CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

[Bonus chapter]What Is Wrong With Lin Qianru?!

[Bonus chapter]What Is Wrong With Lin Qianru?!

2"Bring him back."      1

Grandfather He who had finally realized what kind of words did he say, asked his son to bring He Jian back.     

However, He Zhuang looked at him with a hard face and said emotionlessly.     

"It will be of no use."     

Grandfather He sighed knowing that his son was right.      

As much as he knew, his grandson would care much about his words. However, he felt very guilty for speaking to them.      

"I didn't mean it. I was just angry."     

He tried to clear though his heart was full of guilt. However, He Zhuan's eyes didn't waver as he looked at his father.      

After Grandfather He had spoken enough, he said      

"This time, you were very wrong Father. Did I not tell you that Jian doesn't want this engagement yet you still continued with this…you didn't even inform me. What were you even thinking?"     

The old man lowered his head in guilt.      

The thought of putting all the blame on his old butler surely came to his mind, however, he couldn't do it. He was guilty and he also knew that his son was not stupid enough to believe such a lie.        

"I just wanted him to marry and get settled."     

He Zhuang scoffed and said the truth.     

"You want him to marry a girl that you like for him. You are actually afraid that he will marry someone who you won't like."     

He Zhuang's paused for a moment as he saw his father looking at him with narrowed eyes.      

"And what is wrong with that? I have seen your choice enough. I can't let Jian do what you did. This house needs a good woman."     

He Zhuang's eyes were cold on hearing his father's words.      

He indifferently stepped forward and looked into his father's eyes.      

"Unfortunately, Father, what you feared has happened already. Jian had chosen someone…he knows who he wants to marry, So stop your foolish attempts."     

Finishing his words, he left He Mansion while Grandfather He shouted for him to stop and tell him what exactly did he mean to say.      




Inside the hospital room with white walls, Lin Qianru was lying in the bed.      

She was unconscious.      

Suddenly, her eyelashes moved and she slowly opened her eyes. It took her a moment to register where exactly she was.      

However, she was extremely startled when she saw Chi Rong sitting on a chair beside the bed and she started to sit on the bed.     

Chu Feng who had been typing something on his phone sensed her movements and immediately raised his head.      

He was surprised when he saw that Lin Qianru was awake and he immediately pressed the bell attached to the bedside table.     


Lin Qianru frowned wondering why was Chi Rong calling her like this when they were not in the presence of his uncle. However, she didn't get much time to ponder over such things as Chi Rong started to fire one question after another.     

"Are you alright now? Where does it pain? You got unconscious so suddenly. I was shocked. The doctor had already done some tests and the results will come in some time. Do you need something till then?"     

Lin Qianru would have surely found something strange from the concern that Chi Rong was showing for her at this moment but her attention was now focused on his words when he spoke about the tests.     

She looked very serious and lost in her own thoughts.      

She only came out of her trance when she heard Chi Rong calling her again.     

"Qianru… why are you not speaking?'     

Lin Qianru blinked and then nodded her head in confusion. She suddenly looked towards the glass of water and said      



Chi Rong whispered and got up to pick up the glass of water while at the same time, a nurse entered the room.        

Chi Rong was, however, dissatisfied and said coldly.      

"It had been exactly two minutes since I had pressed the bell, nurse."     

The nurse looked at him with confusion.      

Two minutes …that much time anyone will take to come to the room from the office of the senior doctor whom she was assisting about the same patient case.      

However, she apologized for the delay and even proposed to help Lin Qianru with drinking water.      

Lin Qianru smiled weakly feeling bad for her.      

She took the glass of water from the nurse and drank it silently. Something was going on inside her mind at the same time.      

The doctor came back very soon.      

Lin Qianru's body went stiff when Chi Rong immediately asked her.      

"What's wrong, doctor?"     

The female doctor looked at Lin Qianru and then at Chi Rong. Her mere expression made Lin Qianru's heart beat faster.      

She would not have been so nervous if Chi Rong was not here. She would have been very calm if she had been alone because she had already readied herself to hear something like this.      

After all, she knew her body more than any other person.      

Just when Lin Qianru was about to ask Chi Rong to leave, she heard the doctor say.     

"Mr. Chi, reports are fine."     

Her eyes flashed with surprise and she raised her head almost immediately looking at the doctor trying to confirm if she heard right.      

Chi Rong was also frowning and said      

"Then why did she get unconscious suddenly?"     

The female doctor sighed. She could clearly see that Chi Rong was doubting her so she told him.      

"Actually, the result of a few reports are left. We can only say something after getting those results."     

Chi Rong frown deepened hearing this and he said      

"Then have them immediately."     

The doctor sighed before she gathered all her patience to speak again.     

"Mr. Chi, it will take a day to receive the results."     

"What? …"     

Chi Rong was dissatisfied and wanted to say something, however, Lin Qianru stopped him.      

"Mr. Chi, we should wait then."     

The female doctor sighed in relief and immediately turned to look at Lin Qianru.      

"Thanks, Miss Lin. Feel free to call me if you feel uncomfortable in between this time."     

The female doctor said politely as she signed to the nurse to give her number to Lin Qianru.      

Lin Qianru thanked.      


The doctor asked her if it had happened before too or did she feel any pain in some part of her body. However, Lin Qianru shook her head firmly.      

The doctor was also confused but left after telling her to collect her reports tomorrow.      

Chi Rong could only suppress his dissatisfaction as he looked at the doctor back who was leaving hurriedly as if run away from him.      

He turned around again when he heard Lin Qianru telling him that they should leave as her family might be worrying about her.      

Chi Rong could only nod his head though he preferred if Lin Qianru would have stayed here at night. He had even messaged his butler to bring some home cooker light meals and comfortable clothes for her to the hospital. That's what he had been typing on his phone.      

However, he didn't know with what right should he say this to her …especially when he had the conversation afterward where she asked him about the charges of the hospital room she stayed inside.      

He no longer talked about the hospital and drove the car silently.      

Almost half an hour later, they were standing below the building Lin Qianru lived in.      

Lin Qianru immediately came out of the car. She had turned around to leave after closing the door when she turned back and suddenly looked at Chi Rong through the window of the car.      

Chi Rong immediately lowered down the window and looked at her asking if she needed anything.      

Lin Qianru shook her head and said      

"Sorry for bothering you, Mr. Chi. You couldn't attend the party at He Mansion because of me."     

Chi Rong frowned. He wanted to tell her that it was not what she should be worried about.      

What she should be worried about at this moment was her health. He was still worried and wondering why she lost her consciousness so suddenly.     

He just wished that everything was alright.      

She was alright.      

Somehow the thought of something being wrong with her health scared him. But why?     

Chi Rong's gaze looking at Lin Qianru suddenly became a little complex. He never told her but when his uncle had put forward the condition of him marrying for his uncle to get the treatment, the first woman he had thought of was her.        

He, himself, had been surprised at his thoughts but never bothered to ponder too much on these things.      

However, now…     

Chi Rong pasted a small smile on his lips and tried to assure her.     

"It's alright, Miss Lin."     

  Lin Qianru smiled gratefully and turned around to leave.      

She decided to give the salary of her one month to Chi Rong since he didn't tell her how much the hospital room cost him.      

She could do this only.      

But right now, the most important thing she was worried about was something else.      

She just wished that Mo Roulan was still at He Mansion!      

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