CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Furious CEO Chi

The Furious CEO Chi

1"What would you like to have sir?"     

Li Qianru asked the man sitting on the chair politely.      

As the man spoke the dish's name she hurriedly wrote it on the paper in short and then asked the woman who was sitting beside the man.     

After writing down the orders for everyone, she went inside and informed the cook about the dishes to be prepared.      

At the door, Lin Qianru sighed and wiped her forehead with her handkerchief. After resting for a bit, she went out again.      

It was neither too huge nor too small a restaurant. However, the customers visiting the restaurant every day were not less.      

But that was also the reason that Lin Qianru got a salary that she could call decent. Though it was much less than what she got from Cheng Mansion, it was still very decent for a waiter.      

Another good thing was that her working hours were very flexible and she could easily leave around the evening when Mo Roulan would be back home.      

She could also go to the apartment in the afternoon for an hour and cook lunch for her son. The owner was understanding when she told him about her problems and allowed her to do so.      

Lin Qianru couldn't demand anything else.      

Sure enough, when she got outside in the hall again, she could see new faces again and immediately took her job of taking orders.      

From one table to another, Lin Qianru did her work efficiently.     

She was very busy that sometimes she didn't even look at the faces of the customers clearly and just wrote down the order in her small notebook.      

"What would you like to have sir?"     

Lin Qianru asked politely and at the same time readied her notebook. She merely glanced at the clothing to confirm the gender of the person and asked her question.      

However, in her hurry, she failed to notice how the person who heard her voice was stiff all over when he heard her voice.      

It was only when Li Qianru heard the familiar voice which was surprisingly filled with anger, did she realize that something was not right.      

"What are you doing here, Qianru?"     

It was then she raised her head and Lin Qianru almost staggered back when she recognized the man in front of her eyes.      

Her breath hitched for a moment before she swallowed and tried to calm herself.      

"Mr. Chi…Ah…welcome to the restaurant. What would you like to have? We have dishes that are quite popular among our regular customers…     

Lin Qianru spoke, spoke, and spoke.      

That was the only thing she could do because she didn't know why she felt very nervous when she saw Chi Rong's emotionless face.      

Chi Rong was still looking at her with narrowed eyes. As he heard her jibberish, he closed his eyes as if trying to calm down his anger and then said      

"Shut up!"     

Lin Qianru immediately did as he said.      

Her face was also blank as she wondered what she should do. However, a part of her was confused wondering why was she scared.      

She had never signed any contract with Chi Rong which claimed that she couldn't work at any other place when she was not working at Chi Mansion.      

It was her leave time so she was free to do whatever she wanted.      

However, Chi Rong didn't think the same. If he had known what Lin Qianru was thinking, then he would have flipped the table placed in front of him in rage.      

Because that was how much angry he was feeling.      

Suppressing his anger, he said in an emotionless voice.     

"Follow me"     

After he finished, he stood up from the chair he was sitting on and started to walk ahead. However, after a few steps, he realized that Lin Qianru was not following him.      

Chi Rong turned around and looked at Lin Qianru with narrowed eyes.      

Lin Qianru swallowed again. She looked around and noticed that a few customers were looking at her curiously.      

She cleared her throat and walked to Chi Rong.      

"Mr. Chi, please take your seat. I can't leave right now. I am on my job."     

Chi Rong merely nodded his head at Lin Qianru's words. He took out his phone, dialed a number, and as Lin Qiantu watched, he said something to the person on the other side of the phone.      

"Old Fu, I am taking one of your waiters with me to have some conversation. Send someone else here."     

Chi Rong had just finished and hung up the phone directly.      

Lin Qianru looked at him with surprise and shock.      

'Did he just do what I think he did?'     

A moment later, she saw another waiter walking toward her. The woman looked at Lin Qianru with a smile on her lips and said      

"Qianru, you can leave this with me."     

Lin Qianru couldn't even hold the small notebook in her hand before it was snatched away from her.      

The woman left from there while Chi Rong looked at her impatiently. Seeing that she was still not moving, he directly held her hand and then moved towards the exit.      

Lin Qianru was shocked as she was led outside.      

Feeling so many eyes on hers, she felt very uncomfortable and lowered her head. The moment they were outside, she struggled and made Chi Rong leave her hand.      

She felt furious at his actions.      

"Mr. Chi…what are you doing?"     

Chi Rong looked at her with the same emotionless face.      

"I have not even done anything yet."     

He said sharply.     

Lin Qianru frowned. She was about to say something when Chi Rong stepped closer to her and said suddenly     

"Do you know how much anger I am right now?"     

Lin Qianru didn't know but she surely could feel it when she heard his voice. He seemed to be very angry.      

"Follow me unless you want me to take you there on my own."     

Chi Rong said and then started to walk to his car.      

Lin Qianru was surprised by his behavior. When she followed Chi Rong, there was still a deep frown on her forehead.      

A few moments later, they were inside the car. The driver had already left the car so both of them were in each other company now.      

Chi Rong took a deep breath before he questioned Lin Qianru.      

"What were you doing inside?"     

Perhaps because she was angry, Lin Qianru didn't want to answer in a straightforward manner so she answered stubbornly.      

"I was doing my job."     

However, it increased Chi Rong's anger. He had never felt like this before in his life. He looked at the woman who was sitting in front of him and suddenly didn't know what he should do to her.      

He had given her a month's leave to rest in her house. But no!     

She had to go out and do some other job.     

Did she even think before doing anything?     

Chi Rong wondered suddenly.      

He even refused his uncle strictly who wanted to see Lin Qianru. He also controlled his cravings for the food she made for him.      

A big part of him wanted to see her sometimes but he would always ignore it and busy himself with office work.      

Because he wanted her to see fit and fine when she would return. In fact, ChI Rong had even thought of taking Lin Qianru to the hospital again and having a full body check-up. He wanted to ensure that she was very much healthy.      

However, when had he thought that he would see her like this!     

Doing a job of a waiter that was so exhaustive for her body in some restaurant!     

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