Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0Niall's personal nanny took him for a walk. While he was with her, I took the chance to continue my task which is to look for important documents that might help me with Samantha's case. I returned to my room and began rummaging through cabinets. After an hour of thorough searching, I still found no documents which are linked to Samantha. But I discovered something much more important - a document containing my share in the company Lucas owned.      1

After Lucas and I got married, he gave me a share in the company as a gift. That share may not be enough to pay the entirety of the embezzled money plus interest but it was a great amount to reduce the debts by three fourths.     

A sudden plan came to my mind. I'm not sure if it's going to work but I must at least try.     

I secured the documents into a folder and waited for Lucas to arrive. It was around five pm when his sleek car finally pulled into a stop in the driveway. I watched him hand the car key to Thompson while the latter said something to him which made his thick eyebrows merged into a straight line.     

Swallowing hard, I departed from the window and sat down on the plush sofa. My heart thudded hard inside my chest while I waited for him to enter the living room. The moment he stepped into the room, my pulse jittered and my heart began to race like crazy. He still looked so damn good even after a whole day of work. His untamed hair and his unbuttoned collar reminded me of a magazine cover model.     

I pulled myself together then took a deep breath before rising from the sofa. "Can we talk, Lucas?" I asked him with a straight face.     

He was not the least surprised to see me. "Can we discuss it here? I'm tired, Alexandria."     

I flinched at the iciness of his tone but I told myself not to give up. If I can't talk to him now while I still have courage, I will never have another perfect chance to say what I want to spill. "I prefer the privacy of your office." I replied in a low tone.      

Once more, his thick eyebrows merged into a straight line. He wasn't trying to hide his irritation as he looked at me. I couldn't blame him for acting like this towards me, for all I know he might be thinking this must be another of my dramas.     

His sharp eyes shifted to the folder clutched tightly around my hands and his expression instantly turned businesslike. He let go a resigned sigh. "Follow me." He ordered and I obediently followed beside him.      

We climbed the stairs in silence. Reaching the second floor of the house, we turned to the right where his spacious office was located.     

He opened the door and let me enter first before he followed behind me. As I sunk on the swivel chair opposite his office table, I heard the ominous click of the door behind me.     

"What is this all about, Alexandria?" He asked as he gracefully sat down on his throne - his swivel chair like the menacing god of war ready to face a battle. "I hope it's worth my time." He added while intentently looking at me.     

I swallowed hard again and summoned my voice. "I promise. It's worth your time." I replied.     

"Go on." He urged and crossed his arms on his chest as he paid me his undivided attention.     

"It's about Samantha Ryans."      

The sound of her name made his intelligent eyes flicker in recognition.     

"What about her?" He mused, intrigued by what I had to say.     

"I want you to free her—" Lucas cut my words off before I could finish my words.     

"You can't." He said in a dangerously calm voice. "She's a criminal. She stole millions of dollars from the company." He added, his sharp eyes pierced through mine.     

Those intense eyes stole my breath away. I was both terrified and mystified as I looked at him. I pulled myself together before I entirely lost myself in his gaze and bit back. "No. She wasn't."     

"That only proves one thing. If she wasn't the one who embezzled millions from my company then who?"     

"I did it, Lucas. I paid her money so she would take all the blame."     

A flicker of surprise crossed his face but it disappeared as fast as it arrived. His expression sharpened and he glared at me with intense dislike in his hazel-green eyes. "At last, you admitted to the crime. I have known all along you embezzled millions from me but I didn't expect you to admit it right in front of me, Alexandria. Let's say I'm amused and intrigued by your admittance."     

"Don't make fun of me, Lucas." I remarked, racing my chin stubbornly.     

"Would you prefer I lash at you then?" Lucas spat. If looks could maim, I already dropped to the floor from his lethal glare. "We're talking about millions here. I could send you to prison for stealing that incredible amount."     

"I'll pay you with the money." Irritated, I blurted out loud.     

Outrageously surprised by my declaration, Lucas stared at me with lips slightly parted open in shock. However his shock didn't last long. He began to laugh as though I just told him a joke. Lucas swallowed hard and collected himself before he spoke again. "You don't have that amount of money." He spat dangerously before grinning like a daredevil.     

"I do."     

He snorted. "You'll ask for money from one of your lovers? Or maybe you'll be receiving money from the governor - your sugar daddy."     

Ignoring the insult, I look him straight in the eye. "I have my share from the company. I will surrender all my shares if you let Samantha Ryans go."     

"Are you serious?"     

"I'd never been this serious in my life."     

"How heroic of you. The accident must have caused a huge damage to your brain." Lucas mumbled under his breath but I still heard the words clearly.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Lucas continued. "However, the value of your shared isn't enough to fully paid the millions I lost—"     

"I know." I cut his words off before he could finish. "But it will reduce the amount into three fourths."     

"And how about the remaining money you owe me?" He asked.     

"I'll continue working in the company under your supervision. I'll pay you with my salary. Also, I'm going to sell all the property I have just to pay you back."     

Without hesitation, I handed him the documents containing the lists of my property including the agreement that I'm giving him all my company share in exchange of Samantha's freedom."     

"You thought of this well." Lucas remarked as he skimmed the papers in his hand.     

I nodded my head thoughtfully. "I did spend hours thinking of a solution to the mess I made. '' I told him without filters.     

Lucas closed the folder and set it aside. He then lifted his gaze to me. "Let me clarify things first. After the divorce, you'll never get a scent from Alexandria. Once I take your company share, you'll end up with nothing." He warned me.     

"That's the least of my problems now, Lucas. I'll learn how to survive on my own. After the divorce, I'll find a new job and earn a living."     

"I hope you will not regret your decision. Once I sign the agreement, there's no turning back."     

Without a word, I handed him a pen. "I have no regrets and I will never have any in the future." I spoke in a determined tone. No matter what he says, I'll never change my mind.      

Lucas took the pen from me but he didn't sign the papers yet. Instead, he placed the pen on top of the folder. "I'll sign it later after I read it again just to make sure you're not trying to trick me again." His tone remained businesslike.     

"I understand." I replied and finally rose from my seat. "I'll give you time to think about it. I just want to tell you that I made the agreement fair and square. There's nothing written there that proves I'm tricking you. I made mistakes, Lucas and I admit making them. If it will make you feel better, I'll tell you that I'm the lowest scum of the earth. But just at this moment I'm asking you to trust me. I won't be sacrificing everything I have now if I'm not sincere with my actions."     

I summoned all the courage I could muster and turned to the door. As I was reaching for the knob, Lucas spoke. "Tomorrow." He began with resignation in his voice.      

I abruptly pulled into a stop and waited for him to continue.      

"I will do as you wish. I'll let Samantha Ryans go."     

Relief washed through me and I swallowed hard. "Thank you." I told him without looking back. Before he could see the tears in my eyes, I immediately opened the door and left the office.     

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