Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



3The trip back to the house had been short and eerily quiet. When the car skidded into a stop on the driveway, I clambered out of the car first before Lucas could open the door for me and skittered to the door of the house. Without a backward glance, I made a beeline straight to the stairs then went to my room where I spent the rest of the afternoon all by myself.     3

Lucas was still mad at me. I did him a huge favor and I didn't show myself until lunch time. After lunch however, I immediately returned to my room where I spent the hours hauling the contents of my expansive wardrobe to the bed and separated (as I call it) the decent over the indecent ones.     

The indecent clothes I reffered to were the slimy, scanty clothes that hid nothing from imagination once worn. That includes the see-through nighties, gowns with plunging necklines and the scandalous crop tops that made shivers run down my spine by just looking at it.     

After separating the indecent clothes from the rest, I hung them on the right, the farthest side of the expansive wardrobe since I know I will never wear them even if someone aims a shotgun on my head.     

Turning my attention on the clothes I considered decent which are still lying on the bed, I began to hung them on the right side of the wardrobe which was nearest to my bed. The clothes mostly consists of formal attires, regular clothes I could wear at home, and ball gowns.     

Just as I'm finished with the job, a soft knock sounded on the door. I run my fingers through my unkempt hair before opening the door.      

"There's a letter for you, Ma'am." A servant informed me. I took the silver envelope from her hand, thanked her, then closed the door.     

I slumped on the plush sofa and gently opened the silver envelope. It was not actually a letter but an invitation card.     

You are cordially invited to the 30th birthday of MARY THERESE ALEXANDER…. the invitation card which was designed with cross and rosary stated.     

I couldn't asked Lucas who Mary Therese was since were not on good terms. I couldn't ask the servants either since they weren't around. Besides, they are busy with their jobs and I don't want to annoy them with a barrage of questions.     

Curiosity itched me like a bug bite as I paced back and forth across my spacious room. Crossing my arms underneath my breasts, I forced myself to remember who Mary Therese was in my memory and prayed to heavens to allow me to remember her just this once. But even though I tried so hard to remember who she was, it didn't worked.     

I let go a deep, exasperated sigh.      

"Why would I attend a party of someone I couldn't remember?" My brain told me.     

"Stupid. She's a member of the Alexander family. You must attend the birthday party." My conscience whispered.     

I swallowed deep and hard. Lucas will surely attend the party and I must go with whether I like it or not.     

I sat on the chair in front of my study table then opened my laptop screen.      

Perhaps the web will have answers to my question. I thought to myself while I typed the name then clicked enter.     

Just when the search results came, my eyes instantly went wide.     

Mary Therese Alexander is the sister of the notorious billionaire, Lucas Nicholas Alexander. She's also the youngest abbess in the country. The discovery rendered me paralyzed for a second.     

Lucas had a sister! And she's a Nun! not just a nun but an abbess! Just thinking about it made me want the ground to open and swallow me whole.     

If I attend the birthday party, I might end up ruining her birthday party with my scandalous reputation.      

But she gave me an invitation… I can't say no…     

Grabbing the invitation, I checked the date. And when I read the word 'tonight', I died.     


Evening came and I began to prepare for the party even if it was against my will. Surely, people will talk when they see me at Luca's Sister's birthday party. But I have to bear the insults because in the first place it's all my fault. Perhaps this was my karma.     

I selected a plane v-neck white dress, with puff sleeves and put it on. I paired it with my lace pearl shoes. To complete my attire, I put on a white pearl earrings. Just earrings and no other fancy jewelry that could draw attention. My main goal for tonight is to be invisible in the crowd. The lesser the people notice me, the better.     

Done with my attire for tonight, I turned my attention to my hair. I styled my hair into a half Ponytail then tied the top with a white ribbon.      

To finish my look, I applied a very thin layer of makeup and a nude lipstick for a natural look.      

I surveyed my reflection in the mirror and smiled. I achieved the look I wanted. Now there's no reason for people to stare at me at the party.      

I slowly walked downstairs with my chin held up high only to almost trip when my eyes dropped to the botttom of the stairs and saw Lucas Nicholas waiting for me.     

He looked breathaking tonight. Just the sight of him made my heart race lile crazy inside my ribcage.      

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my scattered wits in the air. Calm and composed, I finally reached him met his eyes.     

"A apologize for making you wait." I told him      

"I didn't wait long so no need to apologize." Lucas told me but his gaze surprisingly never left my face.     

His unwavering gaze made me uncomfortable and I looked on the floor.     

"Shall we go?" He asked.     

I nodded my head and together we walkeed to where the limousine was waiting.     

The birthday party was already underway when we arrived at the hotel. As expected, the moment we entered the room, every pair of eyes abruptly turned to our direction and an interesting hush ruled for a second before the the crowd return to it's usual noise.     

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