Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



0A soft knock sounded on the door of the library. From looking at the newspaper in my hand, I lifted my head and stared at the door, waiting for it to open. When it did, Thompson came in.       1

"Good day, Mrs. Alexander you have a visitor." He announced in the same formal tone he uses when talking to me.      

"A visitor?" I repeated. Surprised.      

"It was your friend, Miss Hamilton." He said. The frown that scrunched my forehead quickly disappeared. The news of a visitor managed to revive my glum spirits.      

'Miss Hamilton'. I repeated the words in my mind but completely failed to recognize her name. I tried recalling how she looked but I failed in that aspect too.     

Disappointed, a sigh broke from my lips. I      

raised my head at Thompson who was still waiting for my response. "I will meet my visitor downstairs." I told him and quickly rose from the sofa. I don't want to keep my visitor waiting.      

"Miss Hamilton was informed about your heel injury. She volunteered to meet you here in the library." Thompson explained and my hand which was reaching for my crutches fell to my side.      

Good. I thought to myself. Grateful that I don't need to undergo the terrific difficulty of walking down the stairs with my crutches on.      

"I shall wait here, Thompson. Thank you." I told him with a smile and fell back on the Victorian sofa, eager to meet my friend for the first time. Perhaps her presence will help me recall a piece of my missing memory.      

"Well then I shall immediately bring your friend in here." Thompson bowed his head and retreated to the door.      

When he was gone, I snatched the newspaper and hid it underneath the table. I wanted no one to see it and discover what I'm up to. For now, I want to keep to myself that I'm looking for a job in which to apply after I recover from my heel injury.      

A few moments later the sound of footsteps in the corridor reached my ears. Then the library door flung open. Thompson entered. A woman with a tall, slender frame followed behind him.      

The woman had her eyes on the floor of the library as if she was extremely nervous. The hand holding a handbag trembled with apprehension.     

"Please tell a servant to prepare us tea, Thompson."     

"T- that w-won't be necessary."     

Miss Hamilton said, lifting her head for the first time. "I won't be staying here for long." She added, her ashen face meeting my own. She looked so frightened and I couldn't help but wonder if it was me who frightened her.      

Thompson, knowing his assistance was no longer required, retreated to the door and closed it behind him. When he was gone an awkward silence had fallen on the room.      

The woman remained rooted to her place as if her shoes were glued on the floor.      

She's a pretty lady, I quietly observe. My eyes surveyed her delicate high cheekbones, her full lush lips, and aquamarine eyes peering through long exquisite eyelashes. Her startling facial features remind me of a cosmetic model.      

"Please sit down." I spoke to finally end the silence. But the sound of my voice made her flinch as her terrified eyes gaze at me.      

She just stared at me as if she was waiting for me to pounce at her.      

Her reaction confused the hell out of me. It wasn't the way someone would react to a friend, I told myself, aware of her wariness.      

Miss Hamilton looked as if she would flee to the door anytime soon. It made me wonder if we had a huge misunderstanding before.      

Although puzzled by her reaction I managed to keep a straight face. "Sit down please." I repeated. This time she obediently followed my order and hurried to the sofa and sat opposite me.      

"I'm happy to see you." I began with a sweet smile on my lips when we settled in our seats.      

"Liar!" She suddenly snapped and jumped out of her seat as if I had pushed the wrong button. "Liar!" She repeated. Gone was the fear in her eyes; it was suddenly replaced with unmistakable fury.      

She turned to me with a scathing glare that could have burned me like acids if looks were lethal. " Don't play me for a fool Alexandria! I know what you did so drop the act! You are a terrific lightskirt villainous bitch! I hate you!" She blurted furiously while pointing a finger to me.     

"W-what are you talking about?" It took me a moment to realize I left my seat and was on my feet.      

"My fiancé broke his engagement because of you."      

Frozen, I blinked my eyes rapidly. Like a slow-witted fool, I stared back at her in utter disbelief.      

"I thought you're my friend, Alexandria."      

Miss Hamilton looked at me with her eyes lit with fury. She appeared as if she would burst into tears any minute from now.      

"I trusted you like a sister and more than everyone else. I even loved you more than I actually love my step sister. But in the end you betrayed me. Why did you tell my fiancé I have a lover? You sent pictures too and you did well with it that he actually believed you and called off our engagement!"     

"P-please calm down." I stuttered, tried to reach for her but she slapped my hand as if it burned her skin.      

"Calm down? Go to hell Alexandria! I'm three months pregnant, my fiancé left me, and I was disowned by my father. How the hell would I calm down?"      

I completely swallowed my tongue. It's as if my brain stopped functioning. I was so confused, puzzled, intrigued, and horrified at the revelation all at the same time that it felt as if my head would soon explode.      

"I'm so sorry…" I mumbled when I found my voice. It was the only thing I could say at the moment.     

"Sorry? Tell that to the marines Alexandria. Your apology would not return what I'd lost." She said and retrieved her handbag on top of the sofa. "I came here to return this to you," She tossed a red leather notebook on top of the crystal table. "I also want to tell you personally I don't want you near me again. Friendship over."      

It took me a great amount of strength not to burst into tears as I watched her march the door and slam the door shut.      

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