Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



1My car skidded to a stop in front of the Alexander mansion. I clambered out of the car and found Thompson waiting for me. I handed him the keys so he could park the car properly before skittering into the house.      

Lucas hasn't come home yet. That's good news. It means I have plenty of time to prepare myself before facing him     

I reached my room and immediately changed into a fresh t-shirt and jogging pants. The sound of my growling stomach reminded me I have not eaten breakfast. Postponing my plans to rummage through drawers to find some important documents, I made my way downstairs and found the kitche     

"Mama!" Niall's voice called behind me. My eyes lit up at the sound of his voice. He skittered across the kitchen and jumped into my arms. Laughing, I pulled him into a tight hug before carrying him into my arms. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked him. He nodded in response and pointed to the refrigerator. "Ice cream." He mumbled sweetly in his child ton     

"It's still early in the morning, honey. You will hurt your tummy if you eat ice cream. How about we find something healthy for you to eat? Mommy promised to give you ice cream this afternoon.     

Niall looked sad not to eat his favorite ice scream     

"If you hurt your tummy by eating ice cream, mommy will be sad. She will cry because you are not feeling well     

"Don't be sad mum." Niall said. His dainty fingers caressing my cheeks. "No ice cream." He added and pouted his cute lip     

A sweet smile escaped from my lips. What a sweet and adorable child. I thought to myself while I crumpled his hair. "Mommy will prepare your cereal." I told him. Niall smiled, showing his cute dimples on both of his cheeks, and obediently nodded his hea     

He didn't complain when I put him down on a chair. He just watched me with wide, innocent eyes as I hurriedly prepared his cereal. When I finished, I placed the bowl of cereal with milk in front of him. I also sliced some fresh apples and bananas for him to eat if he wante     

Niall didn't touch his breakfast as though he was waiting for me to sit beside hi     

"Mama will just make her breakfast." I told Nial and once again he just nodded his hea     

Opening the refrigerator, I found the ingredients I needed for my vegetable cheese sandwich. Knowing Niall was waiting for me, I quickened my movement and finally finished my masterpiece after five long minutes. My breakfast was ready, but it wasn't enough to satisfy my hunger. I didn't want Niall to wait any longer, so I grabbed a yogurt from the refrigerator and finally sat down on my sea     

Niall was old enough to eat by himself, but I helped him when needed so his food wouldn't spill on his la     

I ate my sandwich too and finished it in just a few bites. I sighed and wished I've made three more to satisfy my cravings. What's left on the table was my yogurt. Grabbing my spoon, I ate the yogurt. It tasted so delicious and I craved to eat more. However, when I opened the refrigerator, there's nothing left of it. Disappointed, I returned to my seat and ate the sliced fruit instea     

"Do you like apples?" I asked Niall. The little boy looked at me and shook his hea     

"Why? Apples are delicious. It will make you strong like a superhero. It will also make your mind active. Do you want to be Superman or Batman     

Niall shocked his head. "I want to be Spidey man." He quietly replied. His eyes gleamed as he imitated a spider climbing on a tre     

"Oh, you mean you want to be spiderman     


"Well, you must eat fruits so you will be strong and you can climb a tree.     

I gave Niall an encouraging smile, while I secretly hoped he wouldn't resist the fruit if I fed him with it. "Mommy likes apples. Look at how mommy eats apples." Picking a sliced apple, I shoved it in my mouth to show the child how I'm enjoying eating the fruit. The child looked intrigued by my reaction     

Opening his mouth as though he also wanted to try the apples, I took the chance to give him a small slice and he munch on i     

"Isn't it sweet?     

Niall nodded his head while his eyes lit up as he savored the sweet taste in his mouth. "I like apples." He mumbled. His cute, chubby cheeks turned pink as he smiled. My heart melted at his charm, and I resisted the urge to pinch him on the cheeks. I content myself with watching him enjoy his breakfas     

I wiped Niall's lips with a table napkin when he finally finished eating. To my delight, he also ate the sliced bananas too. I triumphantly congratulated myself for the achievement I unlocked toda     

I'm gloating about my success when I sensed a presence on my shoulder. On impulse, I shifted my head to the door and found the maids staring at me with disbelief in their eyes. Thompson stood there too, looking as surprised as the others. The maid quickly scattered away upon realizing I had caught them. Only Thompson remaine     

"This is a miracle." He mumbled under his breath. His gaze shifted back and forth between Niall and m     

"Mr. Alexander will never believe this!     

Thompson fished something in his pocket. He held it in front of him and I realized he's holding his phone. Before I could ask what he's going to do with the phone, he snapped a picture of me and Niall then left the room as fast as he coul     

'People could be so weird sometimes.' I thought to myself, while shrugging my shoulder     

I gathered the empty plates and carried them to the sink, then started washing them. I also cleaned the mess on the table.     

When I'm done, I left the kitchen while holding the little boy's hand.     

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