church as a pianist recruited me to become a member of the choir after she heard how I sing. She's the one who helped me enhance my skills." It was my long reply.     

Silence lapsed between us. "You never told me you can play the piano and you can sing." He murmured under his breath.     

"Perhaps you never asked." I sleepily whispered.     

Finally, we reached the house. The lights inside are already dim which means everyone inside, including the servants, is already asleep.     

Lucas got out of the car first then he turned to the other side and opened the door for me. My eyes are still unfocused and my head is unsteady. That's why when I clambered out of the car, I stumbled and fell on my feet but before the cold floor could catch me, Lucas caught me in his arms.     

"I want to sleep," I murmured, closing my eyes.     

"Sleep then. I'll carry you to your room." He told me. His voice was soft and comforting that I leaned my head on his chest and heaved a soft sigh.     

Lucas carried me inside the house with ease. He then climbed the stairs with me still in his arms without any difficulty as though I weighed no more than a feather.     

He entered my room and gently laid me on top of the bed. Lucas didn't leave my room right away, which I expected him to do. Instead, he sat on the edge of my bed, forcing my eyes to open and look at him.     

When I opened my eyes, I caught him intensely looking at me with wonder in his eyes.     

"What's the problem, Nic?" I asked but he didn't reply. Instead, he pulled me into his arms and captured my lips.     

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