CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

He Jian Asking For An Explanation

He Jian Asking For An Explanation

3The room was silent after what Mo Roulan had just said.       3

Sitting on the bed, He Jian looked calm. In his eyes, Mo Roulan suddenly seemed like a child who was throwing tantrum because he didn't tell her what she wanted to know.      

He would have told her. Really!     

However, he knew that if she came to know that Fang Zhihan and Liu Ji Fan were following her that day then perhaps she would think that he and his friends were invading her privacy without her permission.      

Even if he assured her then nothing like this would happen in the future, she might not believe him.      

And he also knew that whatever Liu Ji Fan and Fang Zhihan did was because of him. So he decided to behave like a mature person. Anyways he was the older between two of them, so it was supposed to be like this.      

Thinking this, He Jian's eyes were full of indulgence and he said very gently     


Mo Roulan whose back was facing him blinked when she heard her response.      

She had expected a cold and indifferent reply.      

She had expected that after a cold and indifferent alright, He Jian would leave the room and her alone inside the room.      

After all, he would be very angry at her after her rude behavior.      

Why would he want her to sit in his car?      

And that's how she would come out of the situation.      


Mo Roulan turned around to look at He Jian as if to make sure he indeed looked calm as his reply sounded.      

She sighed when she saw his calm face. In fact, he seemed to be looking at her with an expression as if he was indulging a child.      

She took a deep breath and tried to come up with something to say that should be proper for this situation.     

Before she could think clearly, she saw He Jian standing up from the bed.      

She thought that they were leaving and so she decided to leave peacefully. Though Mo Roulan was still very upset with the fact that He Jian knew what she had been hiding from him, she decided to think about this matter later.      

At this moment, it was more important to leave from here.      

She felt very nervous being in the same room as him in an unfamiliar restaurant.      

It reminded her of that night in her past life when she had committed the biggest stupidity of her life. She had given herself to him without any hesitation.      

It made her feel ashamed of her past life's stupidity.      

However, as she had expected, He Jian didn't leave. Instead, he stopped to stand in front of her.     

"I understand. Since you didn't want to tell me, you didn't tell me."     

He Jian said very patiently. But what he said next made Mo Roulan shocked and she just wanted to leave the room somehow after that.      

"But can you please explain to me the confession you did last night?"     


Mo Roulan gulped as she asked.      

She prayed to every god that she had not done anything stupid but what wad done was done.      

In response, He Jian smiled. His blue eyes were bright like a happy child.      

"Lanlan confessed her feelings for me last night. You said you like me…no! You said you love me."     

Pride could be seen in He Jian's eyes when he said his last few words while Mo Roulan was completely frozen.      

She didn't know what forced her to come out of her trance but she looked completely ready to defend herself.      

"I was drunk, Mr. He. I am very sorry for saying rubbish things."     

She said very politely at the same time hypnotizing herself/.     

'I don't love him.'     

Mo Roulan repeated these words inside her mind again and again.      

He Jian's eyes narrowed when he heard this. However, he seemed to have expected something like this already.     

So he was ready to question Mo Roulan very well today.     

"Then why did you break up with Cheng Yang? Was it not because you love me, Lanlan?"      


Mo Roulan said so quickly that He Jian raised his eyebrows at her.      

Though there was a smile on his lips, there was something different in her eyes. He was calculating each and every lie. He would make the girl pay for making him so restless.      

Could she not accept that she liked him? What was so difficult in that?     

"Mr. He, I think we should leave."     

Mo Roulan said firmly and she turned around to leave before even hearing He Jian's response.      

She had taken just a few steps. Her hand was about to touch the doorknob when the room sounded with a voice.      

"Is it because of He Jian?"     

There was a long pause and then a whisper      

"Yes, It is."     

And Mo Roulan was completely shocked again.      

She was so stiff that she didn't even turn around. She recognized this recording. It was from the time when she had broken up with Cheng Yang.      

How did he have it?     

She swallowed when she heard footsteps from her behind. She could smell his cologne indicating that he was in her personal space…standing just behind her.      

She should have asked him to step back but not a single word came out of her mouth…especially after she heard He Jian asking her     

"Can you explain this to me, Lanlan?"     

Her hands went wet because of the sweat forming on her palms. He Jian's breath was falling on her cheeks as he stood sideways waiting for her answer.      

However, Mo Roulan couldn't say anything.      

What could she even say!     

There was no explanation for these words.      

The only meaning behind them was that she liked him and hence she broke up with Cheng Yang.      

However, she could never tell him this.      

Not again in this life.      

Not after whatever she had gone through in her past life after her confession.      

After all, she would not want to be called stupid again.      

Mo Roulan thought bitterly.      

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