CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Chi Rong's Confession

Chi Rong's Confession

3Sitting outside the hospital room, Mo Roulan silently looked at the door.       1

"She will be fine, Lanlan."     

He Jian's gentle voice fell in her ears. She turned to look at him. He had his arm around her shoulder and they were seated very close to each other.      

However, she somehow didn't wish to move away.      

The warmth was something she needed right now.      

"I know."     

She whispered.     

Shen Youlin had a wound on her forehead because her car clashed against a tree. The doctor had already assured them that she only needed some stitches and everything would be fine.      

It was just that…Mo Roulan was slightly confused.      

She had thought that she knew darkest of the darkest secret of Shen Youlin's life. However, she had been wrong!      

She was not complaining that Shen Youlin hid this from her. She was just…she was just worried.      

She could feel that the incident had affected Shen Youlin a lot. It must be something she had always wanted to hide and that's why she never spoke about this to her.     

Her eyes went to Shen Weisheng who had a pale face and eagerly wanted to see his sister.      

He seemed to have known about all this. When they were in the car, Shen Weisheng had gotten the call. She had unconsciously seen that 'Mom' flashing on the screen of his phone.      

In the silent car, the shrill voice of a woman was very clear to Mo Roulan's ears.      

As she heard the woman saying how she wished that she should have never birthed Shen Youlin, even Mo Roulan heart was cold.      

Seeing that he was still there for Shen Youlin, Mo Roulan felt relieved.      

Shen family didn't seem to care much for Youlin. She knew this.      

But with her and Shen Weisheng's help, Shen Youlin should be able to recover, shouldn't she?     




Lin Qianru was preparing lunch when the butler told her that she need not prepare dinner tonight.      

She was happy as she thought that she could go home early.      

However, when she was having lunch with Chi Rong, the latter informed her that he wanted her to accompany him in the evening somewhere.      

Lin Qianru was confused for a moment before she thought that it must be for his uncle.      

She had been embarrassed after knowing that Chi Rong had taken care of her when she had a fever so she couldn't refuse him this time.      

So she agreed.      

As she lowered her head to continue her meal, she didn't notice Chi Rong's deep eyes on her.      

In the evening, she texted Mo Roulan that she will be late and accompanied Chi Rong.      

When they stepped out of the car, she realized that they were at the same restaurant where she used to work, Lin Qianru was surprised.      

"Is Mr. Chi's uncle going to meet us here today?"     

Chi Rong paused and realized why the woman had agreed to his offer so easily. So she was thinking that he was going to take her to see his uncle.      

His eyes flashed with helplessness as he wondered what he should say in response.      

In the end, he only said      


The manager greeted them as soon as they were inside and also recognized Lin Qianru.      

His eyes flashed with surprise before he composed himself and greeted her as well.      

Afterward, Chi Rong led her to a private room.      

Lin Qianru entered and saw that there was no one inside the room. She thought that they were supposed to wait for Chi Rong's uncle. So she calmly walked forward and dragged a chair to sit. These days, she got exhausted easily when she stood even for a small amount of time.      

On the other hand, Chi Rong who gentlemanly wanted to drag a chair for her to sit sighed seeing this scene.      

He didn't ponder much on this and sat on the other chair.      

"Mr. Chi, should you ask the waiter to bring another chair for your uncle?"     

Lin Qianru said when she saw that there were only two chairs in the room.      

However, Chi Rong looked at her for a moment before he said      


Lin Qianru was confused by such a response.      

"Why not? Is he not going to come?"     

Chi Rong cleared his throat and then said calmly      


Lin Qianru was still frowning in confusion. Chi Rong could see that she had many questions. He wanted to answer her questions.      

However, when he decided to open his mouth, something seemed to stop him. In his whole life, he had never felt this nervous.      

For a moment, he himself was speechless.      

After taking a deep breath, he finally started.      

"Do you remember that this was the same room where you had brought me that dish for the first time?"     

Lin Qianru was startled by such a question which was completely out of her expectation but nonetheless nodded her head.      

Chi Rong smiled slightly as if he was remembering that day.      

"That was the first time I saw you."     

He had never thought that this waitress whose cooking had attracted his attention would make him fall in love with herself without even his permission.      

Lin Qianru was no longer frowning. She looked at Chi Rong silently. In his last few words, she felt there was something wrong…or perhaps something wrong with the way he spoke about her but what was it.     

However, she couldn't point it out.      

She could only say politely.      

"I am lucky to meet Mr. Chi. I appreciate Mr. Chi providing me with such a good job."     

That was the only thing she could say. She was very grateful to Chi Rong. The salary he gave her was so much that she had saved a good amount by now… an amount she had never imagined she, a woman with not so much talent could earn in her whole life.      

She came out of her thoughts when she heard Chi Rong saying      

"I am also very lucky to meet Miss Lin."     

There was a deep smile on his lips. And again Lin Qianru felt that there was something wrong.      

And she realized that she was right when Chi Rong said his next words.      

"Lin Qianru, I like you a lot. Will you marry me?"     

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