CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

He Jian Going Against His Father

He Jian Going Against His Father

0"Dad!"      1

It was perhaps the first time He Jian raised his voice in front of his father.      

Even He Zhuang was shocked. He looked at his son who was looking at him with hurt-filled eyes. It was also the first time, He Jian looked like he could feel emotions. He Zhuang observed silently.      

"Lanlan…she didn't do anything as Shi Fengju said. Dad, you don't know but I know. Shi Fengju is with that Shen girl and that girl is planning against my Lanlan since the start."     

He Zhuang heard his son say.      

My Lanlan…     

His heart sank when he witnessed how much his son loved Mo Roulan.      

He Zhuang sighed heavily before he looked again at his son.      

"Jian…don't do a mistake like mine. It will destroy …from outside as well as inside."     

He Jian went silent as he looked at his father. It was also the first time when his father was sharing his pain with him indirectly.      

He understood the hint behind his father's words very well.      

His father and mother had a contract marriage only but his father fell in love with his mother by the end of their contract period. He had been born by that time and his father had wanted to marry his mother officially but his mother decided to leave with the money offered at the end of the contract rather than stay with his father.      

For this, even He Jian had always despised women. For him, love never existed …not until when he realized his feelings for Mo Roulan.      

He despised women…but his Lanlan and his grandmother were different from those other women.      

"Dad…can you trust my choice?"     

He Jian almost pleaded with his father. He had never done anything to disrespect his father. He had never gone against his wishes but now…     

"If she can't enter the He family then …Dad, you should also disown me."     

He Zhuang was shocked to hear these words. He looked at his stubborn son for a few moments before he turned around to leave the office room.      




There was something wrong.      

Mo Roulan could feel it since she had sat inside the car. She looked at He Jian who was typing on his laptop furiously.      

The car stopped in front of the building and he shut down the laptop. She needs to take a few things from the apartment to Chi Mansion.      

They exited the car and stepped inside the elevator. He never said a single word to her.      

Today, he didn't even hold her hand.      

Her heart was sinking slowly and slowly even without her realizing it. When they reached the door of her apartment, Mo Roulan felt her steps going heavy.      

She opened and closed her mouth as she decided to ask him what was wrong but in the end, she shut her mouth.      

She typed the password to open the door and went inside to take her things. She was surprised to see He Jian still standing in the same place when she came out almost half an hour later.      

"I am done."     

She said as she locked the apartment again.      

She turned to look at the silent He Jian again and said      

"I should leave now."     

And she turned around to leave.     

However, she had taken just a step forward when a pair of arms suddenly surrounded her waist and she heard him whisper      

"Can you stay with me for some more time?"     


Mo Roulan stepped inside the apartment awkwardly.      

Just now, when he asked her to be with him, she couldn't refuse but now it felt awkward to be alone with him.      

Her hand was suddenly held by him and he led her towards the long sofa placed in the living room.     

She looked around the apartment as she sat down on the sofa.      

The apartment was almost the same size as of hers but …it looked like it belonged to He Jian. Mo Roulan thought as she looked at the dull colors.      

A surprised gasp escaped from her lips and she looked down at her lap only to see He Jian lying with her head in his lap.     

"Mr. He…you…what are you doing? Get up…this is not appropriate."     

However, instead of getting up, He Jian snuggled more as he held her waist with his hands. Mo Roulan felt her breath stuck in her throat because of her actions.      

"I have seen a man doing it with his girlfriend. Now I know how peaceful it makes one feel."     

He whispered as he held her waist firmly.      

Mo Roulan didn't even dare to move but her resistance lessened when she heard his words. She didn't know why but she wanted to let him do whatever he wanted if it made him feel peaceful.      

Perhaps because she knew that he was not in a good mood.     

"Did something happen?"     

She finally asked.      

When he hummed while snuggling against her stomach, Mo Roulan swallowed. She remembered He Zhuang coming inside He Jian's office and had a guess inside her mind.     

"Did your father say something to you?"     

Only his father could affect him so much.      

He Jian didn't say anything for a long time but Mo Raoulan's mind was running faster. A cold smile emerged on her lips as she asked      

"Was he unhappy to see me inside your office?"      

  This time, He Jian did give an answer.      

"No. It is because of me. I refused to listen to him."     

Mo Roulan didn't ask anymore. Though a part of her mind had already concluded that it must be about her. She had seen He Zhuang's cold eyes on her before leaving the office.      

It is strange how she was to suffer from the disgust and hate of others twice because of one mistake…a mistake she did unknowingly, a mistake she had tried her best to rectify.      

It was after a few moments that she was able to compose herself.      

She wanted to ask He Jian to get up but when she lowered her head, she was surprised to see that He Jian was deeply asleep.      

Looking at him sleeping so peacefully, she didn't have the heart to wake him up.     

Her hand unconsciously stretched out to touch him. She caressed his hair lightly and after a few moments, took her fingers back.      

In the end, she leaned against the headrest of the sofa and while looking at his face, she didn't even get to know when she herself fell asleep.      

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