CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Mo Roulan Likes He Jian

Mo Roulan Likes He Jian

2Mo Roulan's words suddenly made He Jian wonder whether what he had been thinking was truth or just an assumption.       2

Does she really love him?      

"Lanlan, do you like Cheng Yang?"     

He Jian asked suddenly. There was nothing but suffocation he could feel as he asked this question. If she said 'yes' what will he do?      

He wondered.      

The last time he had accepted it somehow. He had even tried his best to stay away from her. However, if he had to do all that again, He Jian didn't really know if he will be able to.      

The fear of hearing 'yes' scared him so much that for a moment he decided to forget even if she said 'yes'. She was drunk.      

Perhaps she would not remember anything yesterday.      

He could behave as if he never heard it.      

He will win her heart slowly. He will love her so much that she will start loving him. With this determination, his suffocation was reduced to some extent.      

While Mo Roulan looked too silent.      

When He Jian looked at her, he found her staring at nothing in particular. Her eyes held confusion and she finally whispered.      

"I …I should have liked him."     

He Jian's fists were clenched tightly. But a moment later, when he registered what Mo Roulan said, he frowned in confusion.     

There was a great difference between 'should have liked' and 'like'.      

Lost in a daze, Mo Roulan continued     

"He was caring. He respected my wishes. He liked me so much… he was ready to give me as much time as I wanted….he… he was ready to wait for me. But I still couldn't like him."     

Mo Roulan lowered her head like a defeated toddler when she finished.      

She had been selfish and had thought of using Cheng Yang to move on from her past. However, what she got was what she deserved.      

Mo Roulan thought.      

She got to know that she couldn't move on so easily and she also had the heavy burden of the guilt of hurting Cheng Yang.     

If she had said no from the beginning then perhaps it would have not hurt him that much. However, she proposed this time period for trying their relationship out. She gave him hope and then mercilessly also asked him not to hope again.      

She had been so cruel to him. She would never be able to forgive herself for this.     

Mo Roulan raised her head and looked at He Jian when she felt him tugging her arm to make her step closer to him.      

His blue eyes were somewhat bright she noticed as she blinked.        

He Jian's heart was filled with hope when he looked at Mo Roulan and he finally dared to ask her.      

"Then …do you love me?"     

This time, he could hear 'no' as well. He thought silently. Even if she didn't love me, he will give her time to adapt to his feelings. He will take it as slow as she wanted.      

At least she didn't like anyone else.      

Mo Roulan smiled suddenly. Her smile, however, didn't hold any humor. It seemed to be very bitter.      

She looked at He Jian with that bitter smile on her lips and whispered      

"Isn't that the whole problem?"     

He Jian was confused by this answer.      

One way it meant that she loved him which made him feel happy. However, when he noticed the way she said it, he couldn't feel happy at all.      

Why was this problem for her?      

"Even after whatever I had gone through…how can I still like you? I shouldn't."     

The more she spoke, the more confused he was left.      

What had she gone through? The first question came to his mind. Was she harmed by someone?      

However, before he could ask all these questions from her, she suddenly collapsed in his arms.      

He Jian immediately secured his arms around her waist so that she would not fall down. He held her tightly closer to herself.     

A deep frown marred his forehead and he wondered if there was something that he needed to know but he didn't.      

One fact still provided him some comfort.      

She liked him.      

His Lanlan liked him.      

As long as she liked him, he would do anything to solve the knots inside her heart.      

He Jian smiled. A kind of smile that perhaps had never graced his lips before. Very tenderly, he kissed Mo Roulan's hair and then picked her up in his arms to go back home.     




Lin Qianru was surprised when she saw an unconscious Mo Roulan in He Jian's arms. Her eyes went wide with shock and she asked immediately      

"What happened? Roulan!"     

She tried to pat Mo Roulan's cheek but got more worried when Mo Roulan didn't wake up.      

"Aunty, she is drunk."     

He Jian told Lin Qianru calmly who was shocked when she heard this. She was sure that Mo Roulan would not drink at a party. She had taught Mo Roulan not to drink anything alcoholic at parties.      

Then how come…     

Lin Qianru moves away from the door to give He Jian the way to come inside.      

Mo Chen was standing in the living room and he also looked panicked when he saw his sister in He Jian's arms. He followed the latter like his tail when He Jian went to Mo Roulan's arm without any hesitation.      

Lin Qianru also followed He Jian.      

However, when Shen Youlin saw this scene, she was very aggressive towards He Jian.      

"What did you do to her?"     

She asked He Jian in a loud voice as she watched him lay down Mo Roulan on the bed. Immediately, she walked to another side of the bed.     

He Jian ignored Shen Youlin's question. It was Lin Qianru who tried to calm Shen Youlin and said      

"Youlin, He Jian didn't do anything. Roulan got drunk. He instead helped us by bringing her back here safely."     

Shen Youlin frowned at the answer. She doubted if it was He Jian who had his hand in all this. In her eyes, he was the reason for all the problems. Neither would have he liked Mo Roulan and nor Shen Yiling had made her her target.      

Nonetheless, she decided to focus on Mo Roulan for now.      

He Jian wanted to stay but he knew that he couldn't. He turned to look at Lin Qianru and said      

"Auntie, she might get a headache when she would up tomorrow. Give her lemonade. She will feel better. I will also send Chu Feng with some hangover medicine tomorrow morning."     

Lin Qianru looked concerned as she looked at her daughter. She merely nodded her head without even looking at He Jian.      

Seeing this, He Jian sighed.      

He had one last glance of Mo Roulan before he decided to leave though very reluctantly.     

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