Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



3Lucas still doesn't believe me. Until now, he's still thinking I'm trying to fake how I feel just to please him. The thought brought me both pain and sadness. But I couldn't blame him at all. I brought this upon myself and I have to face the consequences of my actions. I have to accept that Lucas will never trust me again unless I prove to him I was worthy of his trust.     

Unable to take the silence in my room, I finally spoke. "I'm tired. I want to be alone now, please."     

Lucas nodded his head in understanding. "You may have your rest now." He replied. With quick, long strides, he reached the door and closed it behind him. Then he was gone, leaving the room quiet and still.     

With a sigh, I slumped on top of my bed while trying to calm down my racing heart. Lucas hasn't even touched me and yet the mere sight of him was enough to make my heart go wild and turn my knees into noodles. There was something about him that could effortlessly make a woman's heart somersault inside her chest.     

I was still trying to calm my heart when a sudden realization came crashing down on me.     

'Am I in love with Lucas?' The words sounded more of a statement in my head than a question. I ran my fingers across my hair in exasperation as I told myself this must be my karma for fooling around when I was still married.     

I just realized I'm still in love with my husband when he didn't want me anymore. What an ultimate karma for someone like me.     

Instead of sulking around, I got up from the bed to look for a notebook. I was lucky enough to find one inside a drawer. Grabbing the pen I found on top of the dresser, I slumped back on the bed to make my priority lists.     

After a long moment of contemplation, I finally decided what should be on top of my list.      

MAKE LUCAS NICHOLAS FALL INLOVE WITH ME AGAIN. I wrote the words in bold, capital letters with a sweet smile on my lips.     


Three weeks later, the cast on my feet was finally removed. It was one of the happiest days of my life and I almost jumped up and down with joy, but I restrained myself in time before I did so. The last thing I needed now was another broken heel.      

Lucas was out on a business trip. Wasting no time, l walks downstairs in a plain white t-shirt and jeans an hour after Lucas left the house, just to make sure he was not coming back. I sneak downstairs, praying no one would see me leave the house. But it seems the heavens failed to hear my prayers. Just as I reached the foyer, Thompson came out of nowhere.     

"Mrs. Alexander." He said suddenly, startling me out of my wits.     

"Hello Thompson." Innocently gave him a smile and walked past him, wishing he would just ignore me, just what he'd been successfully doing for weeks now. But Thomspson refused to ignore me this time and tailed me until I reached the door.      

"May I inquire where you are going, Mrs. Alexander?" Thompson asked. He looked as though he was just forced to face me right now.     

"I'm going to visit a friend." I lied, quickening my footsteps. I immediately got out of the door and skittered to where my car was parked. Thompson hadn't given up on me at all and he followed me until I reached the area where my car was parked.     

"Who's the friend you are visiting? if I may ask Mrs. Alexander? Mr. Alexander would not be pleased once he learns you left the house, but I want to at least have answers once he asks me where did you go." Thompson's voice was soft and polite.     

"Just in case he asked, tell him I met someone named Sam Ryans." I told him before immediately climbing into my car. I waited for Thompson to ask something again, but he didn't speak, so I closed the door and turned the engine on.     

When the car was out of the gates, I finally let go a relieved sigh.     

It took me less than an hour of driving before I finally reached my destination. I parked my car in the parking area and immediately clambered out of my car. I was on my way to the building when I pulled into a sudden stop after sensing someone was looking at me. Looking around, I found no one was watching me.     

Am I being paranoid? I asked myself, then simply shrugged my shoulders after surveying my surroundings and finding nothing suspicious at all. I entered the prison building and a uniformed officer greeted me politely before he asked, "How may I help you, Ma'am?"     

"I'm here to visit a man named Sam Ryans."     

The officer ushered me to a room where a female officer performed frisking just to make sure I wasn't carrying any weapon with me. When I was cleared, I was ushered to another room called the visiting area where there was nothing inside except two chairs and a table.     

The officer told me to wait. While waiting for him to return, I sat down on the chair, wondering where to start after meeting Sam Ryan's face to face. He must have hated me too, just like everyone else did. I told myself with a sigh, slightly regretting now that I came here unprepared.     

I'm already here. I might as well face him now. I pushed whatever doubts I had in mind when the door creaked open. I looked up and found myself staring straight into the face of a tall, slender woman in her twenties.     

The woman wordlessly occupied the chair opposite me and met my gaze.     

"There must be a mistake. I came here to see a man named Sam Ryans." I said, booking at the officer. Puzzlement was written all over my face. But before the officer could say something, the woman finally spoke.     

"There's no mistake." She told me in her naturally raspy tone. "I am Samantha Faye Ryans. Sam Ryans for short."     

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