CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"We Can't Be Together"

"We Can't Be Together"

1"Lanlan…"     0

He Jian called out when he didn't hear any response from Mo Roulan.      

His voice was slightly playful and gentle.      

Both of his hands locked her from both sides so that she wouldn't be able to leave. Not today.      

He was so restless last night that he had wanted to jump on her side and go to her room to have just a glance of her.      

However, then he remembered that Shen Youlin was also staying with her these few days.     

As much as he felt sour by this fact, he told himself that he would surely put an end to this once Mo Roulan and he would start dating.      

However, Mo Roulan's lack of response only made him feel more restless.      

He Jian suddenly held Mo Roulan's elbow and turned her around to look at her face.      

Mo Roulan was caught off guard.      

The proximity seemed to increase now and she was more nervous than before. She couldn't even think how she could get out of this situation.      

When He Jian touched her face, Mo Roulan visibly flinched making He Jian frown.     

"It's me, Lanlan."     

He whispered softly and caressed her cheek softly with his thumb as if trying to make her adapt to his touch.     

When He Jian saw the nervousness in Mo Roulan's beautiful black-brown eyes, he felt very distressed.      

He thought that he made her nervous.      

With a helpless sigh, he wisely took a step back and didn't touch her any longer.      

"Lanlan, just give me a simple sign. You can answer me yes, alright? I promise I won't force you to say anything else."     

At least not yet.     

"Do you love me?"     

He Jian's voice was soft when he asked.      

On the other hand, Mo Roulan could finally think. But He Jian's question was also very abrupt. It made her face go blank and she just said whatever came to her mind.      

"I…I…Mr. He, I might have thought that you were Cheng Yang so I…."     

Said that.     

Mo Roulan had wanted to say but could never finish her words.      

He Jian had a black face.      

All the patience seemed to have left him and he suddenly dragged her closer to himself. His one hand went to the back of her head, holding her head at a place while the other went to hold her waist and then he sealed her lips with his lips.      

Mo Roulan's eyes were wide.      

She forgot to close her mouth in the shock and hence He Jian's tongue invaded her mouth ferociously claiming the inside as if it was his territory.      


The sound escaped her lips without her permission and it was only then she thought that she should have struggled      

This was wrong!     

He Jian didn't leave her this time until she was out of breath.      

Mo Roulan was panting heavily. Her legs were weak and she was completely supported by him. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't step away from him.      

Helpless she could only stay where she was.      

With blurry eyes, she looked at He Jian. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw how intense his blue eyes were at this moment.      

He Jian, who was not panting at all, swallowed audibly when he looked at Mo Roulan.      

She looked so beautiful to him at this moment. He had not wanted to do something like this today …at least not until she was comfortable with him. However, the words she had said a few moments ago made him lose his calm.      

"Lanlan…not a single lie now. I won't hear any other lie."     

He Jian took a long pause and breathed deeply to calm down. When he spoke his voice was calmer than before and he continued      

"You want to hear what exactly you said last night."     

Mo Roulan didn't say anything.      

She didn't know what to say because she didn't remember anything.      

However, He Jian still told her.      

"You said that you could not love Cheng Yang even though he had all the qualities that a girl would want in his boyfriend."     

He Jian said calmly though his insides were not that calm. After hearing these words, he had promised himself that he would prove himself the best boyfriend in Mo Roulan's eyes.      

She should never think about Cheng Yang again.     

On the other hand, Mo Roulan felt more stuck.      

Especially when He Jian said more      

"Afterwards, you told me that you like me. You said that you should not but you like me."     

He Jian still felt very bothered by the word 'should not'.      

But he would change that in the future.      

He just needed to know why Mo Roulan thought that.      

"Lanlan, you like me. Don't lie to me anymore. I also like you very much. What is the problem? Be my girlfriend, alright?"     

He Jian said gently as he held Mo Roulan's hand in a soft hold.      

However, Mo Roulan threw his hand away as if it was on fire.      

She looked at him with wide eyes as she said      

"That's impossible. You can't like me."     

He Jian frowned deeply. He was not hearing these words for the first time. However, he felt just as confused as he did the first time.      

Mo Roulan also seemed to calm down. Mo Roulan could never believe that He Jian could love her…not after the hatred and disgust she had seen for herself in her last life.      

Regardless of how messed up her emotions were, she said calmly      

"Mr. He, it is your illusion. You don't like me. You need to …"     

"I do like you."     

He Jian cut her off before she could finish.      

"You need to accept that, Lanlan."     

Mo Roulan simply looked at him with a blank face.      

Now how could she accept that!      

What did she need to accept! That after a life full of suffering where she had tried to win his heart, she finally got into this life where she never tried to do so.      

What did that make her look like!      

A fool.      

"We can't be together."     

Mo Roulan said calmly. He Jian's eyes flickered with coldness but he asked calmly      

"Can you tell me why?"     

This time, Mo Roulan decided to be practical and listed all the reasonable reasons.      

"Because Mr. He's and mine worlds are completely different from each other. Mr. He comes from an elite class and I come from a middle-class family. People would talk about my family and say that I was ambitious and trying to climb high."     

He Jian frowned when he heard this reason. But when he thought on this, he could understand Mo Roulan's concern. He was ready to assure her that she would not face anything like this when Mo Roulan listed out another reason …the reason about which he could do nothing at all.     

"And …Mr. He and I have an age gap of six years. Neither your family nor mine would agree to this."     

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