Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife

035 DRUNK!

035 DRUNK!

2Something soft and warm touched my heart. I feel as though I played the piano a thousand times before. Even with my eyes closed, my fingers moved to the keys with ease, like a butterfly fluttering its wings.     

My lips opened and an angelic voice I didn't know I possessed, filled the room, enchanting everyone inside of it.     

You were the Word at the beginning…One with God the Lord Most High… Your hidden glory in creation…Now revealed in You our Christ.     

What a beautiful Name it is…What a beautiful Name it is…The Name of Jesus Christ my King…     

My eyes half opened. Slightly raising my head, I found myself staring straight into Lucas. He had this dumbfounded expression on his face.     

Was he expecting that I would embarrass myself? I just proved him wrong then.     

My eyes returned to the piano, my hand continued to move tirelessly against the keys while I continued singing with my eyes half closed.     

The song finally ended, a blissful smile emerged from my lips as the piano sound faded.      

The silence ruling the room lasted for seconds.     

I rose from my chair, lifted my skirts and gracefully curtsied as though I have done it over a hundred times before.     

A deafening applause filled the room.      

When I looked at Scarlett, she looked back at me with venom in her eyes. Her fists were curled into tight balls on her side. Her expression reminded me of a child whose toy was taken away from her.     

If I tease her, it looked as though she would burst into tears. However, I resisted the urge to say something hurtful like what she did. We're not on the same level. I will not lower my standards by degrading her. Instead, I gave her the sweetest smile I could muster.     

Seething, she marched to the door and left the party early.     

Mary Therese came rushing to me with a smile that lit up her whole face. "Your magnificent dear!" She told me instantly turning my cheeks into a deep shade of red.     

"Thank you." I whispered with a shy smile on my lips. I could tell from her reaction that she liked my performance.     

"You just sang my favorite song! You made my 30th birthday party memorable." She joyfully exclaimed.     

Elena was elegantly dressed in a white gown. Despite her age, she's still a stunning woman who looked younger than her actual age.     

"When did you learn to play the piano? A voice butt in. When I lifted my eyes to where the voice came, I froze upon seeing Elena, my husband's mother.      

It was the first time I saw her close up. She's always inside her room and rarely leaves the house. The only chance I could see her was when she had her stroll in the garden once in a while. She never spoke to me before and when I tried to talk to her once, she gave me a cold look that could freeze the burning depths of hell before I could reach her. I turned tail then returned to my room. That was the first and the last time I'd ever tried to speak with her.     

However, before I could reply, she asked me again while giving me one of her unnerving scrutinizing glare. "Were you secretly taking lessons?"      

Talking to her made me feel like I was in a hot seat. Just to stop her from asking another question I nodded my head in response. That ended the conversation quickly.     

"Well then, we will have a talk sometime at home."     

Turning to Mary Therese, she spoke. "My friends want to meet you, honey. Come with me."     

Elena left with Mary Therese to meet her friends. Once she's gone, a relieved sigh emerged from my lips.     

"Your pineapple juice." Lucas thoughtfully said when we were alone.     

"Thank you." I told him and took the glass I requested. We sat down opposite each other with a round table in between us.     

When I drank the pineapple juice I realized how thirsty I was. I took large gulps until the dryness in my throat eased. WhenI finally lowered the glass it was empty.     

The pineapple juice tastes sweet. It was very refreshing that I asked for another glass from a waiter right after I finished my glass.     

When my second glass arrived, I immediately finished it.     

Lucas finished his whiskey in one gulp. "When did you learn how to play the piano?" He asked me while lowering his glass.     

You should have known, you're my husband. I wanted to say but kept my thoughts to myself. So instead I reply, "I have no idea."     

He frowned.     

"We have no piano at home…." Lucas told me. His frown deepened as he added. "Except of course the one Mother keeps in her room but you have never been there even once so there's no way you could have practiced at home." He added in wonder.     

"Maybe I'm secretly taking piano courses before the accident." I reasoned.     

I wondered why everyone sees my ability to play the piano as a big deal. I thought to myself.     

"If you did, I should have known except unless you're trying to keep it from me."     

Lucas was still speaking but I could barely catch up his words when my world started to spin.     

"Are you listening?"     

I didn't reply, instead I closed my eyes and waited for the sudden drowsiness to disappear before opening them again.     

"Are you okay, Alexandria?" Lucas asked, worried. I shook my head in response. I willed myself to stand but the spinning of my vision made me sway. Lucas immediately caught me before I hit the floor.     

"I'm drunk." I whispered, my vision becoming even more unsteady.     

"You're not." He told me then stopped.      

Raising his head Lucas asked a passing waiter amf pointed to the glass. I couldn't entirely understand their conversation but I caught the words 'not an ordinary pineapple juice.     

"You just drank too much Pina Colada. You're drunk." Lucas confirmed.     

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